Other Roots
4 letter Words
AHLB - Hhet
 ( חב ) Action: Hide, Cherish, Endanger, Bind, Embrace, Couple Object: Bosom, Rope, Clamp Abstract: Refuge,Company Definition: The walls of the house enclose the home as refuge for the family. A refuge functions as a place of hiding from any undesirable person or situation. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a wall. The is a picture of a tent or house. Combined these mean "wall of the house". |  ( masc., חב ) Translation: BOSOM Relationship to Root: A place where one is hidden in the arms and cherished. KJV Translations: bosom Strong's Hebrew #: h.2243 |
|   ( common, חבל / hh.b.l ) Translation: TAKE.AS.A.PLEDGE (V) Definition: To receive an object in exchange for a promise. KJV Translations: destroy, pledge, band, brought, corrupt, offend, spoil, travail, withhold, hurt Strong's Hebrew #: h.2254 Strong's Aramaic #: a.2255 |
|   ( masc., חבל ) Translation: REGION Definition: An area surrounded by a specific border. KJV Translations: sorrow, cord, line, coast, portion, region, lot, rope, company, pang, band, country, destruction, pain, snare, tackling, hurt, damage Strong's Hebrew #: h.2256 Strong's Aramaic #: a.2257 |
 ( חג ) Action: Feast Object: Circle, Belt Abstract: Terror, Refuge Definition: The gathering together for a festival, usually in the form of a circle for dancing and feasting. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a wall representing outside. The is a picture of a foot and represents a gathering. Combined these mean "outside gathering". |  ( masc., חג / hhag ) Translation: FEAST Definition: A commemoration of a special event with dancing, rejoicing, and sharing of food. A ceremony of joy and thanksgiving. A festival with a magnificent meal which is shared with a number of guests. Relationship to Root: The participants of a festival would gather together and dance in a circle. KJV Translations: feast, sacrifice Strong's Hebrew #: h.2282 |
 ( חד ) Action: Unite, Sharpen, Join, Hide, Set apart, Surround, Renew Object: Unit, Sharp, Riddle, Thorn, New moon, Prostitute Abstract: Unity, Special, New Definition: A wall separates the inside from the outside. Only through the door can one enter or exit uniting the inside with the outside. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a wall. The is a picture of a door. Combined these mean "wall door". |  ( masc., חד ) Translation: EACH Definition: [To be verified] One of the sum total of the whole. The two edges of a sword that meet to form one point. Relationship to Root: Two or more coming together as a unity. The sharp edge of a blade is the coming together of the two to one point. KJV Translations: one, first, together, sharp Strong's Hebrew #: h.2297, h.2299 Strong's Aramaic #: a.2298 |
|   ( masc., אחד / e-hhad )   ( fem., אחת / e-hhat ) Translation: UNIT Definition: A unit within the whole, a unified group. A single quantity. Alternate Translations: first; one; other; few (when in the plural form) KJV Translations: one, first, another, other, any, once, every, certain, an, some Strong's Hebrew #: h.0259 |
 ( חו ) Action: Declare Object: Town Abstract: Declaration
 ( חז ) Action: See, Hold, Perceive, Look Object: Vision, Light, Haven Definition: The ability to see beyond what is seen in the physical present as a light piercing through the darkness. The cutting down of the wall allows one to pass through to the other side. A vision is the cutting down of the fence to perceive what is on the other side. |  ( fem., חז ) Translation: LOOK.INTO Definition: To peer toward. Relationship to Root: A perception beyond the normal experiences. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only] |
|   ( common, חזק / hh.z.q ) Translation: SEIZE (V) Definition: To possess or take by force; grab hold tightly; to refrain or support by grabbing hold. Alternate Translations: strengthen self (when written in the hitpa'el [reflexive] form) KJV Translations: strong, repair, hold, strengthen, harden, prevail, encourage, take, courage, caught, stronger Strong's Hebrew #: h.2388 |
|   ( masc., חזק / hha-zaq )    ( fem., חזקה / hha-za-qah ) Translation: FORCEFUL Definition: A strong grip on something to refrain or support. Driven with force. Acting with power. KJV Translations: strong, mighty, sore, hard, hot, impudent, loud, stiffhearted, louder, stronger, strength Strong's Hebrew #: h.2389, h.2390, h.2391 |
 ( חח ) Action: Pierce Object: Thicket, Ring, Thorn Definition: The wall around crops or livestock was constructed of thistles or rocks with thistles laid on top. The thorns prevented intruders from entering. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a wall. |  ( masc., חח / hhahh ) Translation: NOSE.RING Definition: A round piece of jewelry, usually of a metal, that is pierced through the nose or lip. Relationship to Root: A sharp object that penetrates the flesh. Alternate Spellings: חחי KJV Translations: hook, chain, bracelet Strong's Hebrew #: h.2397 |
 ( חט ) Action: Measure, Join, Err, Refrain, Catch Object: Cord Abstract: Miss, Error, Sin Definition: Cords are used for binding as well as measuring. A cord is also used as measuring device by placing knots incrementally. The cord is stretched between the two points to measure and the knots are counted.
