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AHLB - Ghayin
 ( עב ) Action: Thick, Dark Object: Cloud, Raven Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a twisted rope with the extended meaning of darkness. The is a picture of a tent representing what is inside. Combined these mean "darkness inside". |  ( common, עב / av ) Translation: THICK Definition: Heavily compacted material, such as a cloud, forest or thicket, and is filled with darkness. KJV Translations: cloud, clay, thick, thicket Strong's Hebrew #: h.5645 |
|   ( common, ערב / ah.r.b ) Translation: BARTER (V) Definition: To exchange an item or service for another. KJV Translations: surety, meddle, mingle, pledge, become, engage, intermeddle, mortgage, occupier, occupy, undertake, sweet, pleasure, pleasing, pleasant, mingle Strong's Hebrew #: h.6148 |
|   ( common, ערב ) Translation: MIX (V) Definition: [To be verified] As mixing one thing with another. KJV Translations: surety, meddle, mingle, pledge, become, engage, intermeddle, mortgage, occupier, occupy, undertake, sweet, pleasure, pleasing, pleasant, mingle Strong's Aramaic #: a.6151 |
|   ( common, ערב ) Translation: SWEET (V) Relationship to Root: Unknown connection to root KJV Translations: surety, meddle, mingle, pledge, become, engage, intermeddle, mortgage, occupier, occupy, undertake, sweet, pleasure, pleasing, pleasant, mingle Strong's Hebrew #: h.6149 |
 ( עד ) Action: Slice Object: Menstruation, Kid |  ( fem., עד ) Translation: MENSTRUATION KJV Translations: filthy Strong's Hebrew #: h.5708 |
 ( עה ) Action: Twist Object: Rope Relationships: Related to עו. Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a twisted rope. Twisted cords that form a thick rope. |   ( common, עוה ) Translation: TWIST (V) Definition: [To be verified] To be twisted in ones actions. KJV Translations: iniquity, perverse, pervert, amiss, turn, crooked, bow, trouble, wicked, wrong Strong's Hebrew #: h.5753 |
 ( עו )
 ( עז ) Object: Goat |  ( fem., עז / eyz ) Translation: SHE.GOAT Definition: A female goat. KJV Translations: goat, kid Strong's Hebrew #: h.5795 Strong's Aramaic #: a.5796 |
 ( עי ) Object: Ruin Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a twisted rope. The is a picture of a the hand meaning work. Combined these mean "twisted work". |  ( masc., עי ) Translation: PILE.OF.RUINS Definition: > Relationship to Root: A city or structure that has been demolished. KJV Translations: heap Strong's Hebrew #: h.5856 |
 ( על ) Object: Stain Abstract: Wicked Definition: A dark stain.
 ( עם )
 ( ען ) Object: Cloud Abstract: Affliction
 ( עס ) Action: Tread Object: Juice Definition: Grapes are placed in a vat. A rope is suspended from above and is held onto by the grape treaders for support.
 ( עף ) Abstract: Darkness, Gloominess Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a twisted rope with the extended meaning of darkness.
 ( עק ) Action: Pluck Object: Crooked, Root
 ( ער ) Action: Dark Object: City, Forrest Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a rope with the extended meaning of darkness. The is a picture of a man. Combined these mean "dark man" or an enemy. |  ( masc., ער ) Translation: ENEMY Definition: > KJV Translations: city, enemy Strong's Hebrew #: h.6145 Strong's Aramaic #: a.6146 |
 ( עש ) Action: Haste Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a twisted rope. The is a picture of the teeth representing the idea of pressing. Combined these mean "twisting pressing".
 ( עת ) Action: Twist Object: Rope, Crooked Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a twisted rope. The is a picture of a mark. Combined these mean "twisted mark".
 ( עע ) Object: Rope, Crooked Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of a twisted rope.