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Other Roots
4 letter Words

AHLB - Other Roots

( גלש )

( common, גלש ) Translation: APPEAR (V) Definition: [To be verified] To come into sight. KJV Translations: appear Strong's Hebrew #: h.1570

( גמד )

( masc., גמד ) Translation: GOMED Definition: [To be verified] A standard of measure. KJV Translations: cubit Strong's Hebrew #: h.1574

( גמץ )

( masc., גומץ ) Translation: PIT KJV Translations: pit Strong's Hebrew #: h.1475

( דגר ) Definition: The brooding of a hen which gathers the eggs under her and sits on them.

( common, דגר ) Translation: BROOD (V) KJV Translations: gather, sit Strong's Hebrew #: h.1716

( דחן )

( masc., דוחן ) Translation: MILLET Definition: [To be verified] A type of grain. KJV Translations: millet Strong's Hebrew #: h.1764

( דלח ) Definition: The disturbing of water by walking or splashing through it.

( common, דלח ) Translation: DISTURB (V) Definition: [To be verified] To stir up waters. KJV Translations: trouble Strong's Hebrew #: h.1804

( דמן ) Definition: The dung of livestock was placed in a pit and mixed with straw. It was then dried in bricks and used as fuel for fires.

( fem., מדמנה ) Translation: MANURE.PIT KJV Translations: dunghill Strong's Hebrew #: h.4087

( masc., דומן ) Translation: MANURE Definition: [To be verified] The droppings of livestock in the field. KJV Translations: dung Strong's Hebrew #: h.1828

( דנג )

( masc., דונג ) Translation: WAX KJV Translations: wax Strong's Hebrew #: h.1749

( fem., מדקרה ) Translation: PIERCING KJV Translations: piercing Strong's Hebrew #: h.4094

( דרג )

( fem., מדרגה ) Translation: CLIFF Definition: [To be verified] A steep place. KJV Translations: stairs, steep Strong's Hebrew #: h.4095

( זקף ) Definition: A raising or setting up of something.

( common, זקף ) Translation: RAISE (V) Definition: [To be verified] To raise something up. KJV Translations: raise, set up Strong's Hebrew #: h.2210 Strong's Aramaic #: a.2211

( חטר )

( masc., חטר ) Translation: TWIG KJV Translations: rod Strong's Hebrew #: h.2415

( חלך )

( fem., חלכה ) Translation: HELPLESS Alternate Spellings: חלכא KJV Translations: poor Strong's Hebrew #: h.2489

( חמק )

( common, חמק ) Translation: TURN (V) KJV Translations: withdraw, go Strong's Hebrew #: h.2559

( masc., חמוק ) Translation: ROUNDED Definition: [To be verified] Something that is round. KJV Translations: joints Strong's Hebrew #: h.2542

( חנק )

( common, חנק ) Translation: STRANGLE (V) Definition: [To be verified] To strangle by hanging or gripping the neck. KJV Translations: hang, strangle Strong's Hebrew #: h.2614

( masc., מחנק ) Translation: STRANGLING KJV Translations: strangling Strong's Hebrew #: h.4267

( חרז )

( masc., חרוז ) Translation: CHAIN KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.2737

( חשח )

( common, חשח ) Translation: REQUIRE (V) Definition: [To be verified] To need something. KJV Translations: need, careful Strong's Aramaic #: a.2818

( fem., חשחות ) Translation: REQUIRED Definition: [To be verified] Something needed. KJV Translations: needful Strong's Hebrew #: h.2819

( חתך )

( common, חתך ) Translation: DETERMINE (V) KJV Translations: determine Strong's Hebrew #: h.2852

( טבר )

( masc., טבור ) Translation: MIDST KJV Translations: middle, midst Strong's Hebrew #: h.2872

( טנף )

( common, טנף ) Translation: DIRTY (V) KJV Translations: defile Strong's Hebrew #: h.2936

( טפל ) Definition: The sewing of a garment or lies.