|   ( masc., חטא / hha-ta )    ( fem., חטאה / hha-ta-a ) Translation: FAILURE Definition: An act or condition of ignorant or imprudent deviation from a code of behavior. A missing of the target in the sense of making a mistake. The sacrifice, which by transference, becomes the sin. Alternate Spellings: חטאת KJV Translations: sin, faults, grievously, offences, sinner, sinful, offender, sin offering, punishment, purifying Strong's Hebrew #: h.2399, h.2400, h.2401, h.2403 Strong's Aramaic #: a.2402 |
 ( חי ) Action: Sustain Object: Stomach, Animal, Sustenance Abstract: Life Definition: When the stomach is empty one is famished and weak and when it is filled one is revived. This organ is seen as the life as an empty stomach is like death but a revived stomach is life. |  ( masc., חי / hhai )   ( fem., חיה / hhai-ah ) Translation: LIVING Definition: The quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body; life. Literally the stomach. Used idiomatically of living creatures, especially in conjunction with land, ground or field. Alternate Translations: life (when in the plural form); creature (as a living one) KJV Translations: live, life, beast, alive, creature, running, living thing, raw, springing, appetite, quick Strong's Hebrew #: h.2416 Strong's Aramaic #: a.2417 |
 ( חך ) Action: Stick Object: Palate Abstract: Tarry Definition: The roof of the mouth. Ancient Hebrew: The represents a wall such as the ridge in the middle of the palate. The represents the palm, a curved surface such as found on the roof of the mouth. |  ( masc., חך ) Translation: PALATE KJV Translations: mouth, roof of the mouth, taste Strong's Hebrew #: h.2441 |
 ( חל ) Action: Bore, Twist, Sick Object: Hole, Flute, Disease, Dance, Plow, Ember Abstract: Pain, Weak, Disgrace Definition: A hole is drilled with a tool called a bow drill. The string of the bow is wrapped around the drill. By moving the bow back and forth, and firmly pressing down, the drill spins around drilling the hole. |  ( masc., חל ) Translation: ORDINARY Definition: A place, person or thing that is not set apart for a specific function. KJV Translations: profane, common, unholy Strong's Hebrew #: h.2455 |
|   ( masc., חיל / hha-yil ) Translation: FORCE Definition: The pressure exerted to make a piercing. KJV Translations: army, man of valour, host, force, valiant, strength, wealth, power, substance, might, strong Strong's Hebrew #: h.2428 Strong's Aramaic #: a.2429 |
|   ( common, חלה / hh.l.h ) Translation: BE.SICK (V) Definition: To be twisted through pain. KJV Translations: sick, beseech, weak, grievous, diseased, wounded, pray, intreat, grief, grieved, sore, pain, infirmity Strong's Hebrew #: h.2470 |
|   ( common, חול / hh.w.l ) Translation: TWIST (V) Definition: A winding or wrapping together; entwined in pain or joy. Alternate Spellings: חיל KJV Translations: pain, formed, bring forth, tremble, travail, dance, calve, grieve, wound, shake Strong's Hebrew #: h.2342 |
|   ( common, חלף / hh.l.p ) Translation: PASS.OVER (V) Definition: To pass through, by or over something. Also, to change in the sense of going to another one, side or thought. Alternate Translations: change (when written in the hiphil [causative] or piel [intensive] form) KJV Translations: change, pass, renew, through, grow, abolish, sprout, alter, cut, go, over Strong's Hebrew #: h.2498 Strong's Aramaic #: a.2499 |
|   ( common, חלץ / hh.l.ts ) Translation: EXTRACT (V) Definition: To pull out or toward. To draw weapons for battle. KJV Translations: deliver, arm, loose, prepare, take, army, fat, put, deliver, draw, withdraw Strong's Hebrew #: h.2502 |
