Other Roots
4 letter Words
AHLB - Gimel
 ( גא ) Action: High Object: Valley Abstract: Pride Definition: To lift something up high. Relationships: This root is related to גה and גו. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph , a picture of the foot representing the idea to carry or lift. The represents strength. Combined these letters mean a "lifting strength". |  ( masc., גא ) Translation: PRIDE Definition: [To be verified] Someone that is elevated to a higher position. KJV Translations: pride Strong's Hebrew #: h.1341 |
 ( גב ) Action: Lift, Dig Object: Back, Field, Arch, Cistern, Locust, Hill, Helmet, Tower Definition: The high arched curve of the back when digging. |  ( common, גב / gav ) Translation: ARCH Definition: A curved object. The bowing of the back as when digging. Also any high arched or convex thing such as the eyebrow or the rim of a wheel. Alternate Spellings: גו KJV Translations: back, eminent place, rings, body, bosses, eyebrows, naves, higher place, among Strong's Hebrew #: h.1354, h.1610 Strong's Aramaic #: a.1355 |
 ( גג ) Object: Roof |  ( masc., גג / gag ) Translation: ROOF Definition: The covering of a dwelling place. KJV Translations: roof, housetop, top, house Strong's Hebrew #: h.1406 |
 ( גד ) Action: Slice, Band, Invade, Magnify Object: Bunch, Riverbank, Company, Band, Sinew, Coriander, Rope |  ( masc., גד / gad ) Translation: FORTUNE Definition: A store of material possessions. Relationship to Root: A seed cut out of the plant. A prized spice. KJV Translations: troop Strong's Hebrew #: h.1409 |
|  ( masc., גד / gad ) Translation: CORIANDER Definition: A class of plants with seeds which are in the form of the size of a peppercorn. They are used medicinally and as a spice. Likened to the manna in its form and color. KJV Translations: coriander Strong's Hebrew #: h.1407 |
 ( גה ) Action: Lift, Heal Object: Medicine Abstract: Pride Definition: A lifting high of something. Relationships: This root is related to גא and גו.
 ( גו ) Object: Back Definition: The back as the middle part of the body, used in lifting. Relationships: This root is related to גא and גה.
|  ( masc., גו / gaw ) Translation: CORE Definition: [To be verified] The middle or in the midst. KJV Translations: midst, within the same, wherein, therein Strong's Hebrew #: h.1458, h.1460 Strong's Aramaic #: a.1459, , |
 ( גז ) Action: Shear, Sweep, Pluck Object: Fleece, Nut, Stump, Feather, Caterpillar, Axe Definition: The sheering and removal of the wool fleece from the sheep for clothing as well as the cutting of other materials with one stroke. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the foot and has a meaning of lifting. The is an agricultural implement for harvesting or cutting.
