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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() FACE: The anterior part of the human head; outward appearance. One present, in the sense of being in the face of another. (Always written in the plural form); Before, in front of (when prefixed with "to~"). [Strong's #: 3942, 6440] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles FAIL (Verb): To miss the target, whether a literal target or a goal that is aimed for; Purge, reconcile (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 2398] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles FAILURE: An act or condition of ignorant or imprudent deviation from a code of behavior. A missing of the target in the sense of making a mistake. The sacrifice, which by transference, becomes the sin. [Strong's #: 2399, 2400, 2401, 2402, 2403] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles FAINT (Verb): Lacking courage and spirit; weak, dizzy and likely to pass out. Lacking distinctness. [Strong's #: 3856] Lexicon | Concordance FALL (Verb): To leave an erect position suddenly and involuntarily; to descend freely by the force of gravity. [Strong's #: 5307, 5308] Lexicon | Concordance FALL.UPON (Verb): To suddenly and forcefully crash upon someone or something. [Strong's #: 7779] Lexicon | Concordance FAMILY.IDOL: A household idol of a god, possibly believed to have a healing power. [Strong's #: 8655] Lexicon | Concordance FAMINE: An extreme scarcity of food. [Strong's #: 7459] Lexicon | Concordance FAR.BE.IT: Something least likely to happen. [Strong's #: 2486] Lexicon | Concordance FAT: Animal tissue consisting of cells distended with greasy or oily matter; adipose tissue. The fat of an animal as the choicest part. Also milk; A white fatty liquid secreted by cows, sheep and goats, and used for food or as a source of butter, cheeses, yogurt, etc. [Strong's #: 2459, 2461] Lexicon | Concordance FATHER: A man who has begotten a child. The provider and support to the household. The ancestor of a family line. The patron of a profession or art. [Strong's #: 1, 2] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles FATHER.IN.LAW: The father of ones wife or husband, father-in-law in the sense of passion. [Strong's #: 2524] Lexicon | Concordance FATTEN (Verb): To make more substantial, fleshy or plump; to fill up. The filling of the earth in Genesis 1 with the sun, moon, plants and animals. The filling of man with breath and the image of God. [Strong's #: 1254] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles FEAR (Verb): To be afraid of; to have a strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; the flowing, or quivering, of the gut from fear or awe; to dread what is terrible or revere what is respected. [Strong's #: 3372] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles FEARFUL: Full of fear or dread. [Strong's #: 3373] Lexicon | Concordance FEARFULNESS: Inclined to be afraid. [Strong's #: 3374] Lexicon | Concordance FEARING: To be afraid or apprehensive. [Strong's #: 4172] Lexicon | Concordance FED.FAT: A member of the livestock that has been fed grains to fatten it for the slaughter. [Strong's #: 1277, 1278] Lexicon | Concordance FEED (Verb): To give food to; to provide feed or pasture to the flock. Commonly used in the participle form meaning a feeder or shepherd. [Strong's #: 7462] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles FEEDING.PLACE: A place of feeding or grazing. [Strong's #: 4829] Lexicon | Concordance FEEL (Verb): To handle or touch in order to examine, test or explore some quality. Reach out with the hand to touch. [Strong's #: 3237] Lexicon | Concordance FEMALE: An individual that bears children. Designed with a hollow or groove into which a corresponding male part fits, as with a hole. [Strong's #: 5347] Lexicon | Concordance FEMALE.OWNER: A female master overseeing slaves or servants. [Strong's #: 1404] Lexicon | Concordance FEMALE.PROSTITUTE: Devoted to corrupt purposes. A female prostitute set aside for a special purpose. [Strong's #: 6948] Lexicon | Concordance FENCE.IN (Verb): A barrier intended to protect, prevent escape or intrusion, or to mark a boundary; to gather together and confine for protection. [Strong's #: 1219] Lexicon | Concordance FEW: Small in number. [Strong's #: 4213, 4705] Lexicon | Concordance FIBER: A branch (which may be used as a staff), string or filament, as separated from the tree or plant. Linen that is made from the fibers of the flax plant. Often used in the idiom "to his/her own fiber" meaning alone or self; Linen, part; alone, aside, only, self, that alone (when prefixed with "to~"); besides (when prefixed with "from~" and "to~"). [Strong's #: 905, 906] Lexicon | Concordance FIELD: An open land area free of trees and buildings. A level plot of ground. [Strong's #: 7704] Lexicon | Concordance FIFTH: An ordinal number. [Strong's #: 2549] Lexicon | Concordance FIFTH.PART: A fifth portion of five equal amounts. [Strong's #: 2569, 2570] Lexicon | Concordance FIG: An oblong or pear-shaped fruit from a tree of the fichus genus. [Strong's #: 8384] Lexicon | Concordance FILL (Verb): To occupy to the full capacity; Fulfill, set (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 4390, 4391] Lexicon | Concordance FILLING: An act or instance of filling; something used to fill a cavity, container, or depression. [Strong's #: 4393] Lexicon | Concordance FIND (Verb): To come upon, often accidentally; to meet with; to discover and secure through searching. [Strong's #: 4291, 4672] Lexicon | Concordance FINISH (Verb): To bring to an end; terminate; to complete an action, event. [Strong's #: 3615] Lexicon | Concordance FIRE: The phenomenon of