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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() CALCULATE (Verb): To determine by mathematical deduction or practical judgment; to comprehend and carefully consider a path or course of action. [Strong's #: 7919, 7920] Lexicon | Concordance CALL.OUT (Verb): To raise one's voice or speak loudly and with urgency; to give, a name; to meet in the sense of being called to a meeting; to have an encounter by chance; to read in the sense of calling out words. [Strong's #: 7121, 7123] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles CAMEL: Either of two ruminant mammals used as draft animals in the desert. The produce of the fields were tied in large bundles and transported on camels. (Also related in meaning to the original parent root גם as one who gathers at the watering hole). [Strong's #: 1581] Lexicon | Concordance CAMP (Verb): To erect temporary shelters (as tents) together; to stop for the night and pitch the tents. [Strong's #: 2583] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles CAMPSITE: A place suitable for or used as the location of a camp. The inhabitants of a camp. [Strong's #: 4264] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles CAPTAIN: A military leader; the commander of a unit or a body of troops. The leader of a family, tribe or people as one who carries the burdens of the people. [Strong's #: 5387] Lexicon | Concordance CAPTURE (Verb): The act of catching, winning, or gaining control by force, stratagem, or guile; to take one away from his homeland as an involuntary prisoner. [Strong's #: 7617] Lexicon | Concordance CARAVAN: A traveling company that follows a prescribed path. [Strong's #: 735, 736] Lexicon | Concordance CARRY (Verb): To transfer from one place to another; to transport as by vehicle. [Strong's #: 5445, 5446] Lexicon | Concordance CART: A heavy, two-wheeled vehicle, animal-drawn, used for transporting freight or for farming. [Strong's #: 5699] Lexicon | Concordance CARTILAGE: Translucent elastic tissue that lines the joints of the bony skeleton. [Strong's #: 1634, 1635] Lexicon | Concordance CAST.OUT (Verb): To drive away, expel, or thrust away. [Strong's #: 1644] Lexicon | Concordance CATTLE: Domesticated bovine animals. Strong beasts used to break the soil with plows. [Strong's #: 1165, 1241] Lexicon | Concordance CAVE: A natural underground chamber or series of chambers that open to the surface. A hole in the rock. [Strong's #: 4380, 4631] Lexicon | Concordance CEASE (Verb): To come to an end; to die out; to stop an activity for the purpose of rest or celebration. [Strong's #: 7673] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles CEREAL: Relating to grain or plants that produce it. A plentiful crop. [Strong's #: 1715] Lexicon | Concordance CHAMBER: A bedroom; a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity. Place surrounded by walls. An inner place as hidden or secret. [Strong's #: 2315] Lexicon | Concordance CHANGE (Verb): To make different in some particular; to make radically different; exchange one thing for another. To repeat in the sense of a second time; Repeat (when written in the niphil [passive] form). [Strong's #: 8132, 8133, 8138] Lexicon | Concordance CHARGE: A person or thing committed to the care of another. What is given to be watched over and protected. [Strong's #: 4931] Lexicon | Concordance CHARIOT: A light, two-wheeled battle vehicle for one or two persons, usually drawn by two horses and driven from a standing position. [Strong's #: 4818] Lexicon | Concordance CHEESE: A food consisting of the coagulated, compressed and usually ripened curd of milk separated from the whey. [Strong's #: 2529] Lexicon | Concordance CHESTNUT: Probably the chestnut tree but uncertain. [Strong's #: 6196] Lexicon | Concordance CHIEF: Accorded highest rank or office; of greatest importance, significance, or influence. The military commander of a thousand men. One who is yoked to another to lead and teach. [Strong's #: 441] Lexicon | Concordance CHILD: A young person, especially between infancy and youth. [Strong's #: 2056] Lexicon | Concordance CHILDREN: The offspring of the parent or descendents of a patron. More than one child. [Strong's #: 2945] Lexicon | Concordance CHIMNEY: A vertical structure in a building and enclosing a flue or flues that carry off smoke. A hole in the roof where smoke escapes. [Strong's #: 699] Lexicon | Concordance CHOICE.FRUIT: Having qualities that appeal to a cultivated taste. As plucked from the tree or vine. [Strong's #: 2173] Lexicon | Concordance CHOICE.VINE: The best of the vine, the best grapes. [Strong's #: 8321] Lexicon | Concordance CHOOSE (Verb): To select freely and after consideration. [Strong's #: 977] Lexicon | Concordance CHOSEN: Someone or something that is the object of choice or of divine favor. [Strong's #: 4005] Lexicon | Concordance CISTERN: An artificial reservoir for storing water. A hole or well as dug out. [Strong's #: 953, 