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LABOR: To exert one's power of body or mind, especially with painful or strenuous effort. A labor that causes grief, pain or weariness. A laborer as one who toils. [Strong's #: 5999, 6001] Lexicon | Concordance LACE: A cord or string used to draw the edges of shoes or a garment together, as twisted around the foot for attaching sandals. [Strong's #: 8288] Lexicon | Concordance LADANUM: An aromatic gum resin obtained from a tree and having a bitter slightly pungent taste. [Strong's #: 3910] Lexicon | Concordance LADDER: Used to raise up. A structure for climbing up or down. [Strong's #: 5551] Lexicon | Concordance LAMENT (Verb): To mourn aloud; wail. [Strong's #: 5594] Lexicon | Concordance LAMENTING: The act of mourning. [Strong's #: 4553] Lexicon | Concordance LAND: The solid part of the earth's surface. The whole of the earth or a region. [Strong's #: 772, 776, 778] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles LAST: In, to or toward the back. To be in back of, at the rear or following after something. [Strong's #: 314] Lexicon | Concordance LAST.NIGHT: The previous night or a time past. [Strong's #: 570] Lexicon | Concordance LAUGH (Verb): To show mirth, joy, or scorn with a smile and chuckle or explosive sound; Mock (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 6711] Lexicon | Concordance LAUGHTER: The sound of mirth, joy, or scorn with a smile and chuckle or explosive sound. [Strong's #: 6712] Lexicon | Concordance LAY.DOWN (Verb): To give up; to lie down for copulation, rest or sleep. [Strong's #: 7901] Lexicon | Concordance LAYING.PLACE: The location one lays for rest or sleep. [Strong's #: 4903, 4904] Lexicon | Concordance LEAD (Verb): To guide on a way, especially by going in advance. The flock directed to the pasture at the end of the journey. [Strong's #: 5095] Lexicon | Concordance LEAF: Foliage of a tree or plant. As high in the tree. [Strong's #: 5929] Lexicon | Concordance LEAN (Verb): To cast one's weight to one side for support. Lean on something for rest or support. [Strong's #: 8172] Lexicon | Concordance LEAVE (Verb): To go away from; to neglect. [Strong's #: 5800, 5805] Lexicon | Concordance LEAVE.BEHIND (Verb): To set aside; to retain or hold over to a future time or place; to leave a remainder. [Strong's #: 3498] Lexicon | Concordance LEAVE.IN.PLACE (Verb): To put or place something in a specific location; Present (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 3322] Lexicon | Concordance LEFT.HAND: To choose the left hand or path ( A word of foreign origin ). [Strong's #: 8040, 8041, 8042] Concordance LENGTH: A measured distance or dimension. [Strong's #: 753] Lexicon | Concordance LENTIL: A leguminous plant with flattened edible seeds. [Strong's #: 5742] Lexicon | Concordance LET.ALONE (Verb): To be left behind by those who leave. [Strong's #: 5203] Lexicon | Concordance LEVEL.VALLEY: A depression in the earth's surface between ranges of mountains. Wide level valley as a division between mountains ranges. [Strong's #: 1236, 1237] Lexicon | Concordance LIFT.UP (Verb): To lift up a burden or load and carry it; to lift up camp and begin a journey; to forgive in the sense of removing the offense. [Strong's #: 4984, 5375, 5376] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles LIGHT: The illumination from the sun, moon, stars, fire, candle or other source. [Strong's #: 216, 217] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles LIGHT (Verb): To shine with an intense light; be or give off light; to be bright. [Strong's #: 215] Lexicon | Concordance LIKENESS: Copy; resemblance. The quality or state of being like something or someone else. [Strong's #: 1823] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles LIMP (Verb): To walk lamely, especially favoring one leg; to go unsteadily; to proceed with difficulty or slowly. From damage to the ridge of the hip. [Strong's #: 6760] Lexicon | Concordance LINEN: Fabric made of flax and noted for its strength, coolness and luster. A white cloth. Also, marble from its whiteness. [Strong's #: 7893, 8336] Lexicon | Concordance LINGER (Verb): To be slow in parting or in quitting something. [Strong's #: 4102] Lexicon | Concordance LION: A large carnivorous chiefly nocturnal cat. A feared animal. [Strong's #: 738, 744] Lexicon | Concordance LIONESS: A female lion. [Strong's #: 3833] Lexicon | Concordance LIP: The rim or edge of the mouth or other opening. Language, as spoken from the lips. [Strong's #: 8193] Lexicon | Concordance LITTLE.ONE: Small in size or extent. Something or someone that is smaller, younger or less significant. [Strong's #: 2191, 2192, 6810] Lexicon | Concordance LIVE (Verb): To be alive and continue alive. Have life within. The revival of life gained from food or other necessity; Keep alive (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 2418, 2421, 2425] Lexicon | Concordance LIVESTOCK: Animals kept or raised for use or pleasure. What is purchased or possessed. [Strong's #: 4735] Lexicon | Concordance LIVING: The quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body; life. Literally the stomach. Used idiomatically of living creatures, especially in conjunction with land, ground or field; Life (when in the plural form). [Strong's #: 2416, 2417] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles LO: To draw attention to something important. [Strong's #: 1887, 1888] Lexicon | Concordance LOAD (Verb): That which is put on a person or pack animal to be carried. [Strong's #: 6006] Lexicon | Concordance LOATHE (Verb): To dislike greatly and often with disgust. To be sickened as if pierced by a thorn. [Strong's #: 6973] Lexicon | Concordance LOIN.WRAP: A sash or belt that encircles the waist. [Strong's #: 2290] Lexicon | Concordance LOINS: The pubic region; the generative organs. In the sense of the next generation being drawn out of the loins. [Strong's #: 2504, 2783] Lexicon | Concordance LOOK: To ascertain by the use of one's eyes; Here, saw. [Strong's #: 2009] Lexicon | Concordance LOOK.DOWN (Verb): To look out and down as through a window. [Strong's #: 8259] Lexicon | Concordance LOOK.WITH.RESPECT (Verb): To look upon with high regard. [Strong's #: 8159] Lexicon | Concordance LORD: The ruler as the foundation to the community or family. [Strong's #: 113] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles LOST: Departed from the correct path or way, either out of ignorance or revolt. [Strong's #: 7562, 7563] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles LOVE (Verb): To provide and protect that which is given as a privilege. An intimacy of action and emotion. Strong affection for another arising from personal ties. [Strong's #: 157] Lexicon | Concordance | Articles LOWER.PART: The part beneath. A low place. [Strong's #: 8482] Lexicon | Concordance LUMINARY: That which gives off light. [Strong's #: 3974] Lexicon | Concordance |