( common, טפל ) Translation: SEW (V) KJV Translations: sew, forge, forger Strong's Hebrew #: h.2950

( טפר )

( masc., טפר ) Translation: FINGERNAIL KJV Translations: nail Strong's Aramaic #: a.2953

( טפש )

( common, טפש ) Translation: GREASY (V) Definition: [To be verified] To be slippery or slimy like fat. KJV Translations: fat Strong's Hebrew #: h.2954

( כחל )

( common, כחל ) Translation: PAINT (V) Definition: [To be verified] To paint the eyes. KJV Translations: paint Strong's Hebrew #: h.3583

( כלף )

( fem., כילף ) Translation: HAMMER Edenics: clap KJV Translations: hammer Strong's Hebrew #: h.3597

( כען )

( masc., כען ) Translation: NOW.THEREFORE KJV Translations: now Strong's Aramaic #: a.3705

( fem., כענת ) Translation: SUCH.A.TIME KJV Translations: time Strong's Aramaic #: a.3706

( כפס )

( masc., כפיס ) Translation: BEAM Definition: [To be verified] The beam that supports the roof of the house. KJV Translations: beam Strong's Hebrew #: h.3714

( כפש )

( common, כפש ) Translation: COVER (V) KJV Translations: cover Strong's Hebrew #: h.3728

( פכת )

( common, כפת ) Translation: BIND (V) KJV Translations: bind Strong's Aramaic #: a.3729

( כרז ) Definition: A crying out in proclamation.

( common, כרז ) Translation: PROCLAIM (V) KJV Translations: proclamation Strong's Aramaic #: a.3745

( masc., כרוז ) Translation: HERALD Definition: [To be verified] One who proclaims words. KJV Translations: herald Strong's Aramaic #: a.3744

( כרך )

( masc., תכריך ) Translation: GARMENT KJV Translations: garment Strong's Hebrew #: h.8509

( כרס )

( masc., כרס ) Translation: JOWL Alternate Spellings: כרש KJV Translations: belly Strong's Hebrew #: h.3770

( כתם )

( common, כתם ) Translation: STAIN (V) Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: mark Strong's Hebrew #: h.3799

( masc., כתם ) Translation: FINE.GOLD KJV Translations: gold Strong's Hebrew #: h.3800

( כתר )

( common, כתר ) Translation: COMPASS.ABOUT (V) KJV Translations: compass, inclose, beset, suffer, crown Strong's Hebrew #: h.3803

( masc., כתר ) Translation: CROWN Definition: [To be verified] As encircling the head. KJV Translations: crown Strong's Hebrew #: h.3804

( fem., כותרת ) Translation: CAPITAL Definition: [To be verified] The top of a pillar as a crown. KJV Translations: chapiter Strong's Hebrew #: h.3805

( כתש ) Definition: A hollowed out stone bowl used to crush seeds, herbs or other plant material for food or medicine.

( common, כתש ) Translation: POUND (V) KJV Translations: bray Strong's Hebrew #: h.3806

( masc., מכתש ) Translation: MORTAR KJV Translations: hollow, mortar Strong's Hebrew #: h.4388

( לבט )

( common, לבט ) Translation: CAST.ASIDE (V) KJV Translations: fall Strong's Hebrew #: h.3832

( לעב )

( common, לעב ) Translation: MOCK (V) KJV Translations: mock Strong's Hebrew #: h.3931

( לפת )

( common, לפת ) Translation: TWIST (V) Definition: [To be verified] To twist to the side. KJV Translations: take, turn Strong's Hebrew #: h.3943

( לתך )

( masc., לתך ) Translation: LETEK Definition: A standard of measure. KJV Translations: half-homer Strong's Hebrew #: h.3963

( לתע )

( fem., מלתעה ) Translation: FANG Alternate Spellings: מתלעה KJV Translations: teeth, jaw Strong's Hebrew #: h.4459, h.4973

( מגל )

( masc., מגל ) Translation: SICKLE KJV Translations: sickle Strong's Hebrew #: h.4038

( מגר )

( common, מגר ) Translation: CAST.DOWN (V) KJV Translations: terror, cast, destroy Strong's Hebrew #: h.4048 Strong's Aramaic #: a.4049

( fem., ממגורה ) Translation: GRANARY Definition: [To be verified] The place where grain is deposited in the sense of being cast down. KJV Translations: barn Strong's Hebrew #: h.4460

( מלץ )

( common, מלץ ) Translation: SWEET (V) KJV Translations: sweet Strong's Hebrew #: h.4452

( מעד ) Definition: A slipping of the foot.

