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4 letter Words
AHLB - Quph
 ( קא ) Action: Vomit Object: Vomit |  ( masc., קא ) Translation: VOMIT Alternate Spellings: קיא KJV Translations: vomit Strong's Hebrew #: h.6892 |
 ( קב ) Action: Pierce, Drain, Gather, Bury Object: Cavity, Wine trough, Hole, Bowl, Grave Definition: A container or hole for storing or holding something. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the sun at the horizon and the gathering of the light, the is a picture of a tent and what is inside. Combined these mean "gather inside". |  ( masc., קב ) Translation: QAV Definition: A standard of measure. KJV Translations: cab Strong's Hebrew #: h.6894 |
 ( קד ) Action: Bow, Smolder, Anoint, Heat Object: Head, Cassia, Dark Abstract: Darkness Definition: The bowing of the head in respect as a showing of the scalp to another. Also the heat that is given off at the scalp.
 ( קה ) Action: Collect, Dull Object: Cord Abstract: Obedience Relationships: Related to קו.
 ( קו ) Action: Measure Object: Cord Definition: A cord used for measuring a straight line. Relationships: Related to קה. |  ( masc., קו ) Translation: CORD KJV Translations: line, rule Strong's Hebrew #: h.6957 |
 ( קח ) Action: Take, Mix Object: Merchandise, Spice
 ( קט ) Action: Cut, Loathe, Destroy, Kill, Pluck, Burn Object: Little, Incense Abstract: Loathe, Destruction Definition: Something that is little or made little by cutting off. |  ( masc., קט ) Translation: INSIGNIFICANT KJV Translations: little Strong's Hebrew #: h.6985 |
|   ( common, מעט / m.ah.t ) Translation: BE.LESS (V) Definition: To be fewer or diminished in size or amount. KJV Translations: diminish, few, less, little, fewness, least, minish, decrease, nothing, few Strong's Hebrew #: h.4591 |
|   ( masc., מעט / me-at ) Translation: SMALL.AMOUNT Definition: Something that is few or small in size or amount. Alternate Translations: small thing; might have (when prefixed with "like~") KJV Translations: little, few, while, almost, small, some, matter, light, very, worth Strong's Hebrew #: h.4592 |
|   ( masc., קטן / qa-tan ) Translation: SMALL Definition: Someone or something that is not very large in size, importance, age or significance. KJV Translations: small, little, youngest, younger, least, less, lesser, young Strong's Hebrew #: h.6996 |
 ( קי ) Object: Gourd
 ( קל ) Action: Gather, Hurl Object: Shepherd, Light, Flock, Voice, Sling Definition: When the shepherd called the sheep they swiftly came to him. The staff of the shepherd was his tool of authority. With it he would direct, discipline and protect the flock. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the sun at the horizon and the gathering of the light, the is a picture of a shepherd staff representing authority. Combined these mean "gathering to the staff". |  ( masc., קל ) Translation: SWIFT Definition: [To be verified] The sound of the shepherd that calls the flock. The voice of man or musical instrument. Relationship to Root: The Shepherd traveled light allowing him to move swiftly. He carried with him a long staff for directing the sheep as well as to protect them from predators. The shepherd also carried a bag, which included dried foods including grains and meat. Also, making light of someone or something as in shame, curse or dishonor. KJV Translations: swift, light Strong's Hebrew #: h.7031 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7032 |
|   ( common, קלה / q.l.h ) Translation: DRY (V) Definition: To dry foods, grains and meats, to preserve them. Dried foods are carried by the shepherd. To be light in stature, worthless. KJV Translations: roast, dried, parched, loathsome, vile, condemn, esteem, despise, base, light Strong's Hebrew #: h.7033, h.7034 |
 ( קם ) Action: Rise, Avenge, Grind, Snatch, Wither, Grasp, Cling Object: Stalk, Substance, Stand, Meal, Handful, Thorn Abstract: Vengeance Definition: A rising or standing of anything.