|   ( common, חרץ / hh.r.ts ) Translation: CUT.SHARPLY (V) Definition: To divide or slice with a sharp instrument such as a potsherd or iron blade. To make a decision in the sense of dividing between two choices. To be diligent in the sense of a sharp action. KJV Translations: determine, move, decide, bestir, main, decree, gold, diligent, decision, threshing, sharp, wall Strong's Hebrew #: h.2742, h.2782 |
|   ( common, חרש / hh.r.sh ) Translation: SCRATCH (V) Definition: To plow in the sense of scratching a line in the soil; to engrave on wood or stone by scratching. This word can also mean "to hold in peace" or be silent. KJV Translations: peace, plow, devise, silence, hold, altogether, plowman, cease, conceal, deaf, graven image Strong's Hebrew #: h.2790(x2) |
|   ( masc., חרש / hhe-resh ) Translation: ENGRAVER Definition: A sculptor or carver who engraves wood, stone or metal. KJV Translations: craftsman, artificer, carpenter, workman, engraver, artificer, smith, maker, skilful, worker, wrought Strong's Hebrew #: h.2791, h.2796 |
 ( חם ) Action: Heat, Wise, Shake, Boil, Fight, Burn Object: Cheese, Skin-bag, Sun, Wall, Bread, Charcoal, Sour, Tar Abstract: In-law, Wisdom, Desire, Compassion Definition: Cheese was made by placing milk in a bag made out of an animal skin. The bag was hung out in the sun and pushed back and forth. The skin of the bag contained an enzyme that when heated and shaken caused the milk to sour and separate into its two parts, fat (curds or cheese) and water (whey). The whey could be drunk and the curds eaten or stored for future consumption. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a wall meaning "to separate". The is a picture of water. Combined these mean "separate water". |  ( masc., חם / hham ) Translation: FATHER.IN.LAW Definition: The father of ones wife or husband, father-in-law in the sense of passion Relationship to Root: The heat from the sun heats the contents of the bag. KJV Translations: father-in-law, husband's father Strong's Hebrew #: h.2524 |
|   ( fem., חמה / hha-mah ) Translation: FURY Definition: Intense, disordered, and often destructive rage. An intense heat from anger. KJV Translations: heat, fury, wrath, poison, displeasure, rage, anger, bottle Strong's Hebrew #: h.2534 Aramaic Spelling: חמא Strong's Aramaic #: a.2528 |
|   ( masc., לחם / le-hhem ) Translation: BREAD Definition: Baked and leavened bread primarily made of flour or meal. Also food in general. Relationship to Root: Through sense of the kneading, or stuggling, with bread dough. KJV Translations: bread, food, meat, loaves, shewbread, victuals, feast, fruit, provision Strong's Hebrew #: h.3899, h.3901 Strong's Aramaic #: a.3900 |
 ( חן ) Action: Camp, Grind Object: Camp, Mill Abstract: Beauty, Compassion Definition: A nomad's camp consisted of many family tents, which make up the clan camp. The camp can have as many as fifty tents or more in it. The tents are placed in a circular configuration, forming one continuous wall surrounding the camp. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a wall. The is a picture of a seed meaning "to continue". Combined these mean "wall continues". |  ( masc., חן / hheyn ) Translation: BEAUTY Definition: A person, place or thing that is graceful and precious; what is worth protecting. Relationship to Root: Within this wall is the family clan, a place of freedom, compassion and beauty. An encampment of tents. KJV Translations: grace, favour, gracious, pleasant, precious Strong's Hebrew #: h.2580 |
|    ( masc., חינם / hhi-nam ) Translation: FREELY Definition: Having no restrictions. A work or action that is performed without wages or without cause. Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: without cause, for nought, causeless, in vain, free, without cost, freely, innocent, cost me nothing, for nothing, without wages Strong's Hebrew #: h.2600 |
 ( חס ) Action: Support, Spare, Bow, Diminish Object: Refuge Abstract: Kindness, Lacking Definition: A place of support and trust.
