Other Roots
4 letter Words
AHLB - Ayin
 ( עב ) Object: Beam |  ( masc., עב ) Translation: BEAM KJV Translations: plank, beam Strong's Hebrew #: h.5646 |
|   ( common, עבד / ah.b.d ) Translation: SERVE (V) Definition: To provide a service to another, as a servant or slave or to work at a profession. Edenics: obey, obedience KJV Translations: serve, do, till, servant, work, worshipper, service, dress, labour, ear, make, go, keep, move, wrought Strong's Hebrew #: h.5647 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5648 |
|   ( masc., עבד / e-ved ) Translation: SERVANT Definition: One who provides a service to another, as a slave, bondservant or hired hand. KJV Translations: servant, manservant, bondman, bondage, bondservant, sides Strong's Hebrew #: h.5650, h.5652, h.5657 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5649 |
|     ( fem., עבודה / a-vo-dah ) Translation: SERVICE Definition: Labor provided by a servant or slave. KJV Translations: service, servile, work, bondage, act, serve, servitude, tillage, effect, labour Strong's Hebrew #: h.5656 |
 ( עג ) Action: Bake Object: Cake
 ( עד ) Action: Adorn, Meet Object: Trappings Abstract: Witness, Appointment Definition: As coming to a tent of meeting and entering in. A place, time or event that is repeated again and again. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the eye, the is a picture of the door. Combined these mean "see the door". |  ( fem., עד / eyd ) Translation: WITNESS Definition: Attestation of a fact or event. An object, person or group that affords evidence. Relationship to Root: An event or person's testimony recounting another event or person. KJV Translations: witness Strong's Hebrew #: h.5707 |
|  ( masc., עד / ad ) Translation: UNTIL Definition: The conclusion of a determinate period of time. Also, again; a repetition of time, either definite or indefinite; another time; once more. Alternate Translations: again; also; as far as; as well as; before; beyond; by; concerning; even; for; unto; still (when followed by the word "IN.THIS.WAY") KJV Translations: ever, everlasting, end, evermore, old, perpetually, by, as, when, how, yet, till, until, unto, for, to, but, on, within Strong's Hebrew #: h.5703, h.5704 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5705 |
|   ( common, יעד / y.ah.d ) Translation: APPOINT (V) Definition: To arrange, fix or set in place, to determine a set place or time to meet. KJV Translations: meet, together, assemble, appoint, set, time, betroth, agree, gather Strong's Hebrew #: h.3259 |
|    ( masc., מועד / mo-eyd ) Translation: APPOINTED Definition: A person, place, thing or time that is fixed or officially set. KJV Translations: congregation, feast, season, appointed, time, assembly, solemnity, solemn, days, sign, synagogue Strong's Hebrew #: h.4150, h.4151 |
 ( עז ) Action: Bold. Gather Abstract: Strong Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the eye representing knowing, the is a picture of cutting implement. Combined these mean "know a weapon". |  ( masc., עז / az ) Translation: STRONG Definition: Having or marked by great physical strength. KJV Translations: strong, fierce, mighty, power, greedy, roughly Strong's Hebrew #: h.5794 |
 ( עט ) Action: Wrap, Cover, Encircle Object: Bird of prey, Talon, Wreath Definition: A bird of prey is able to see his prey from a great distance. He then drops down on its prey with the talons firmly surrounding the prey, crushing and suffocating it. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the eye, the is a picture of a basket or other container. Combined these mean "see and contain". |  ( masc., עט ) Translation: STYLUS Definition: [To be verified] What is grabbed by the bird of prey. A pointed stick used for writing in clay by pressing into the clay. Relationship to Root: The pointed claws of a bird of prey. Alternate Spellings: עד KJV Translations: prey, pen Strong's Hebrew #: h.5706, h.5842 |
 ( עי ) Object: Heap |  ( masc., עי / ey ) Translation: RUINED.HEAP Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only] |
 ( עך ) Action: Extinguish, Crush, Rattle, Restrain Object: Heel, Anklet
