Other Roots
4 letter Words
AHLB - Aleph
 ( אב ) Action: Stand Object: Pole, Spear, Wineskin, Grain Abstract: Enemy, Desire, Hostile Definition: This can be the tent poles which hold up the tent, the house, as well as the father who holds up the family, the household. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph represents strength, the represents the tent. Combined these mean "the strength of the house". |  ( masc., אב / av ) Translation: FATHER Definition: A man who has begotten a child. The provider and support to the household. The ancestor of a family line. The patron of a profession or art. Relationship to Root: The support of the tent/house. Edenics: pa - an exchange from a b and p and a reversal of the letters KJV Translations: father, chief, families, desire, patrimony, prince, principle Strong's Hebrew #: h.0001 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0002 |
 ( אד ) Object: Smoke, Mist, Charcoal, Heap |  ( masc., אד / ad ) Translation: MIST Definition: A vapor or fine spray. Relationship to Root: An overwhelming abundance of ash raked in the fire causing a cloud of dust. KJV Translations: mist, vapor Strong's Hebrew #: h.0108 |
|    ( masc., מאוד / me-od ) Translation: MANY Definition: A large but indefinite number. An abundance of things (many, much, great), actions (complete, wholly, strong, quick) or character (very). Alternate Translations: great; greatly; more; much; very KJV Translations: very, greatly, sore, exceedingly, great, much, diligently, good, might Strong's Hebrew #: h.3966 |
 ( אה ) Action: Sigh Object: Hawk, Sigher Abstract: Desire, Where Definition: This can be a sigh when searching as when the ox snorts when desiring food. Relationships: This root is closely related to הא. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph represents strength of the ox. The is one looking at a great sight and sighing. Combined they mean "a strong sigh". |  ( common, אה / ah ) Translation: AH Definition: [To be verified] The sigh of one in exclamation out of a desire. Relationship to Root: The howling of one searching. Alternate Spellings: האח אי אח Edenics: ah KJV Translations: ah, aha, alas, woe Strong's Hebrew #: h.0253, h.0337, h.1889(x2) |
 ( או ) Action: Point Abstract: Desire Definition: This root has the idea of adding something out of desire. Relationships: This root is closely related to the root אה. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph , replacing the , is a peg representing the idea of attaching something.
|  ( masc., או / o ) Translation: OR Definition: An alternative or optional desire. Alternate Translations: whether Edenics: or - with an added r KJV Translations: also, and, desire, either, least, nor, or, otherwise, should, then, whether Strong's Hebrew #: h.0176 |
 ( אז ) Abstract: Time Definition: The harvest is a very prominent "time" to the early Hebrews. Ancient Hebrew: The letter represents an agricultural implement of cutting used in the harvest. |  ( masc., אז / az ) Translation: AT.THAT.TIME Definition: A specified moment or time. Relationship to Root: A specific time. KJV Translations: beginning, even, for, from, hitherto, now, old, since, then, time, when, yet Strong's Hebrew #: h.0227 |
 ( אח ) Action: Protect Object: Brother, Hearth Abstract: Brotherhood Definition: In Hebrew thought, a wall is more than a vertical barrier but anything that separates or divides. The hearth around the fire protected the house from the heat and embers of the fire. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph represents strength. The is a wall. Combined these pictographs mean "strong wall". |  ( masc., אח / ahh ) Translation: BROTHER Definition: A male who has the same parents as another or shares one parent with another. One who stands between the enemy and the family, a protector. KJV Translations: brethren, brother, another, brotherly, kindred Strong's Hebrew #: h.0251, h.1889(x2) Strong's Aramaic #: a.0252 |
|  ( fem., אח / ahh ) Translation: HEARTH Definition: The hearth of a fire as a dividing wall that protects the family. KJV Translations: hearth Strong's Hebrew #: h.0254 |
 ( אט ) Object: Corral Abstract: Gentle Definition: The idea that one that can be rough and harsh but acts in a gentle manner. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is an ox head. The is a basket as used to contain something. Combined these mean "ox contained" in the sense of being tamed or gentle. |  ( masc., אט / at ) Translation: SOFTLY Definition: Free from harshness, sternness, or violence. To act softly. A charmer. KJV Translations: softly, charmers, gently, secret Strong's Hebrew #: h.0328 |
 ( אי ) Object: Place Abstract: Where Relationships: This root is closely related to the root אה. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph , replacing the , is the hand and adds the idea of pointing to a place. |  ( masc., אי / ey ) Translation: WHERE Definition: At, in, or to what place. Relationship to Root: A search for an unknown location. Alternate Translations: why Alternate Spellings: איפוה איה KJV Translations: where, what, whence Strong's Hebrew #: h.0335, h.0346, h.0351, h.0375 |
|  ( masc., אי / iy ) Translation: ISLAND.BEAST Definition: An unknown species of animal. KJV Translations: beast Strong's Hebrew #: h.0338 |