2352, 2356, 3564] Lexicon | Concordance CITY: An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. Usually protected by a wall. [Strong's #: 5892] Lexicon | Concordance CLAN: A group of persons of common ancestry. A group of people joined together by certain convictions or common affiliation. [Strong's #: 4940] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles CLEAN: Unmixed with any other matter. A man, animal or object that is free of impurities or is not mixed. [Strong's #: 2889, 2890] Lexicon | Concordance CLEAVE.OPEN (Verb): To divide by or as if by a cutting blow; to separate into distinct parts; to break, cut or divide something in half. [Strong's #: 1234] Lexicon | Concordance CLOTHING: Garments in general. [Strong's #: 3830, 3831] Lexicon | Concordance CLOUD: A visible mass of particles of water or ice in the form of fog, mist, or haze suspended usually at a considerable height in the air. [Strong's #: 6050, 6051, 6053] Lexicon | Concordance CLUSTER: A number of similar things growing together or of things or persons collected or grouped closely together. A cluster of grapes from the vine or flowers from the plant. [Strong's #: 811] Lexicon | Concordance COAT: An outer garment varying in length and style; the external growth on an animal. [Strong's #: 5497] Lexicon | Concordance COLD: A condition of low temperature. [Strong's #: 7119, 7120] Lexicon | Concordance COLLECTION: An accumulation of objects or material. A collection of water (a pool, pond or sea) or horses (herd). [Strong's #: 4723] Lexicon | Concordance COLT: A young male horse; a young untried person. As dark in color. [Strong's #: 5895] Lexicon | Concordance COME (Verb): To move toward something; approach; enter. This can be understood as to come or to go; Bring (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 935] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles COME.NEAR (Verb): To come close by or near to; Be brought near (when written in the niphil [passive] form); bring near (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 7126, 7127] Lexicon | Concordance COME.TO.AN.END (Verb): To cease. Conclude. [Strong's #: 656] Lexicon | Concordance COME.UP (Verb): To rise up, as the sun does at the horizon. [Strong's #: 2224] Lexicon | Concordance COMFORT (Verb): Consolation in time of trouble or worry; to give solace in time of difficulty or sorrow; Repent (when written in the niphil [passive] form). [Strong's #: 5162] Lexicon | Concordance COMMUNITY: A unified body of individuals; a group of people bound together. [Strong's #: 3816] Lexicon | Concordance COMPANION: One that accompanies another in the sense of a close companion or friend. [Strong's #: 7453] Lexicon | Concordance COMPANY: A group of persons or things for carrying on a project or undertaking; a group with a common testimony. May also mean a witness or testimony; Witness. [Strong's #: 5712, 5713] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles COMPEL (Verb): To drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly. A pressing into an action or narrow place. [Strong's #: 213] Lexicon | Concordance COMPLETENESS: Something that has been finished or made whole. A state of being complete. [Strong's #: 7965] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles COMPLETION: The act or process of completing. This can be in a positive sense or negative, such as in a failure. [Strong's #: 3617] Lexicon | Concordance CONCEIVE (Verb): To become pregnant with young. [Strong's #: 2029] Lexicon | Concordance CONCERNING: Regarding. Marked interest or regard usually arising through a personal tie or relationship. A turning over and bringing together of a thought. [Strong's #: 182] Lexicon | Concordance CONCLUSION: To come to an end. The end of a time period or place or the end of something. The border of a country as its edges; After (when prefixed with "from~"). [Strong's #: 7093] Lexicon | Concordance CONCUBINE: Cohabitation of persons not legally married; a woman living in a socially recognized state of being a mistress. ( A word of foreign origin ). [Strong's #: 6370] Concordance CONFIDENCE: Advice given in secret as a result of consultation. [Strong's #: 5475] Lexicon | Concordance CONFIDENT (Verb): Always used in a negative sense such as foolish confidence. [Strong's #: 3688, 5528] Lexicon | Concordance CONFUSION: To bring to ruin; to make indistinct; to fail to differentiate from an often similar or related other. A barren place. Vanity as a state of waste. [Strong's #: 8414] Lexicon | Concordance CONJURE (Verb): To call or bring into existence. [Strong's #: 6049] Lexicon | Concordance CONSENT (Verb): To give approval; to be in concord in opinion or sentiment; agreement as to action or opinion; to be willing to go somewhere or do something. [Strong's #: 14] Lexicon | Concordance CONSISTENCY: Agreement or harmony of parts or features; showing steady conformity to character, profession, belief, or custom. [Strong's #: 386] Lexicon | Concordance