combustion manifested by heat, light and flame. [Strong's #: 784, 785] Lexicon | Concordance FIRST: The head of a time or position. [Strong's #: 7223] Lexicon | Concordance FIRST.TIME: The spot to be drilled is first scored to make an indentation to accept the drill. The beginning of the drilling is the most difficult, as the drill can easily slip out. If the first drilling slips, it is difficult to begin a second time. [Strong's #: 8462] Lexicon | Concordance FIRSTBORN: The first offspring, usually a son, of a man or animal; the prominent one. [Strong's #: 1060] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles FIRSTBORN.FEMALE: The daughter that is born first; the prominent one. [Strong's #: 1067] Lexicon | Concordance FISH: An aquatic animal. Only fish with scales and fins are considered fit for food (clean). [Strong's #: 1709, 1710] Lexicon | Concordance FIVE: A cardinal number, from the number of fingers on a hand; Fifty (when written in the plural). [Strong's #: 2568, 2572] Lexicon | Concordance FLANK: The hollow of the loins between the legs. [Strong's #: 3410, 3411] Lexicon | Concordance FLARE.UP (Verb): To become suddenly excited or angry; to break out suddenly. Burn with a fierce anger. [Strong's #: 2734] Lexicon | Concordance FLEE (Verb): To run away, often from danger or evil; to hurry toward a place of safety; to flee to any safe place such as a city or mountain. [Strong's #: 5127] Lexicon | Concordance FLEE.AWAY (Verb): To run away from; Reach (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 1272] Lexicon | Concordance FLESH: The soft parts of a human or animal, composed primarily of skeletal muscle. Skin and muscle or the whole of the person. Meat as food. [Strong's #: 1154, 1320, 1321] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles FLOCKS: Groups of birds or animals assembled or herded together. [Strong's #: 6629, 6792] Lexicon | Concordance FLOOD: To cover with an overwhelming quantity or volume of water. [Strong's #: 3999] Lexicon | Concordance FLOUR: Finely ground meal of grain used for making bread. [Strong's #: 5560] Lexicon | Concordance FLUTTER (Verb): To flap the wings rapidly. To move with quick wavering or flapping motions. Shake as a bird in the nest. [Strong's #: 7363] Lexicon | Concordance FLY (Verb): To move in or pass through the air with wings; to soar in the air. [Strong's #: 5774] Lexicon | Concordance FLYER: A flying creature such as a bird or insect. [Strong's #: 5775, 5776] Lexicon | Concordance FOLLOWING: To go, proceed or come after. Being next in order or time. Subsequent to. As the river follows the path of its banks. [Strong's #: 8669] Lexicon | Concordance FOLLY: Lack of good sense or prudence and foresight. In the sense of fading away. [Strong's #: 5039] Lexicon | Concordance FOOD: Something that nourishes, sustains, or supplies. For giving sustenance and making one whole. [Strong's #: 402] Lexicon | Concordance FOODSTUFF: A substance that may be eaten for giving sustenance and making one whole. [Strong's #: 400] Lexicon | Concordance FOOT: The terminal part of the leg upon which the human, animal or object stands. Also euphemistically for the leg; Times (when in the double plural form). [Strong's #: 7271, 7272] Lexicon | Concordance FOOTSTEP: A stroke of time as a rhythmic beating of time, one moment after the other. A moment in time. A foot or leg in the sense of stepping; Time. [Strong's #: 6471] Lexicon | Concordance FORCE: The pressure exerted to make a piercing. [Strong's #: 2428, 2429] Lexicon | Concordance FOREARM: A linear standard of measure equal to the length of the forearm. [Strong's #: 520] Lexicon | Concordance FOREIGN: Situated outside one's own country. Alien in character. A strange person, place or thing as being unrecognized. [Strong's #: 5237] Lexicon | Concordance FOREIGNER: A person belonging to or owing allegiance to a foreign country. [Strong's #: 5235, 5236] Lexicon | Concordance FORESKIN: A fold of skin that covers the end of the penis. [Strong's #: 6190] Lexicon | Concordance FORGET (Verb): To lose remembrance of; to cease remembering or noticing. [Strong's #: 7911, 7912] Lexicon | Concordance FORTUNE: A store of material possessions. [Strong's #: 1409] Lexicon | Concordance FOUR: A cardinal number; Forty (when written in the plural). [Strong's #: 702, 703, 705] Lexicon | Concordance FOURTH: An ordinal number. [Strong's #: 7243, 7244] Lexicon | Concordance FRAGMENT: A part broken off, detached, or incomplete. The removal of a piece resulting in a hole. [Strong's #: 6595] Lexicon | Concordance FREELY: Having no restrictions. A work or action that is performed without wages or without cause. [Strong's #: 2600] Lexicon | Concordance FRESH.WINE: Newly pressed wine as a desired possession. [Strong's #: 8492] Lexicon | Concordance FROM: A function word indicating a starting point or origin. (The short form "מ" is used as a prefix meaning "from"); Before (when prefixed with "to~"). [Strong's #: 4480, 4481] Lexicon | Concordance FULL: Containing as much or as many as is possible or normal. [Strong's #: 4392] Lexicon | Concordance FUNCTIONAL: Fulfilling the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used, or for which a thing exists. A functioning within its intended purpose. [Strong's #: 2896, 2898] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles FURNACE: An enclosed structure in which heat is produced by burning wood inside. [Strong's #: 3536] Lexicon | Concordance FURTHER: At a distance beyond the present place or time; Beyond (when prefixed with "from~"). [Strong's #: 1973] Lexicon | Concordance FURY: Intense, disordered, and often destructive rage. An intense heat from anger. [Strong's #: 2528, 2534] Lexicon | Concordance |