 ( אך ) Abstract: How
 ( אל ) Action: Yoke, Guide, Swear Object: Ox, Oak, Yoke Abstract: Strength, Oath, Learn Definition: The yoke is understood as a "staff on the shoulders" (see Isaiah 9:4) in order to harness their power for pulling loads such as a wagon or plow. Hence, the two pictographs can also represent "the ox in the yoke". Often two oxen were yoked together. An older, more experienced ox would be teamed up (yoked) with a younger, less experienced ox. The older ox in the yoke is the "strong authority" who, through the yoke, teaches the younger ox. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of an ox head and also represents its strength. The is a picture of a shepherd staff and also represents the authority of the shepherd. Combined these two pictographs mean "the strong authority" and can be anyone or thing of strong authority. |  ( masc., אל / el ) Translation: MIGHTY.ONE Definition: One who holds authority over others, such as a judge, chief or god. In the sense of being yoked to one another. Relationship to Root: The power of the ox's muscles to perform work. Edenics: all; elk KJV Translations: God, god, power, mighty, goodly, great, idols, strong, unto, with, against, at, into, in, before, to, of, upon, by, toward, hath, for, on, beside, from, where, after, within Strong's Hebrew #: h.0410 |
|  ( masc., אל / el ) Translation: TO Definition: Used as a function word to indicate movement or an action or condition suggestive of progress toward a place, person, or thing reached. Relationship to Root: A moving to or toward something to be with it, as the ox moves toward a destination. Alternate Translations: at; by; for; on KJV Translations: unto, with, against, at, into, in, before, to, of, upon, by, toward, has, for, on, beside, from, where, after, within Strong's Hebrew #: h.0413 |
|    ( masc., אלוה / e-lo-ah ) Translation: POWER Definition: Possession of control, authority, or influence over others; physical might. The power or might of one who rules or teaches. One who yokes with another. Often applies to rulers or a god. Often used in the plural form literally meaning "mighty ones," but often used in a singular sense to mean "The Mighty One." KJV Translations: God, god, judge, angel, mighty, godly, heathen deity Strong's Hebrew #: h.0433 Aramaic Spelling: אלה Strong's Aramaic #: a.0426, a.0430 |
|   ( masc., איל / a-yil ) Translation: BUCK Definition: The large males of a flock of sheep or heard of deer. By extension, anything of strength including a chief, pillar (as the strong support of a building), or oak tree (one of the strongest of the woods). KJV Translations: ram, post, mighty, tree, lintel, oak, strength, hart Strong's Hebrew #: h.0352, h.0353, h.0354 |
 ( אם ) Action: Bind Object: Glue, Mother, Arm, Tribe, Pillar Abstract: Firm Definition: Glue was made by placing the hides and other animal parts of slaughtered animals in a pot of boiling water. As the hide boiled, a thick sticky substance formed at the surface of the water. This substance was removed and used as a binding agent. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph represents strength. The is water or any other liquid. Combined these pictographs mean "strong liquid". |  ( fem., אם / eym ) Translation: MOTHER Definition: A female parent. Maternal tenderness or affection. One who fulfills the role of a mother. Relationship to Root: The arm that holds things together. The arm is seen as glue that encircles and holds together. A cubit was the length of the arm from elbow to fingertip. The mother of the family is the one who binds the family together by holding in her arms and by the work of her arms. KJV Translations: mother, dam Strong's Hebrew #: h.0517 |
|   ( common, אמן / a.m.n ) Translation: SECURE (V) Definition: Solidly fixed in place; to stand firm in the sense of a support. Not subject to change or revision. Alternate Translations: support (when written in the hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: believe, assurance, faithful, sure, establish, trust, verify, steadfast, continuance, father, bring up, nurse, stand, fail Strong's Hebrew #: h.0539 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0540 |
|    ( masc., אמון / ey-mun )     ( fem., אמונה / e-mu-nah ) Translation: FIRMNESS Definition: Securely fixed in place. KJV Translations: faithfulness, truth, faithfully, office, faithful, faith, stability, steady, truly, trusty Strong's Hebrew #: h.0529, h.0530 |
 ( אן ) Action: Produce Object: Produce, Ship Abstract: Where, Complain, Vigor, Nothing Definition: The male searches out the female and approaches her for reproducing (see Jeremiah 2:24). This can also be a search for the purpose of producing something. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph represents the ox. The is a picture of a seed (plant, animal or man). |  ( masc., אן / an ) Translation: WHEREVER Definition: Anywhere at all. A search for a person, place or time. Relationship to Root: A ship searches through the sea for a distant coastline (of an island or mainland) in search of the produce for trade. The fig tree produces fruit that is desirable and prolific, since the fig is green and blends in with the leaves, the fruit must be searched out. The searching may result in success or failure. Alternate Translations: how long (when attached to the word "UNTIL") Alternate Spellings: אנה KJV Translations: whither, how, where, whithersoever, hither Strong's Hebrew #: h.0575 |
