Other Roots
4 letter Words
AHLB - Tsade
 ( צא ) Action: Go out, Issue Object: Excrement Definition: To issue out of something. Relationships: This parent root is related to צו and צי. Ancient Hebrew: The is a picture of a man laying down or squatting. |  ( fem., צא ) Translation: EXCREMENT Relationship to Root: In the sense of issuing out of a man. KJV Translations: come Strong's Hebrew #: h.6627 |
 ( צב ) Action: Stand, Muster, Swell Object: Wall, Army, Pillar, Pile, Handful Abstract: Truth Definition: The walls of the tent enclose what is inside. The tent walls stand firm and strong, protecting it from the harsh elements. As the family swells in size, the tent walls are enlarged. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a man on his side, the is a picture of a tent. Combined these mean "side of the tent". |  ( masc., צב ) Translation: COVERED Definition: Something laid over something for concealment or protection. KJV Translations: covered, litter, tortoise Strong's Hebrew #: h.6632(x2) |
|  ( masc., צב ) Translation: TORTOISE Definition: An unknown creature, but probably a turtle or tortoise because of it's protective shell. KJV Translations: covered, litter, tortoise Strong's Hebrew #: h.6632(x2) |
|   ( masc., צבי )    ( fem., צביה ) Translation: GAZELLE Definition: A small antelope. Relationship to Root: In the sense of a herd being an army. KJV Translations: roe, roebuck, glory, glorious, beautiful, beauty, goodly, pleasant Strong's Hebrew #: h.6643, h.6646 |
 ( צג ) Action: Set
 ( צד ) Action: Hide, Lay down, Hunt, Correct, Limp Object: Side, Snare, Meat, Flank, Straight Abstract: Stronghold, Righteous Definition: One lies down to sleep, hide or ambush. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the side of a man. |  ( masc., צד / tsad ) Translation: SIDE Definition: One of the surfaces forming the outside of or bounding a thing; an area next to something. Edenics: side KJV Translations: side, beside, another, concerning, against Strong's Hebrew #: h.6654 Strong's Aramaic #: a.6655 |
 ( צו ) Action: Direct Object: Direction Relationships: This parent root is related to צא and צץ through the idea of migration as an issuing out. |  ( fem., צו ) Translation: DIRECTIONS Definition: A set of instructions given to guide one on a moral or physical path. KJV Translations: precept, commandment Strong's Hebrew #: h.6673 |
 ( צח ) Action: Shout, Cry Object: Desert, Dry, White Definition: The desert as a hot and dry place. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a man on his side representing trouble, the is a picture of a wall that separates the inside from the outside. Combined these mean "trouble outside". |  ( masc., צח ) Translation: DRY KJV Translations: white, clear, plainly, dry Strong's Hebrew #: h.6703 |
 ( צי ) Action: Nomad Object: Desert Definition: The desert nomad's life was a continual traveling from one location to another always hunting for pastures. The stars and terrain served as landmarks to guide the nomad on his journey. Relationships: This parent root is related to צא and צו through the idea of migration as an issuing out. |  ( masc., צי ) Translation: NOMAD Definition: A member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply. Also a ship as a nomad of the sea. KJV Translations: ship Strong's Hebrew #: h.6716 |
 ( צך ) Action: Press Object: Burden Abstract: Stress, Anguish
 ( צל ) Action: Sink, Pray, Shout, Roast, Deliver, Advance Object: Shadow, Image, Shade, Near, Tree, Deep, Bowl Definition: A place of shadows. |  ( masc., צל / tseyl ) Translation: SHADOW Definition: The dark figure cast on a surface by a body intercepting the rays from a light source. KJV Translations: shadow, defense, shade Strong's Hebrew #: h.6738 |
|   ( masc., אצל / e-tsel ) Translation: BESIDE Definition: Being next to something. Relationship to Root: in the sense of being in its shade KJV Translations: by, beside, near, at, with, from, against, close, to, toward, unto Strong's Hebrew #: h.0681 |
|   ( fem., צלה / tsey-la ) Translation: RIB Definition: Any of the paired bony or cartilaginous bones that stiffen the walls of the thorax and protect the organs beneath. A ridge of a hill from its similar shape to a rib. Also, the side. Alternate Spellings: צלע KJV Translations: rib, side, chamber, board, corner, another, beam, halting, leaves, planks Strong's Hebrew #: h.6763 Aramaic Spelling: סלס Strong's Aramaic #: a.5967 |
 ( צם ) Action: Thirst, Fast, Wither Object: Tie, Dry, Pipe Definition: A fasting from water, or food. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a man on his side representing the hunt, the is a picture of water. Combined these mean "hunt for water".