 ( על ) Action: Work, Rejoice, Hide, Triumph, Labor, Make Object: Yoke, Twilight, Abstract: Ancient Definition: The yoke, a staff is lifted over the shoulder, is attached to the oxen for performing work. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of they eye representing knowledge and experience, the is a picture of a shepherd staff or yoke. Combined these mean "experience the staff". |  ( masc., על ) Translation: ABOVE Definition: [To be verified] Being on, above or on top. Alternate Spellings: עול Edenics: collar - with the exchange of the sound of the ayin with the c and the additional r KJV Translations: above, most high, on high Strong's Hebrew #: h.5920 |
|  ( masc., על / al ) Translation: UPON Definition: To be on or over in the sense of the yoke that is placed on the neck of the ox. Alternate Translations: about; above; according to; also; because; by; concerning; in; in addition; over; with; therefore (when followed by the word " SO ") KJV Translations: upon, in, on, over, by, for, both, beyond, through, throughout, against, beside, forth, off, from Strong's Hebrew #: h.5921 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5922 |
|   ( common, עלל / ah.l.l ) Translation: WORK.OVER (V) Definition: To carefully and thoroughly perform a task such as gleaning a field. Also, to mock or abuse in the sense of walking over another. Alternate Translations: abused (when written in the hitpa'el [reflexive] form) KJV Translations: glean, done, abuse, mock, affect, children, do, defiled, practice, wrought, bring, come, went Strong's Hebrew #: h.5953 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5954 |
|   ( common, עלה / ah.l.h ) Translation: GO.UP (V) Definition: To go, come or bring higher. Alternate Translations: bring up (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: up, offer, come, bring, ascend, go, chew, offering, light, increase, burn, depart, put, spring, raise, break, exalt Strong's Hebrew #: h.5927 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5924 |
|   ( masc., נער / na-ar ) Translation: YOUNG.MAN Definition: A male that has moved from youth to young adulthood. KJV Translations: young man, servant, child, lad, young, children, youth, babe, boy Strong's Hebrew #: h.5288, h.5289 |
|    ( masc., עולם / o-lam ) Translation: DISTANT Definition: A far off place as hidden beyond the horizon. A far off time as hidden from the present; the distant past or future. A place or time that cannot be perceived. KJV Translations: ever, everlasting, old, perpetual, evermore, never, time, ancient, world, always, alway, long, more Strong's Hebrew #: h.5769 |
|   ( common, עמל / a-mal ) Translation: LABOR Definition: To exert one’s power of body or mind, especially with painful or strenuous effort. A labor that causes grief, pain or weariness. A laborer as one who toils. KJV Translations: labour, mischief, misery, travail, trouble, sorrow, grievance, grievousness, iniquity, miserable, pain, painful, perverseness, toil, wearisome, wickedness Strong's Hebrew #: h.5999, h.6001 |
 ( עם ) Action: Dim, Stand, Bind Object: People, Side, Pillar, Sheaf Definition: A large group of people in one location. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the eye, the is a picture of the sea representing mass. Combined these mean "see a mass". |  ( masc., עם / am ) Translation: PEOPLE Definition: A large group of men or women. Relationship to Root: A large group of people in one location. Those who are with or near each other. KJV Translations: people, nation, folk, men Strong's Hebrew #: h.5971 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5972 |
|   ( masc., עים / im ) Translation: WITH Definition: Through the idea of being together in a group. Alternate Translations: by; away from (when prefixed with "from~") KJV Translations: with, unto, as, neither, between, among, to, toward, like, by, mighty Strong's Hebrew #: h.5868, h.5973 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5974 |
|   ( common, עמד / ah.m.d ) Translation: STAND (V) Definition: To rise, raise or set in a place. KJV Translations: stand, raise, set, stay, still, appoint, stand, endure, remain, present, continue, withstand Strong's Hebrew #: h.5975, h.5976 |
|   ( fem., פעם / pa-am ) Translation: FOOTSTEP Definition: A stroke of time as a rhythmic beating of time, one moment after the other. A moment in time. A foot or leg in the sense of stepping. Relationship to Root: From the rythmic beating of a drum. Alternate Translations: foot; time; this time (when prefixed with "the~") KJV Translations: time, once, now, feet, twice, step, corner, rank, oftentimes Strong's Hebrew #: h.6471 |