( common, מעד ) Translation: SLIP (V) KJV Translations: slip, slide, shake Strong's Hebrew #: h.4571

( fem., מועדת ) Translation: LAME Definition: [To be verified] As a foot that has slipped and become lame. KJV Translations: joint Strong's Hebrew #: h.4154

( מרג )

( masc., מורג ) Translation: THRESHING.SLEDGE Definition: [To be verified] A wooden board with imbedded stones on the bottom side that is dragged over the threshing floor by oxen to break open grain. KJV Translations: threshing Strong's Hebrew #: h.4173

( masc., ממשק ) Translation: POSSESSED KJV Translations: breeding Strong's Hebrew #: h.4476

( מתג )

( masc., מתג ) Translation: BRIDLE KJV Translations: bridle, bit Strong's Hebrew #: h.4964

( נזק )

( common, נזק ) Translation: INJURE (V) KJV Translations: damage, hurt, endamage, hurtful Strong's Aramaic #: a.5142

( masc., נזק ) Translation: INJURY KJV Translations: damage Strong's Hebrew #: h.5143

( נחץ )

( common, נחץ ) Translation: URGE (V) KJV Translations: haste Strong's Hebrew #: h.5169

( נטל )

( common, נטל ) Translation: LIFT (V) KJV Translations: bare, take, offer, lift Strong's Hebrew #: h.5190 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5191

( masc., נטל ) Translation: BURDEN KJV Translations: weighty Strong's Hebrew #: h.5192

( masc., נטיל ) Translation: BURDEN KJV Translations: bear Strong's Hebrew #: h.5187

( נעץ )

( masc., נעצוץ ) Translation: PRICK KJV Translations: thorn Strong's Hebrew #: h.5285

( נפק ) Definition: A taking, coming or going forth.

( common, נפק ) Translation: ISSUE (V) KJV Translations: take, come, go Strong's Aramaic #: a.5312

( fem., ניפקה ) Translation: EXPENSE Definition: [To be verified] As going out. KJV Translations: expense Strong's Aramaic #: a.5313

( נפת )

( masc., נופת ) Translation: HONEYCOMB KJV Translations: honeycomb Strong's Hebrew #: h.5317

( נצח )

( common, נצח ) Translation: CONTINUE (V) Definition: To go on or keep on, as in some course or action; to extend. KJV Translations: musician, set, overseer, excel, oversee, perpetual, singer, prefer Strong's Hebrew #: h.5329 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5330

( masc., נצח ) Translation: CONTINUALLY Definition: [To be verified] From its continual flowing. KJV Translations: ever, never, perpetual, always, end, victory, strength, alway, constantly, evermore, blood Strong's Hebrew #: h.5331, h.5332

( נרד )

( masc., נרד ) Translation: NARD Definition: [To be verified] An aromatic plant. Edenics: nard KJV Translations: spikenard Strong's Hebrew #: h.5373

( נתב )

( masc., נתיב ) ( fem., נתיבה ) Translation: PATH Definition: A trail or road used by travelers. KJV Translations: path, pathway Strong's Hebrew #: h.5410

( סבר ) Definition: A patient watching, waiting or expectation.

( common, סבר ) Translation: CONSIDER (V) Alternate Spellings: שבר שבר KJV Translations: hope, wait, view, tarry, think Strong's Hebrew #: h.7663 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5452

( masc., סבר ) Translation: CONSIDERATION Alternate Spellings: שבר KJV Translations: hope Strong's Hebrew #: h.7664

( סגד ) Definition: Fall down to the knees with the face to the ground in homage.