|   ( masc., חסד / hhe-sed ) Translation: KINDNESS Definition: Of a sympathetic nature; quality or state of being sympathetic. In the sense of bowing the neck to another as a sign of kindness. KJV Translations: mercy, kindness, lovingkindness, goodness, kindly, merciful, favour, good, goodliness, pity, reproach, wicked Strong's Hebrew #: h.2617 |
 ( חפ ) Action: Cover, Haste, Search, Delight, Flutter Object: Lid Abstract: Innocent, Atonement Definition: The tent is opened to allow one into its covering for protection. Anyone entering a tent will be protected at all costs by the owner. A secret is something that is covered and hidden. A haven as a place covered over for protection. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a wall. The is a mouth meaning "open". Combined these mean "wall opened". |  ( masc., חף ) Translation: INNOCENT Definition: [To be verified] One whose actions are covered. KJV Translations: innocent Strong's Hebrew #: h.2643 |
|   ( common, כפר / k.p.r ) Translation: COVER (V) Definition: To afford protection or security; to hide from sight or knowledge; to cover over as with a lid. Alternate Translations: make reconciliation (when written in the piel [intensive] form) Edenics: cover - with the exchange of the v and p KJV Translations: atonement, purge, reconcile, forgive, purge, pacify, mercy, cleanse, disannul, appease, put, pardon, pitch Strong's Hebrew #: h.3722 |
 ( חץ ) Action: Divide, Carve, Hew, Urge, Blow Object: Tent Wall, Arrow, Outside, Carving, Bosom, Yard Definition: The tent wall divides or separates the inside from the outside. The wall inside the tent divides the tent into two sections. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a wall. The is a picture of a man laying on his side. Combined these mean "wall of sides". |  ( masc., חץ / hheyts ) Translation: ARROW Definition: A missile weapon shot from a bow having a pointed head, slender shaft and feathers at the butt. Relationship to Root: A dividing of the flesh. KJV Translations: arrow, dart, shaft, wound Strong's Hebrew #: h.2671 |
 ( חק ) Action: Inscribe Abstract: Custom Definition: A custom brings a people separated together. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a wall representing a separation. The is a picture of the sun at the horizon representing the idea of "coming together". Combined these mean "separation and coming together". |   ( common, חקק / hh.q.q ) Translation: INSCRIBE (V) Definition: To write, engrave or print as a lasting record. A decree or custom. KJV Translations: lawgiver, governor, decree, grave, portray, law, printed, set, note, appoint Strong's Hebrew #: h.2710 |
|   ( masc., חוק / hhuq )    ( fem., חוקה / hhu-qah ) Translation: CUSTOM Definition: A usage or practice common to many or to a particular place or class or habitual with an individual. KJV Translations: statute, ordinance, decree, due, law, portion, bounds, custom, appointed, commandment Strong's Hebrew #: h.2706, h.2708 |
 ( חר ) Action: Burn, Delay, Waste, Tremble Object: Back, Dung, White, Sword, Nettle Abstract: Anger Definition: A man outside in the desert sun becomes pale and hot. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a wall representing the outside. The is a picture of a man. Combined these mean "outside man".
|     ( masc., אחרון / a-hha-ron )      ( fem., אחרונה / a-hha-ro-nah ) Translation: LAST Definition: In, to or toward the back. To be in back of, at the rear or following after something. KJV Translations: last, after, latter, end, utmost, following, hinder Strong's Hebrew #: h.0314 |
|   ( common, חרה / hh.r.h ) Translation: FLARE.UP (V) Definition: To become suddenly excited or angry; to break out suddenly. Burn with a fierce anger. KJV Translations: kindle, wroth, hot, angry, displease, fret, incense, burn, earnest, grieve Strong's Hebrew #: h.2734 |
 ( חש ) Action: Bind, Silence, Attach, Gather, Whisper Abstract: Silence, Desire Definition: Something that is bound.
|   ( common, חרש / hh.r.sh ) Translation: KEEP.SILENT (V) Definition: To stand still and be silent. KJV Translations: peace, plow, devise, silence, hold, altogether, plowman, cease, conceal, deaf, graven image Strong's Hebrew #: h.2790(x2) |
 ( חת ) Action: Break, Sieze, Relate, Snatch Object: Ruin, Wedding, Prey Abstract: Fear, In-law Definition: An action or person that is broken in terror, fear or dismay. |  ( masc., חת / hhet ) Translation: TREMBLING.IN.FEAR Definition: A physical reaction, such as shivering, in fear or dread. Edenics: hate KJV Translations: dread, broken, fear, dismayed Strong's Hebrew #: h.2844 |
|   ( common, חתת / hh.t.t ) Translation: TAKE.ABACK (V) Definition: To beat or shatter into pieces; to fear or be in terror in the sense of being shattered. KJV Translations: dismayed, afraid, break in pieces, broken, break down, abolish, amazed, confound, discouraged, beat down, scarest, terrify Strong's Hebrew #: h.2865 |