Other Roots
4 letter Words
AHLB - Tav
 ( תא ) Action: Point Object: Mark, Room, Boundary Definition: A mark identifies locations used to mark out a location. Two crossed sticks in the shape of cross were used to hang the family standard or flag. Relationships: This parent root is related to עת, את and תו. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of two crossed sticks representing a mark. |  ( masc., תא ) Translation: ROOM Definition: [To be verified] As a placed marked out. KJV Translations: chamber Strong's Hebrew #: h.8372 |
 ( תב ) Action: Long Abstract: Desire
 ( תד ) Object: Peg
 ( תה ) Action: Ignore Abstract: Waste
 ( תו ) Object: Mark Relationships: This root is related to את and תא. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of two crossed sticks representing a mark. |  ( masc., תו ) Translation: MARK KJV Translations: mark, desire Strong's Hebrew #: h.8420 |
 ( תז ) Action: Cut Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of two crossed sticks representing a mark, the is a picture of a cutting implement. Combined these mean "mark a cut".
 ( תח ) Action: Spread, Cut Object: Spear, Wardrobe, Piece, Under
 ( תך ) Action: Bend, Melt, Lead Object: Middle Definition: The lines or marks in the center of the palm are formed by the bending of the palm. A bending in the middle, the center of something. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of two crossed sticks representing a mark, the is a picture of a bent palm. Combined these mean "mark of the palm".
 ( תל ) Action: Hang, Twist, Wrap Object: Rope , Cord, Bandage, Wall Abstract: Deceive Definition: A rope made of twisted cords for suspending something. |  ( masc., תל ) Translation: RUIN Definition: A city that is covered over with dirt or sand forming a large mound. KJV Translations: heap, strength Strong's Hebrew #: h.8510 |
 ( תם ) Action: Fill, Seal Object: Whole, Double, Orphan, Signet Abstract: Amazed, Mature Definition: An overfilling or overflowing. One who is mature and upright as one who is overfilled with integrity. |  ( masc., תם / tam ) Translation: MATURE Definition: Having completed natural growth and development. An upright and correct nature. KJV Translations: perfect, undefiled, plain, upright Strong's Hebrew #: h.8535 |
|   ( common, תמם / t.m.m ) Translation: BE.WHOLE (V) Definition: To be free of wound or injury, defect or impairment, disease or deformity; physically and mentally sound. KJV Translations: consume, end, finish, clean, upright, spent, perfect, done, fail, accomplish Strong's Hebrew #: h.8552 |
|    ( masc., תמים / ta-mim )     ( fem., תמימה ) Translation: WHOLE Definition: Free of wound or injury; free of defect or impairment; having all its proper parts or components. KJV Translations: without blemish, perfect, upright, without spot, uprightly, whole, sincere, complete, full Strong's Hebrew #: h.8549 |
 ( תן ) Action: Hire, Give Object: Gift |    ( masc., תנין / ta-nin ) Translation: CROCODILE Definition: A large creature that lives in the seas and rivers (see Genesis 1:21, Psalm 74:13, Isaiah 27:1, Ezekiel 29:3, Ezekiel 32:2) and the land (see Psalm 91:13, Isaiah 13:22, Isaiah 34:13, Isaiah 43:20, Jeremiah 51:37). Alternate Spellings: תן KJV Translations: dragon, serpent, whale, monster Strong's Hebrew #: h.8565, h.8577 |
|   ( common, נתן / n.t.n ) Translation: GIVE (V) Definition: To make a present; to present a gift; to grant, allow or bestow by formal action. To place in its proper position. Alternate Translations: allow; made; make; place KJV Translations: give, put, deliver, made, set, up, lay, grant, suffer, yield, bring, cause, utter, send, recompense, appoint, show Strong's Hebrew #: h.5414 |
 ( תע ) Action: Deceive Abstract: Error
 ( תף ) Action: Beat Object: Tambourine Definition: The beating of a Tambourine.
 ( תק ) Object: Ledge
 ( תר ) Action: Tour, Mark Object: Border, Outline Definition: The border of the land owned by an individual, or under his control, is marked by markers. An outline or border. To walk to border of the property as owner or spy. An extension of the border. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of two crossed sticks representing a mark, the is a picture of the head of a man. Combined these mean "mark of man".
|   ( common, יתר / y.t.r ) Translation: LEAVE.BEHIND (V) Definition: To set aside; to retain or hold over to a future time or place; to leave a remainder. KJV Translations: remain, leave, rest, remainder, remnant, reserve, residue, plenteous, behind, excel, preserve, much Strong's Hebrew #: h.3498 |
 ( תש ) Object: Goat Abstract: Success
 ( תת ) Object: Nail