( common, סגד ) Translation: PROSTRATE (V) Definition: [To be verified] To fall down to the knees and face in homage. KJV Translations: fall down, worship Strong's Hebrew #: h.5456 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5457

( סגן )

( masc., סגן / sa-gan ) Translation: RULER KJV Translations: ruler, governor Strong's Hebrew #: h.5461 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5460

( סחב )

( common, סחב ) Translation: DRAG (V) KJV Translations: draw, tear Strong's Hebrew #: h.5498

( fem., סחבה ) Translation: RAG Definition: [To be verified] Old worn out clothes as dragged. KJV Translations: clout Strong's Hebrew #: h.5499

( סעף ) Definition: A fork in a branch.

( common, סעף ) Translation: DIVIDE (V) Definition: [To be verified] To divide by cutting off. KJV Translations: lop Strong's Hebrew #: h.5586

( masc., סעף ) Translation: DIVIDED Definition: [To be verified] Being divided in thought or double minded. KJV Translations: thought Strong's Hebrew #: h.5588

( fem., סעפה ) Translation: FORKED.BRANCH Definition: [To be verified] Where nests of birds are made. KJV Translations: bough Strong's Hebrew #: h.5589

( fem., סעיף ) Translation: CLEFT Definition: [To be verified] A division in a rock. Alternate Spellings: שעף KJV Translations: opinion, thought, top, branch, clift Strong's Hebrew #: h.5585, h.5587

( סקד )

( common, סקד ) Translation: BIND (V) Alternate Spellings: שקד KJV Translations: bind Strong's Hebrew #: h.8244

( סקר )

( common, סקר ) Translation: WANT (V) Alternate Spellings: שקר KJV Translations: wanton Strong's Hebrew #: h.8265

( סרת )

( masc., מסרת ) Translation: PAN Alternate Spellings: משרת KJV Translations: pan Strong's Hebrew #: h.4958

( עבת )

( common, עבת ) Translation: WEAVE (V) KJV Translations: wrap Strong's Hebrew #: h.5686

( עגם )

( common, עגם ) Translation: GRIEVE (V) KJV Translations: grieve Strong's Hebrew #: h.5701

( עגן )

( common, עגן ) Translation: STAY (V) KJV Translations: stay Strong's Hebrew #: h.5702

( עגר )

( masc., עגור ) Translation: THRUSH Definition: An unknown species of bird. KJV Translations: swallow Strong's Hebrew #: h.5693

( עזק )

( common, עזק ) Translation: DIG (V) KJV Translations: fence Strong's Hebrew #: h.5823

( fem., עיזקה ) Translation: SIGNET Definition: [To be verified] A signet ring used for making seals. As being engraved. KJV Translations: signet Aramaic Spelling: עזקא Strong's Aramaic #: a.5824

( עטן )

( masc., עטן ) Translation: BUCKET KJV Translations: breast Strong's Hebrew #: h.5845

( עלק )

( fem., עלוקה ) Translation: LEECH KJV Translations: horseleach Strong's Hebrew #: h.5936

( עתם )

( common, עתם ) Translation: BURN.UP (V) KJV Translations: darken Strong's Hebrew #: h.6272

( פדן )

( common, פדע ) Translation: REDEEM (V) KJV Translations: deliver Strong's Hebrew #: h.6308

( פחר )

( masc., פחר ) Translation: POTTER KJV Translations: potter Strong's Aramaic #: a.6353

( פנם )

( fem., פנימה ) Translation: WITHIN KJV Translations: within, inward, in, inner Strong's Hebrew #: h.6441

( masc., פנימי ) Translation: INNER Definition: What is inside or inward. KJV Translations: inner, inward, within Strong's Hebrew #: h.6442

( פנק )

( common, פנק ) Translation: PAMPER (V) Definition: [To be verified] To delicately teach or bring up. KJV Translations: bring up Strong's Hebrew #: h.6445

( פצם ) Definition: A cracking open.