|   ( common, קום / q.w.m ) Translation: RISE (V) Definition: To assume an upright position; to raise or rise up; to continue or establish. KJV Translations: up, arise, raise, establish, stand, perform, confirm, again, set, stablish, surely, continue, sure, abide, accomplish Strong's Hebrew #: h.6965 Strong's Aramaic #: a.6966 |
 ( קן ) Action: Guard, Gather Object: Nest, Branch, Song, Bill Abstract: Zealous Definition: The parent birds go about gathering materials to build a nest where they will raise their seeds (eggs). Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the sun at the horizon and the gathering of the light, the is a picture of a seed. Combined these mean "gathering for the seeds". |  ( masc., קן / qeyn ) Translation: NEST Definition: A bed or receptacle prepared by a bird for its eggs and young. The stall of an animal as a nest. Relationship to Root: The nest of a bird as a living place. KJV Translations: nest, room Strong's Hebrew #: h.7064 |
 ( קע ) Action: Dislocate Object: Tattoo
 ( קף ) Action: Condense, Encircle, Shrink, Leap, Close Object: Sun, Curdle, Crystal Abstract: Anguish Definition: As the sun travels through the sky it marks (speaks, commands) the times and seasons (see Genesis 1:14). The condensing of the light at the sun when at the horizons, a condensing of milk into curdles. A going around of the sun from one horizon to the other. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the sun at the horizon, the is a picture of the mouth. Combined these mean "sun speaks".
 ( קץ ) Action: Cut, Awake, Sheer, Scrape Object: End, Summer, Base, Plane Definition: The end of something or to make an end by cutting it off. |  ( masc., קץ / qeyts ) Translation: CONCLUSION Definition: To come to an end. The end of a time period or place or the end of something. The border of a country as its edges. Alternate Translations: after (when prefixed with "from~") KJV Translations: end, after, border, infinite, process Strong's Hebrew #: h.7093 |
|   ( masc., קצה / qa-tseh )   ( fem., קצה / qa-tsah ) Translation: EXTREMITY Definition: The most distant end of something; the corner or edge. KJV Translations: end, part, edge, coast, border, outside, utmost, quarter, lowest, uttermost, selvedge Strong's Hebrew #: h.7097, h.7098 |
 ( קר ) Action: Call, Meet Object: Cold, Meeting, Event, Sit, Wall, Ice, Bald Abstract: Precious Definition: The meeting or bringing together of people or objects by arrangement, accident or purchase. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the sun at the horizon and the gathering of the light, the is a picture of the head of a man. Combined these mean "gather the men". |  ( masc., קר / qar ) Translation: COLD Definition: A condition of low temperature. Relationship to Root: Men often came together during the cool of the evening to discuss the news of the camp. KJV Translations: cold Strong's Hebrew #: h.7119, h.7120 |
|   ( common, קרא / q.r.a ) Translation: CALL.OUT (V) Definition: To raise one's voice or speak loudly and with urgency; to give, a name; to meet in the sense of being called to a meeting; to have an encounter by chance; to read in the sense of calling out words. Edenics: call - with the exchange of the l and r KJV Translations: call, cry, read, proclaim, name, guest, invite, gave, renown, bidden, preach, read, cry Strong's Hebrew #: h.7121 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7123 |
|   ( common, קרה / q.r.h ) Translation: MEET (V) Definition: To come into the presence of; to go to meet another; to have a chance encounter. Alternate Spellings: קרא Edenics: occur KJV Translations: befall, come, chance, happen, met, fall, out, call, meet, against, come, help, seek, beam, bright Strong's Hebrew #: h.7122, h.7125, h.7136 |
|   ( masc., יקר ) Translation: PRECIOUS Definition: [To be verified] Something of value. Having qualities worthy of respect, admiration, or esteem KJV Translations: precious, costly, excellent, brightness, clear, fat, reputation, honourable, glory, honour, precious, price Strong's Hebrew #: h.3366, h.3368 Strong's Aramaic #: a.3367 |
|   ( masc., קיר / qir ) Translation: WALL Definition: A permanent upright construction having a length much greater than the thickness and presenting a continuous surface, may be constructed of a curtain, earth, rocks or hewed stones. Used for shelter, protection, or privacy, or to subdivide interior space. KJV Translations: wall, side, mason, town, wall, rampart, trench, poor, bulwark Strong's Hebrew #: h.2426, h.7023 |
|   ( masc., שקר / she-qer ) Translation: FALSE Definition: A deliberate lie. An expression of a non-truth. KJV Translations: lie, lying, false, falsehood, falsely, vain, wrongfully, deceitful, deceit, liar Strong's Hebrew #: h.8267 |
 ( קש ) Action: Gather Object: Stalk, Stubble, Cucumber, Snare Definition: Once the grain stalks are harvested from the field, it is gathered into bundles and secured with a cord in the middle. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the sun at the horizon and the gathering of the light, the is a picture of the teeth representing pressure. Combined these mean "bring together and pressed". |  ( masc., קש / qash ) Translation: STUBBLE Definition: What is left after the stalk has been removed. Relationship to Root: The stiff part of the stalk that remains in the ground. The stiffness a branch for making bows or snares. KJV Translations: stubble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7179 |
 ( קת ) Action: Ally Abstract: Allied