CONSUME (Verb): To eat or drink; with the lips. [Strong's #: 5595] Lexicon | Concordance CONTENTION: An act or instance of striving or struggling against great difficulty or opposition. [Strong's #: 4808] Lexicon | Concordance CONTRIBUTION: What is given or supplied in common with others. [Strong's #: 4978, 4979] Lexicon | Concordance CONVICT (Verb): To find or prove to be guilty. [Strong's #: 3198] Lexicon | Concordance COPPER: A malleable, ductile, metallic element having a characteristic reddish-brown color. A precious metal. [Strong's #: 5178] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles CORD: A long slender flexible material made of several strands woven or twisted together. Made of twisted fibers. [Strong's #: 6616] Lexicon | Concordance CORPSE: A dead body. [Strong's #: 6297] Lexicon | Concordance COUCH: An article of furniture for sitting or reclining. [Strong's #: 3326] Lexicon | Concordance COUNT (Verb): To find the total number of units. Also to give an account on record; Recount, recounted (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 5608] Lexicon | Concordance COUPLE (Verb): To bind by joining together. [Strong's #: 2266] Lexicon | Concordance COURAGEOUS: Having or characterized by mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear or difficulty. [Strong's #: 1368] Lexicon | Concordance COURTYARD: The grounds of a building or group of buildings. Villages outside of the larger cities, as "the yard of the city. " A courtyard as outside the house. [Strong's #: 2691] Lexicon | Concordance COVENANT: A solemn and binding agreement between two or more parties especially for the performance of some action. Often instituted through a sacrifice. [Strong's #: 1285] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles COVER (Verb): To afford protection or security; to hide from sight or knowledge; to cover over as with a lid; Make reconciliation (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 3722] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles COVER.OVER (Verb): To prevent disclosure or recognition of; to place out of sight; to completely cover over or hide. [Strong's #: 3680, 3780] Lexicon | Concordance COVERING: Something that covers or conceals. A covering such as pitch or a monetary covering such as a bribe or ransom. A "village" as a covering. [Strong's #: 3723, 3724] Lexicon | Concordance COW: The mature female of cattle. [Strong's #: 6510] Lexicon | Concordance CRACK (Verb): To break open, apart or into pieces; Shatter, shattered (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 7665, 8406] Lexicon | Concordance CRAFTSMAN: One who is skilled in the art of engraving wood, stone or metal. [Strong's #: 2794] Lexicon | Concordance CRASH (Verb): To break violently and noisily. [Strong's #: 7582, 7583] Lexicon | Concordance CRAVE (Verb): To have a strong or inward desire for something. [Strong's #: 2530] Lexicon | Concordance CRAVING (Verb): A great desire or longing. [Strong's #: 3700] Lexicon | Concordance CREMATE (Verb): To reduce a dead body, or other object, to ashes by burning. [Strong's #: 5635, 8313] Lexicon | Concordance CREMATING: The act of burning a dead body to ashes. [Strong's #: 8316] Lexicon | Concordance CROCODILE: A large creature that lives in the water (see Genesis 1:21) and the land (see Psalm 91:13). [Strong's #: 8565, 8577] Lexicon | Concordance CROSS.OVER (Verb): To pass from one side to the other; to go across a river or through a land; to transgress in the sense of crossing over. [Strong's #: 5668, 5674, 5675] Lexicon | Concordance CROSSING: A place or structure as on a street or over a river where pedestrians or vehicles pass from one side to the other. In the river for crossing. [Strong's #: 4569] Lexicon | Concordance CRUSH (Verb): To reduce to particles by pounding or grinding. Crush something to pieces. An oppression or struggle as crushing. [Strong's #: 7465, 7533, 7567] Lexicon | Concordance CRY: To utter loudly; to shout; to shed tears, often noisily. A loud crying or calling out. [Strong's #: 6818] Lexicon | Concordance CRY.OUT (Verb): To cry or call out loudly. [Strong's #: 6817] Lexicon | Concordance CUP: A vessel for holding liquids, usually for drinking. [Strong's #: 3563] Lexicon | Concordance CUSTODY: Immediate charge and control exercised by a person or authority. A careful watching over as an office, guard or prison. [Strong's #: 4929] Lexicon | Concordance CUSTOM: A usage or practice common to many or to a particular place or class or habitual with an individual. [Strong's #: 2706, 2708] Lexicon | Concordance CUT (Verb): To penetrate with a sharp edged instrument. [Strong's #: 3772] Lexicon | Concordance CUT.IN.TWO (Verb): To sever into two pieces or parts. [Strong's #: 1334] Lexicon | Concordance CUT.OFF (Verb): To discontinue or terminate. To sever the tip or end. [Strong's #: 5243] Lexicon | Concordance CUT.PIECE: A sacrificial animal that has been cut into pieces. [Strong's #: 1335] Lexicon | Concordance |