|  ( masc., גז ) Translation: FLEECE Definition: The coat of wool that covers a sheep or a similar animal. Also, the grasses that are sheared off with a sickle in harvest. KJV Translations: fleece, mowings, mown grass Strong's Hebrew #: h.1488 |
|   ( common, גזל / g.z.l ) Translation: PLUCK.AWAY (V) Definition: To take off something or someone by force through picking off, robbing or plundering. KJV Translations: spoil, take, rob, pluck, caught, consume, exercise, force, torn, violence Strong's Hebrew #: h.1497 |
 ( גח ) Action: Burst, Laugh Object: Belly
 ( גל ) Action: Roll, Uncover, Round, Wrap, Shave Object: Circle, Wheel, Drop, Infant, Boundary Abstract: Redeem Definition: Something that is round or a second time around of a time or event. A dancing in a circle. |  ( masc., גל / gal ) Translation: MOUND Definition: An artificial hill or bank of earth or stones. A pile of rocks or soil. A spring gushing out of the ground. KJV Translations: heap, wave, spring, billow, bowl Strong's Hebrew #: h.1530 |
|   ( common, גאל / g.a.l ) Translation: REDEEM (V) Definition: To buy back. Restore one to his original position or avenge his death. In the participle form this verb means "avenger," as it is the role of the nearest relative to buy back one in slavery or avenge his murder. KJV Translations: redeem, redeemer, kinsman, revenger, avenger, ransom, deliver, kinsfolks, kinsman's, part, purchase, stain, wise Strong's Hebrew #: h.1350 |
|   ( common, גלה / g.l.h ) Translation: REMOVE.THE.COVER (V) Definition: To reveal something by exposing it. Usually from the removal of clothing. Relationship to Root: To roll a rock over to reveal what is underneath. Alternate Translations: uncover (when written in the niphil [passive] or hiphil [causative] form) KJV Translations: uncover, discover, captive, carry away, reveal, open, captivity, show, remove, appear, brought, carry Strong's Hebrew #: h.1540 Strong's Aramaic #: a.1541 |
 ( גם ) Action: Gather, Drink, Yield Object: Foot, Pool, Reed Definition: The watering well or other place of water is a gathering place for men, animals and plants for drinking. Men and animals may walk great distances for these watering holes while plants grow in abundance in them. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the foot and means to walk. The is water. Combined these mean "walking to water". |  ( masc., גם / gam ) Translation: ALSO Definition: In addition to. The idea of a gathering of objects or ideas. Relationship to Root: Any gathering of people, things or ideas. Alternate Translations: and; both; should; since Edenics: game - from the Latin word game meaning leg (the original meaning of the root) KJV Translations: also, as, again, and Strong's Hebrew #: h.1571 |
 ( גן ) Action: Store, Steal, Deliver Object: Garden, Shield, Treasure, Burden, Thief Abstract: Protection, Theft Definition: A place for growing crops and is often surrounded by a rock wall or hedge to protect it from grazing animals. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the foot and means to walk with an extended meaning to gather. The is a picture of a sprouting seed. Combined these mean "a gathering of seeds". |  ( common, גן / gan ) Translation: GARDEN Definition: A plot of ground where crops are grown. A place for growing crops, and often surrounded by a rock wall or hedge to protect it from grazing animals. Relationship to Root: A garden enclosed by walls for protection. A shield as a wall of protection. Edenics: genesis; beginning; genetics; genome KJV Translations: garden Strong's Hebrew #: h.1588 |
 ( גע ) Action: Gasp, Bellow, Expire Object: Labor Abstract: Weary
 ( גף ) Object: Troop, Shut
 ( רג ) Action: Sojourn, Chew, Gather, Prostrate, Fight, Cast Object: Traveler, Limestone, Throat, Dwelling Abstract: Fear Definition: One traveling through a foreign land is a stranger to the people and culture. Fear is associated with strangers and seen as an enemy. This root also has the idea of laying out flat to sleep through the idea of spending the night. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the foot and means to walk. The is a picture of a man. Combined these mean "a walking man". |  ( masc., גר / ger ) Translation: STRANGER Definition: A foreigner that permanently or temporarily resides with a native. A person or thing unknown or with whom one is unacquainted. Relationship to Root: One who travels in a strange land. Also the throat as the place where fear is felt. Alternate Spellings: גיר KJV Translations: stranger, alien, sojourner, chalkstone Strong's Hebrew #: h.1616 |
 ( גש ) Action: Grope Object: Clod Abstract: Clay |  ( masc., גש ) Translation: CLAYEY.SOIL Definition: Ground that consists of hydrated silicates of aluminum: used for making bricks, pottery, etc. KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only] |
 ( גת ) Object: Winepress Definition: After the grapes are placed in the wine vat, treaders walk in the vat to crush the grapes freeing up the juices. The treader's feet and lower parts of their clothing are stained red, a sign of their occupation (see Isaiah 63:1-3). Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the foot. The is a picture of a mark. Combined these mean "a foot marked". |  ( fem., גת ) Translation: WINEPRESS KJV Translations: winepress, press, winefat Strong's Hebrew #: h.1660 |