Other Roots
4 letter Words
AHLB - Shin
 ( שא ) Action: Crash Object: Storm , Thunder Abstract: Desolate Definition: The crashing of thunder or waves as a desolating storm.
 ( שב ) Action: Turn, Draw, Capture, Sit, Design, Weave Object: Seat, Well, Captive, Wreath, Net, Plate, Bed Abstract: Anguish, Copulation Definition: A place of dwelling as the place returned to. A turning back or away from someone or something. A captive is one turned away from a place of dwelling. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the two front teeth representing pressing, the is a picture of tent. Combined these mean "Press to the tent".
|   ( common, שוב / sh.w.b ) Translation: TURN.BACK (V) Definition: To return to a previous place or state. Alternate Translations: return (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) Edenics: shove KJV Translations: return, again, turn, back, away, restore, bring, render, answer, recompense, recover, deliver, put, withdraw, requite Strong's Hebrew #: h.7725 Aramaic Spelling: תוב Strong's Aramaic #: a.8421 |
|   ( common, ישב / y.sh.b ) Translation: SETTLE (V) Definition: To stay in a dwelling place for the night or for long periods of time; to sit down. KJV Translations: dwell, inhabitant, sit, abide, inhabit, down, remain, in, tarry, set, continue, place, still, taken Strong's Hebrew #: h.3427 Aramaic Spelling: יתב Strong's Aramaic #: a.3488 |
|    ( masc., מושב / mo-shav ) Translation: SETTLING Definition: The place of sitting, resting or dwelling, usually temporarily. KJV Translations: habitation, dwelling, seat, dwellingplace, dwell, place, sitting, assembly, situation, sojourning Strong's Hebrew #: h.4186 |
|   ( common, חשב / hh.sh.b ) Translation: THINK (V) Definition: To plan or design a course of action, item or invention. Alternate Translations: consider (when written in the niphal form) KJV Translations: count, devise, think, imagine, cunning, reckon, purpose, esteem, account, impute, forecast, regard, workman, conceive Strong's Hebrew #: h.2803 Strong's Aramaic #: a.2804 |
 ( שג ) Action: Roar Abstract: Error Definition: When a work is found to be in error, the work must be redone. An error that is made out of ignorance or accident. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the two front teeth representing the idea of double, the is a picture of a foot representing the carrying of a burden. Combined these mean "double burden".
 ( שד ) Action: Spoil Object: Breast, Ravine Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the two front teeth, the is a picture of a tent door that dangles down. Combined these mean "two that dangle". |  ( masc., שד / shad ) Translation: BREAST Definition: Milk-producing glandular organs situated on the chest in the female; the fore part of the body between the neck and the abdomen. Also a goat-idol from the teats of the goat. KJV Translations: breast, teat, pap Strong's Hebrew #: h.7699, h.7700 |
 ( שה ) Action: Forget Abstract: Equal |  ( masc., שה ) Translation: EQUATED Definition: [To be verified] (A word of uncertain meaning) KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only] |
 ( שח ) Action: Sink, Bow, Beat, Destroy Object: Pit, Dark, Dawn, Deep Abstract: Destruction, Darkness Definition: A pit dug into the ground for the purpose of trapping someone or something. To go down or sink down as going into the pit. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the teeth representing sharpness, the is a picture of wall. Combined these mean "sharp walls". |  ( masc., שח ) Translation: LOW KJV Translations: humble Strong's Hebrew #: h.7807 |
|   ( common, שחת / sh.hh.t ) Translation: DAMAGE (V) Definition: To bring to ruin by destruction; to destroy through disfigurement or corruption. Alternate Translations: destroy (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: destroy, corrupt, mar, destroyer, corrupter, waster, spoiler, batter, corruptly, fault Strong's Hebrew #: h.7843 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7844 |
 ( שט ) Action: Scourge, Despise, Whip, Extend, Rule Object: Whip, Oar Abstract: Malice Definition: A whipping or lashing out at someone or something out of hatred or punishment.