( common, פצם ) Translation: CRACK (V) KJV Translations: break Strong's Hebrew #: h.6480

( צחן )

( fem., צחנה ) Translation: STENCH KJV Translations: ill, savour Strong's Hebrew #: h.6709

( צפד )

( common, צפד ) Translation: SHRIVEL (V) KJV Translations: cleave Strong's Hebrew #: h.6821

( צפת )

( fem., צפת ) Translation: CAPITAL Definition: [To be verified] The top of a column. KJV Translations: chapiter Strong's Hebrew #: h.6858

( צקל )

( masc., ציקלון ) Translation: SACK KJV Translations: husk Strong's Hebrew #: h.6861

( צרח )

( common, צרח ) Translation: SHOUT (V) Definition: [To be verified] To cry out in battle. KJV Translations: cry, roar Strong's Hebrew #: h.6873

( masc., צריח ) Translation: STRONGHOLD Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of shouting out in battle. KJV Translations: hold, high Strong's Hebrew #: h.6877

( צרך )

( masc., צורך ) Translation: NEED KJV Translations: need Strong's Hebrew #: h.6878

( צרף ) Definition: The melting of metals in a crucible to remove the impurities and pour into a mold.

( common, צרף ) Translation: REFINE (V) Definition: To bring to a fine or a pure state free from impurities through smelting or testing. KJV Translations: try, founder, goldsmith, refine, melt, pure, purge, cast, finer Strong's Hebrew #: h.6884

( masc., מצרף ) Translation: CRUCIBLE Definition: [To be verified] Used for melting metals. KJV Translations: pot Strong's Hebrew #: h.4715

( קלח )

( fem., קלח ) Translation: KETTLE KJV Translations: caldron Strong's Hebrew #: h.7037

( קלש )

( masc., קילשון ) Translation: FORK Definition: [To be verified] A tool used for pitching hay. KJV Translations: fork Strong's Hebrew #: h.7053

( קצח )

( masc., קצח ) Translation: FITCHES Definition: An unknown plant. KJV Translations: fitch Strong's Hebrew #: h.7100

( קשב ) Definition: The pricking of the ears to intently listen.

( common, קשב ) Translation: HEED (V) Definition: To hear and pay attention. KJV Translations: hear, attend, heed, incline, mark, regard Strong's Hebrew #: h.7181

( masc., קשב ) Translation: RESPOND KJV Translations: record, hearing, heed Strong's Hebrew #: h.7182

( masc., קשוב ) Translation: ATTENTIVE KJV Translations: attentive, attent Strong's Hebrew #: h.7183

( רזם ) Definition: A wink of the eyes.

( common, רזם ) Translation: WINK (V) KJV Translations: wink Strong's Hebrew #: h.7335

( רמך )

( fem., רמך ) Translation: STUD Definition: [To be verified] A male horse for breeding. KJV Translations: dromedary Strong's Hebrew #: h.7424

( רעף ) Definition: A dripping down of dew from the trees or rain from the clouds.

( common, רעף ) Translation: DROP (V) KJV Translations: drop, distil Strong's Hebrew #: h.7491

( רפק )

( common, רפק ) Translation: SUPPORT (V) KJV Translations: lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7514

( רצד ) Definition: An intense gazing out of envy.

( common, רצד ) Translation: GAZE (V) KJV Translations: leap Strong's Hebrew #: h.7520

( רקב )

( common, רקב ) Translation: DECAY (V) KJV Translations: rot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7537

( masc., רקב ) Translation: DECAY KJV Translations: rotten Strong's Hebrew #: h.7538

( masc., רקבון ) Translation: DECAY KJV Translations: rotten Strong's Hebrew #: h.7539

( רקד ) Definition: A jumping up and down out of joy as in a dance.

( common, רקד ) Translation: SKIP (V) KJV Translations: dance Strong's Hebrew #: h.7540

( רשם )

( common, רשם ) Translation: INSCRIBE (V) KJV Translations: note Strong's Hebrew #: h.7559 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7560

( רתח )

( common, רתח ) Translation: BOIL (V) KJV Translations: boil Strong's Hebrew #: h.7570

( masc., רתח ) Translation: BOILING KJV Translations: well Strong's Hebrew #: h.7571

( שבח ) Definition: A calming or quieting of something by speaking or stroking smoothly.