|  ( masc., אי / iy ) Translation: ISLAND Definition: A tract of land surrounded by water. Also a country in the sense of isolated. Relationship to Root: As the destination of a ship. Edenics: Isle, Island KJV Translations: isle, island, country Strong's Hebrew #: h.0336, h.0339 |
|   ( masc., אין / a-yin ) Translation: WITHOUT Definition: A lacking of something or the inability to do or have something. The search for a place of unknown origin. Alternate Translations: no; not; not with; nothing; where; or not (when following the word "IF") KJV Translations: except, fail, fatherless, incurable, infinite, innumerable, neither, never, no, none, not, nothing, nought, without, there not, where, whence Strong's Hebrew #: h.0369, h.0370, h.0371 |
 ( אף ) Action: Bake, Snort Object: Nose, Hot, Oven, Breath Abstract: Anger, Adultery Definition: The nostrils (holes) are for breathing. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph represents strength. The is a picture of the mouth and represents any type of hole. |  ( masc., אף / aph ) Translation: NOSE Definition: The organ bearing the nostrils on the anterior of the face. Also meaning anger from the flaring of the nostrils and the redness of the nose when angry. Relationship to Root: The nostrils of man flares when he breathes heavy in passion or anger. Alternate Translations: nostrils (when in the double plural form) KJV Translations: anger, wrath, face, nostrils, nose, angry Strong's Hebrew #: h.0639 |
|  ( common, אף / aph ) Translation: MOREOVER Definition: In addition to what has been said. KJV Translations: before, also, even, yet, moreover, yea, with, low, therefore, much, before, also, even, yet, moreover, yea, with, low, therefore, much Strong's Hebrew #: h.0637 Strong's Aramaic #: a.0638 |
 ( אץ ) Action: Press, Compel Object: Narrow Definition: A narrow ravine where the walls press in. Ancient Hebrew: The letter represents the side as in the sides of a ravine.
 ( אק ) Object: Wild Goat
 ( אר ) Action: Gather, Order Object: Box, Light Definition: Boxes are used to store items and keep them in order. Light is also necessary for order.
|   ( common, אור / or ) Translation: LIGHT Definition: The illumination from the sun, moon, stars, fire, candle or other source. KJV Translations: light, fire, day, bright, clear, lightning, morning, sun Strong's Hebrew #: h.0216, h.0217 |
 ( אש ) Action: Press, Shine Object: Fire, Foundation, Pillar Abstract: Despair, Pressure Definition: A fire is made by firmly pressing a wooden rod down onto a wooden board and spinning the rod with a bow drill. Wood dust is generated from the two woods rubbing together and is heated by the friction creating a small ember in the dust. Small tinder is then placed on the ember and is blown ignited the tinder. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph represents strength. The is a picture of teeth and imply pressing as one does with the teeth to chew food. Combined these pictures mean "a strong pressing down". |  ( fem., אש / eysh ) Translation: FIRE Definition: The phenomenon of combustion manifested by heat, light and flame. Relationship to Root: The pressing of wood together with a fire drill to produce fire through friction. Edenics: ash - as the product of fire KJV Translations: fire, burning, fiery, flaming, hot Strong's Hebrew #: h.0784 Aramaic Spelling: אשא Strong's Aramaic #: a.0785 |
|   ( common, עשק / ah.sh.q ) Translation: OPPRESS (V) Definition: To press into or on another through force or deceit. KJV Translations: oppress, oppressor, defraud, wrong, deceive, deceit, get, oppression, drink, violence Strong's Hebrew #: h.6231 |
 ( את ) Action: Plow Object: Plow, Mark, Entrance Abstract: Arrive, Agree Definition: When plowing a field with oxen, the plowman drives the oxen toward a distant mark in order to keep the furrow straight. A traveler arrives at his destination by following a mark. The traveling toward a mark, destination or person. The arrival of one to the mark. A "you" is an individual who has arrived to a "me". The coming toward a mark. A standard, or flag, with the family mark hangs as a sign. An agreement or covenant by two where a sign or mark of the agreement is made as a reminder to both parties. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of an ox. The is a picture of two crossed sticks used to make a sign or mark. Combined these pictures represent "an ox moving toward a mark". |  ( masc., את / yet ) Translation: PLOWSHARE Definition: The cutting point of a plow. Relationship to Root: The plowing of a field by driving the oxen to a distant mark. KJV Translations: plowshare, coulter Strong's Hebrew #: h.0855 |
|  ( masc., את / et ) Translation: AT Definition: A function word to indicate presence or occurrence, a goal of an implied or indicated action, etc. Commonly used as a grammatical tool to identify the direct object of a verb. Alternate Translations: by; for; to; with Edenics: at - a moving at something KJV Translations: against, with, in, upon Strong's Hebrew #: h.0853, h.0854 Aramaic Spelling: ית Strong's Aramaic #: a.3487 |