 ( שי ) Object: Gift |  ( masc., שי ) Translation: GIFT KJV Translations: present Strong's Hebrew #: h.7862 |
 ( שך ) Action: Subside Object: Testicles, Wander
 ( של ) Action: Draw out, Send, Rule, Throw, Complete, Pull, Join, Shatter, Topple, Cast Object: Projectile, Master, Joint Abstract: Realm |  ( masc., של ) Translation: NEGLECT Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of something being drawn out of something else. Relationship to Root: In the sense of quietness from prosperity. KJV Translations: error Strong's Hebrew #: h.7944 |
|  ( masc., של ) Translation: OF KJV Translations: though, cause, for Strong's Hebrew #: h.7945 |
|   ( common, שאל / sh.a.l ) Translation: ENQUIRE (V) Definition: To ask about; to search into; to seek to understand what is not known. Alternate Translations: grant (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: ask, enquire, desire, require, borrow, salute, demand, lent, request, beg Strong's Hebrew #: h.7592 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7593 |
|   ( common, משל / m.sh.l ) Translation: REGULATE (V) Definition: To govern or correct according to rule; to bring order, method, or uniformity to; to compare one thing to another in the sense of a rule of measurement, often as a proverb or parable. Edenics: marshal - with the additional r KJV Translations: rule, ruler, reign, dominion, governor, power, like, proverb, speak, use, become, compare, utter Strong's Hebrew #: h.4910, h.4911 |
|   ( common, שלח / sh.l.hh ) Translation: SEND (V) Definition: To cause to go; to direct, order, or request to go. Alternate Translations: send off (when written in the piel [intensive] form) KJV Translations: send, go, lay, put, cast, stretch, depart, sow, loose Strong's Hebrew #: h.7971 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7972 |
|   ( common, שלם / sh.l.m ) Translation: MAKE.RESTITUTION (V) Definition: To restore or make right through action, payment or restoration to a rightful owner. KJV Translations: pay, peace, recompense, reward, render, restore, repay, perform, good, end, requite, restitution, finish, again, amend, full, deliver Strong's Hebrew #: h.7999 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8000 |
|   ( masc., שלם / she-lem )    ( fem., שלמה / she-ley-mah ) Translation: OFFERING.OF.RESTITUTION Definition: Having all necessary parts, elements or steps. A state of being whole or full. Left unaltered and whole in its original functional state without removing or adding to it. To finish. A sacrifice or offering given to bring about peace. KJV Translations: perfect, whole, full, just, peaceable, peace offering, peace Strong's Hebrew #: h.8002, h.8003 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8001 |
 ( שם ) Action: Breathe Object: Breath Abstract: Desolate Definition: The wind, or breath, of someone or something is its character. |  ( masc., שם / sheym ) Translation: TITLE Definition: A word given to an individual or place denoting its character. The character of an individual or place. Relationship to Root: Hebrew names are words given to describe the character of the individual or place. KJV Translations: name, renown, fame, famous Strong's Hebrew #: h.8034 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8036 |
|  ( masc., שם / sham ) Translation: THERE Definition: Used to identify another place. Alternate Translations: in KJV Translations: there, therein, in it, thence, thereout, where Strong's Hebrew #: h.8033 Aramaic Spelling: תמה Strong's Aramaic #: a.8536 |
|   ( masc., שמן / she-men ) Translation: OIL Definition: A semi-liquid, often oily and thick. Usually olive oil and used as a medicinal ointment. Also, meaning fat or rich. KJV Translations: oil, ointment, olive, oiled, fat, things, plenteous, lusty Strong's Hebrew #: h.8081, h.8082 |
|   ( common, שמע / sh.m.ah ) Translation: HEAR (V) Definition: To perceive or apprehend by the ear; to listen to with attention. To obey. KJV Translations: hear, obey, publish, understand, obedient, diligently, show, sound, declare, discern, noise, perceive, tell, report Strong's Hebrew #: h.8085 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8086 |
 ( שן ) Action: Sharp, Rest Object: Teeth, Two Abstract: Previous Definition: The two front teeth are sharp and used for cutting foods by pressing down. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the teeth, the is a picture of a seed representing continuance. Combined these mean "teeth continue". |  ( common, שן / sheyn ) Translation: TOOTH Definition: Hard bony appendages on the jaws used for chewing food and forming of sounds when talking. Edenics: shine - from the whiteness of the teeth KJV Translations: teeth, tooth, ivory, sharp, crag, forefront Strong's Hebrew #: h.8127 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8128 |
|   ( common, שנה / sh.n.h ) Translation: CHANGE (V) Definition: To make different in some particular; to make radically different; exchange one thing for another. To repeat in the sense of a second time. Alternate Translations: repeat (when written in the niphil [passive] form) KJV Translations: change, second, again, diverse, alter, disguise, double, pervert, prefer, repeat Strong's Hebrew #: h.8132, h.8138 Aramaic Spelling: שנא Strong's Aramaic #: a.8133 |
 ( שס ) Action: Plunder Definition: The pressing into another's place and grabbing hold of his possessions. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the teeth representing pressure, the is a picture of thorn that grabs hold. Combined these mean "Press and grab hold".