( common, שבח ) Translation: STILL (V) Definition: [To be verified] To refrain from moving and be calm. KJV Translations: praise, still, keep, glory, triumph, commend Strong's Hebrew #: h.7623 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7624

( שגח )

( common, שגח ) Translation: LOOK (V) KJV Translations: look Strong's Hebrew #: h.7688

( שדר )

( common, שדר ) Translation: STRUGGLE (V) KJV Translations: labour Strong's Aramaic #: a.7712

( masc., אשדור ) Translation: REVOLT KJV Translations: sedition Aramaic Spelling: אשתדור Strong's Aramaic #: a.0849

( שזב )

( common, שזב ) Translation: DELIVER (V) KJV Translations: deliver Strong's Aramaic #: a.7804

( שזף )

( common, שזף ) Translation: LOOK (V) KJV Translations: see, look Strong's Hebrew #: h.7805

( שחס )

( masc., שחיס ) Translation: SPRING Definition: [To be verified] To voluntarily sprout up from the ground. Alternate Spellings: חחיש KJV Translations: spring Strong's Hebrew #: h.7823

( שחץ )

( masc., שחץ ) Translation: PRIDE KJV Translations: lion, pride Strong's Hebrew #: h.7830

( שנב ) Definition: The window coverings that allow the cool breeze to pass through.

( masc., אשנב ) Translation: LATTICE Definition: [To be verified] The window coverings that allow the cool breeze to pass through. KJV Translations: lattice, casement Strong's Hebrew #: h.0822

( שעט )

( fem., שעטה ) Translation: STOMPING KJV Translations: stamping Strong's Hebrew #: h.8161

( שקט )

( common, שקט ) Translation: TRANQUIL (V) Definition: To be quiet and at rest. KJV Translations: rest, quiet, still, appease, idle Strong's Hebrew #: h.8252

( masc., שקט ) Translation: TRANQUILITY KJV Translations: quietness Strong's Hebrew #: h.8253

( שקם )

( fem., שקם ) Translation: SYCAMORE Definition: [To be verified] The tree or fruit. Edenics: sycamore KJV Translations: sycamore Strong's Hebrew #: h.8256

( שרב ) Definition: The heat from the sun causing waves over the ground to appear like water.

( masc., שרב ) Translation: MIRAGE KJV Translations: parched, heat Strong's Hebrew #: h.8273

( ששר )

( masc., ששר ) Translation: VERMILION Definition: [To be verified] A reddish color. KJV Translations: vermillion Strong's Hebrew #: h.8350

( שתל )

( common, שתל ) Translation: TRANSPLANT (V) KJV Translations: plant Strong's Hebrew #: h.8362

( masc., שתל ) Translation: TRANSPLANTED.SHOOT KJV Translations: plant Strong's Hebrew #: h.8363

( שתן )

( common, שתן ) Translation: URINATE (V) KJV Translations: piss Strong's Hebrew #: h.8366

( שתק )

( common, שתק ) Translation: CALM (V) KJV Translations: calm, quiet, cease Strong's Hebrew #: h.8367

( שער )

( masc., שוער ) Translation: OFFENSIVE KJV Translations: vile Strong's Hebrew #: h.8182

( תקן )

( common, תקן ) Translation: STRAIGHT (V) Definition: [To be verified] To set in a straight row, or in its proper alignment. KJV Translations: straight, order, establish Strong's Hebrew #: h.8626 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8627

( תקף )

( common, תקף ) Translation: FIRM (V) Definition: [To be verified] To be firm in strength and authority. KJV Translations: prevail, strong, harden, firm Strong's Hebrew #: h.8630 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8631

( masc., תקף ) Translation: FIRMNESS KJV Translations: strength, might Strong's Aramaic #: a.8632

( masc., תקיף ) Translation: MIGHTY KJV Translations: mightier, strong, mighty Strong's Hebrew #: h.8623 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8624

( masc., תוקף ) Translation: AUTHORITY Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of firmness. KJV Translations: strength, power, authority Strong's Hebrew #: h.8633

( masc., עתר ) Translation: FRAGRANT Definition: [To be verified] As a thick and dark cloud of incense. KJV Translations: thick, suppliant Strong's Hebrew #: h.6282