 ( צן ) Action: Descend, Low, Confine, Remove Object: Sheep, Stocks, Pipe
 ( צע ) Action: Spread, Wander Object: Bed Definition: The bed consisted of blankets spread out on the floor of the tent. A spreading out of something. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a man laying on his side as at rest.
 ( צף ) Action: Watch, Wrap, Hide Object: Watchtower, Turban, Treasure |  ( masc., צף ) Translation: WATCHMAN Definition: > Edenics: spy KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only] |
 ( צץ ) Action: Bloom Object: Blossom Definition: The function of the blossom is to produce the fruit of the tree.
 ( צק ) Action: Pour Object: Casting, Pillar, Pot Abstract: Image Definition: A molten metal is poured into a mold to form a cast object or image.
|   ( common, יצק / y.ts.q ) Translation: POUR.DOWN (V) Definition: To send a liquid from a container into another container or onto a person or object; to pour molten metal into a cast. Alternate Spellings: יסק Edenics: cast - a reversal of the letters KJV Translations: pour, cast, molten, firm, set, fast, grow, hard, overflown, steadfast Strong's Hebrew #: h.3251, h.3332 |
 ( צר ) Action: Press, Shine, Crush, Strike, Report, Gather, Tear, Keep Object: Enemy, Bundle, Belt, Neck, Oil, Flint, Flesh, Fence, Prey Abstract: Trouble, Pain Definition: A pressing in or on someone or something. |  ( masc., צר / tsar ) Translation: NARROW Definition: Of slender width. A narrow, tight place or situation, a difficulty. An enemy or adversary as one who closes in with pressure. Edenics: sore KJV Translations: enemy, adversary, trouble, distress, affliction, foe, narrow, strait, flint, sorrow Strong's Hebrew #: h.6862 |
|   ( common, צרר / ts.r.r ) Translation: PRESS.IN (V) Definition: To confine or restrict in a tight place. KJV Translations: enemy, distress, bind, vex, afflict, besiege, adversary, strait, trouble, bound, pangs Strong's Hebrew #: h.6887 |
|   ( common, צור / ts.w.r ) Translation: SMACK (V) Definition: To strike or push as an attack. Alternate Spellings: זור KJV Translations: besiege, siege, distress, bind, adversary, assault, bag, beset, cast, fashion, fortify, inclose, bind, crush, closed, thrust Strong's Hebrew #: h.2115, h.6696 |
|   ( masc., צור / tsur ) Translation: BOULDER Definition: A large rock used as a weapon or a rock cliff used as a place of defense. Also flint, a very hard rock that when fractured forms a razor sharp edge and used for knives, spears or arrowheads. KJV Translations: rock, strength, sharp, god, beauty, edge, stone, mighty, strong Strong's Hebrew #: h.6697 |
|   ( common, יצר / y.ts.r ) Translation: MOLD (V) Definition: To give shape to; to press or squeeze, as when pressing clay into a shape to form a vessel. Alternate Translations: distress KJV Translations: distressed, straitened, straits, vex, narrow, form, potter, fashion, maker, frame, make, former, earthen, purpose Strong's Hebrew #: h.3334, h.3335 |
|   ( common, נצר / n.ts.r ) Translation: PRESERVE (V) Definition: To watch over or guard for protection. KJV Translations: keep, preserve, watchman, besiege, keeper, monument, preserver, subtil, hidden, watcher Strong's Hebrew #: h.5341 |
 ( צת ) Action: Burn, Kindle