 ( שע ) Action: Watch, Cry, Rescue, Lean, Look Object: Shepherd, Staff, Eye, Window Abstract: Delight, Support Definition: The shepherd carefully watches over the flock and the surrounding area always on the lookout for danger. When a predator comes to attack, the shepherd destroys the enemy. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the teeth used for devouring or destruction, the is a picture of the eye. Combined these mean "destroyer watches".
|   ( common, ישע / y.sh.ah ) Translation: RESCUE (V) Definition: To free or deliver from a trouble, burden or danger. KJV Translations: save, saviour, deliver, help, preserved, salvation, avenge, defend, rescue, safe, victory Strong's Hebrew #: h.3467 |
 ( שף ) Action: Strike, Swallow Object: Serpent Definition: A serpent (venomous snake) has sharp fangs in the mouth. Its prey is taken into the mouth swallowed by drawing down into the belly. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the teeth, the is a picture of the mouth. Combined these mean "sharp teeth in the mouth".
 ( שץ ) Action: Flush, Surge Object: Flood
 ( שק ) Action: Drink, Rush, Overflow Object: River, Course, Beverage Definition: During the rain season, repeated each year, the riverbeds become full of water. The surrounding land is soaked with water allowing for the planting of crops. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the two front teeth representing the idea of two, the is a picture of the sun at the horizon that cycles around the earth. Combined these mean "repeat a cycle". |  ( masc., שק ) Translation: LEG Definition: [To be verified] From a leg of a river. Relationship to Root: The rushing course of a river through the land. KJV Translations: leg Strong's Aramaic #: a.8243 |
 ( שר ) Action: Tie, Remain, Loose, Sing Object: Cord, Straight, Relative, Caravan Abstract: Prosperity, Happy Definition: Ropes and cords were usually made of bark strips such as from the cedar or from the sinew (tendon) of an animal. The rope is made by twisting two fibers together. A single fiber is attached to a fixed point (top), and the two ends of the fiber are brought together. One fiber is twisted in a clockwise direction and wrapped over the other fiber in counter clockwise direction. The second fiber is then twisted in clockwise direction then wrapped around the first fiber in a counter clockwise direction. The process is repeated through the length of the rope. The twisting of the fibers in opposite directions causes the fibers to lock (press) onto each other making a stronger rope. The rope is used to tightly secure or support something, such as a load to a cart or the poles of the tent. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the teeth representing pressure, the is a picture of the head representing the top or beginning. Combined these mean "press the beginning". |  ( masc., שר ) Translation: CORD Definition: [To be verified] The navel cord. Relationship to Root: Sinews were used for making cords by twisting them together. The umbilical cord, and navel, as a cord that binds the infant to the mother. KJV Translations: navel Strong's Hebrew #: h.8270 |
|   ( masc., אשר / a-sheyr ) Translation: WHICH Definition: Or who, what or that. This word links the action of the sentence to the one doing the action. Relationship to Root: As a rope attaches two objects together Alternate Translations: because; because of what; how; such as; that; what; when; where; who; whoever; whom; whose; whereas (when prefixed with "in~"); just as (when prefixed with "like~"); even though (when attached to the word "GIVEN.THAT") KJV Translations: which, wherewith, because, when, soon, as, that, until much, whosoever, whom, whose Strong's Hebrew #: h.0834 |
|   ( masc., שאר / she-ar ) Translation: REMAINS Definition: What is left behind, a residue. A relative as a remnant. Flesh as what remains after death. KJV Translations: flesh, kinswoman, food, near, nigh, kin, body, kinsman, remnant, rest, residue, other Strong's Hebrew #: h.7605, h.7607 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7606 |
|   ( common, ישר / y.sh.r ) Translation: BE.STRAIGHT (V) Definition: To be in a direct or correct line, path or thought. KJV Translations: please, straight, direct, right, well, fit, good, meet, upright Strong's Hebrew #: h.3474 |
|   ( masc., ישר / ya-shar ) Translation: STRAIGHT Definition: Without a bend, angle, or curve. A straight line, path or thought. The cord of the bow as stretched taught. KJV Translations: cord, string, right, upright, righteous, straight, convenient, equity, just, meet, well Strong's Hebrew #: h.3477 |
|    ( masc., מישר / mey-shar ) Translation: STRING Definition: A cord or rope, as straight. Also a straight line, path or thought. Alternate Spellings: מיתר KJV Translations: cord, string, equity, uprightly, uprightness, right, agreement, aright, equal, sweetly Strong's Hebrew #: h.4339, h.4340 |
 ( שש ) Object: White, Linen, Old Definition: The whiteness of the teeth. The white hair of the older men. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the two front teeth. |  ( masc., שש / sheysh ) Translation: LINEN Definition: Fabric made of flax and noted for its strength, coolness and luster. A white cloth. Also, marble from its whiteness. Alternate Spellings: ששי KJV Translations: linen, marble, silk Strong's Hebrew #: h.7893, h.8336 |
 ( שת ) Action: Sit, Feast Object: Buttocks, Garment Definition: A coming together and sitting to drink. |  ( masc., שת ) Translation: BUTTOCKS Definition: The posterier part of the body where one sits. KJV Translations: buttocks Strong's Hebrew #: h.8357 |