 ( ען ) Action: Watch, Answer Object: Eye, Furrow, Abode, Owl Abstract: Business, Gentle Definition: The nomadic agriculturist carefully watches over his livestock and crops by keeping a close eye on them. It was common to construct a shelter consisting of a roof on four posts, as a shelter from the glare of the sun. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the eye, the is a picture of a seed representing continuance. Combined these mean "eye of continuance". |   ( masc., מען / ma-an ) Translation: THAT Definition: The person, thing, or idea indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situation. A close watching. (Always used with the prefix ל meaning "to") Relationship to Root: A watching over something of importance. A straight furrow is made by carefully watching the direction of the oxen. KJV Translations: that, to, for, because, lest, intent Strong's Hebrew #: h.4616 |
|   ( fem., עין / a-yin ) Translation: EYE Definition: The organ of sight or vision that tears when a person weeps. Also a spring that weeps water out of the ground. Edenics: eye - with the removal of the n KJV Translations: eye, sight, seem, colour, fountain, well, face, presence, before, conceit, think Strong's Hebrew #: h.5869 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5870 |
 ( עס ) Action: Do, Work |   ( common, עשה / ah.sh.h ) Translation: DO (V) Definition: To bring to pass; to bring about; to act or make. Alternate Translations: make; use KJV Translations: do, make, wrought, deal, commit, offer, execute, keep, show, prepare, work, get, dress, maker, maintain Strong's Hebrew #: h.6213 |
|   ( masc., כעס ) Translation: ANGER Alternate Spellings: כעש KJV Translations: grief, provocation, wrath, sorrow, anger, angry, indignation, provoking, sore, spite Strong's Hebrew #: h.3708 |
 ( עף ) Action: Cover, Fly Object: Wing, Branch Abstract: Fatique Definition: The wing of a bird that gives flight as well as a covering it and its chicks. |  ( fem., עף ) Translation: BIRD.WING Definition: [To be verified] The covering of a bird. Alternate Spellings: גף KJV Translations: wing Strong's Aramaic #: a.1611 |
 ( עץ ) Action: Counsel Object: Tree, Spine Abstract: Abundance Definition: The upright and firmness of the tree. |  ( masc., עץ / eyts ) Translation: TREE Definition: A woody perennial plant with a supporting stem or trunk and multiple branches. Relationship to Root: The upright and firmness of the tree. The elders of the tribe were the upright and firm ones making decisions and giving advice. Alternate Translations: wood (when in the plural form) KJV Translations: tree, wood, timber, stick, gallows, staff, stock, branch, helve, plank, stalk Strong's Hebrew #: h.6086, h.6097 Aramaic Spelling: אע Strong's Aramaic #: a.0636 |
|   ( common, עצב / ah.ts.b ) Translation: DISTRESS (V) Definition: The state of being in great trouble, great physical or mental strain and stress. To be in pain from grief or heavy toil. KJV Translations: grieve, displease, hurt, made, sorry, vex, worship, wrest, lament Strong's Hebrew #: h.6087 Strong's Aramaic #: a.6088 |
|   ( common, עצר / ah.ts.r ) Translation: STOP (V) Definition: To cause to cease; to stop from occurring in the sense of halting, shutting or restraining. KJV Translations: shut, stay, retain, detain, able, withhold, keep, prevail, recover, refrain, reign Strong's Hebrew #: h.6113 |
 ( עק ) Action: Press Object: Burden Abstract: Oppression
 ( ער ) Action: Bare, Uncover, Watch Object: Skin, Naked, Neck Definition: When the enemy is captured, he is stripped of his clothes to the skin and carefully watched. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the eye, the is a picture of a man. Combined these mean "see a man". |  ( masc., ער ) Translation: BARE.SKIN Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only] |
 ( עש ) Action: Waste
 ( עת ) Action: Speak Abstract: Time, Now, Abundance Definition: A period of time as a moment or season. |  ( fem., עת / eyt ) Translation: APPOINTED.TIME Definition: A fixed or officially set event, occasion or date. KJV Translations: time, season, when, always Strong's Hebrew #: h.6256 |