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Mr. Benner's Mechanical Translation of Genesis

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PACK (Verb): A bundle arranged for carrying. [Strong's #: 2943]
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PALM: A tropical tree with fan-shaped leaves. Part of the hand or foot between the base of the digits and the wrist or ankle. A palm-shaped object. [Strong's #: 3709, 3710]
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PARCEL: A section or portion of land that has been purchased or aquired. [Strong's #: 2513]
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PARCHING.HEAT: To shrivel or toast with intense heat. [Strong's #: 2721]
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PART (Verb): To separate. Part the lips to open the mouth. [Strong's #: 6475]
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PARTNER: One that shares. A close companion. [Strong's #: 4828]
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PASS.OVER (Verb): To pass through, by or over something. Also, to change in the sense of going to another one, side or thought; Change (when written in the hiphil [causative] or piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 2498, 2499]
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PATH: The road or route one travels. [Strong's #: 734]
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PAYMENT: Something that is paid. [Strong's #: 4909]
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PEEL (Verb): The skin or rind of a fruit; to strip off an outer layer. [Strong's #: 6478]
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PEEL.OFF (Verb): To strip off an outer layer; to spread apart; to invade in the sense of spreading out for an attack; to strip off clothing in the sense of spreading the garment for removal. [Strong's #: 6584]
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PEOPLE: A large group of men or women. [Strong's #: 5971, 5972]
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PERFORM (Verb): To do a wondrous action that shows ones might. [Strong's #: 6381]
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PERSECUTION: To agitate mentally or spiritually; worry; disturb. [Strong's #: 6869]
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PICK.UP (Verb): To take hold of and lift up; to gather together. [Strong's #: 3950]
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PIERCE.THROUGH (Verb): To make a hole by puncturing or penetrating; to curse in the sense of piercing through. [Strong's #: 5344]
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PILE.UP (Verb): To heap something up in a mound. [Strong's #: 6651]
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PILGRIMAGE: A journey of a pilgrim; the course of life on earth. One who travels in a strange land. The pilgrimage or the dwelling place of a stranger. [Strong's #: 4033]
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PISTACHIO: A greenish-yellow nut from a small tree of the same name. From its belly shape. [Strong's #: 992]
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PITCH.TENT (Verb): To set up camp. By extension, can also mean a distant shining, such as the moon. [Strong's #: 166, 167]
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PITIFUL: Having or showing sympathetic consciousness of others' distress with a desire to alleviate it. [Strong's #: 2551]
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PLACE (Verb): To put or set in a particular place, position, situation, or relation. [Strong's #: 3455, 7760, 7761]
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PLACE.OF.LODGING: An establishment for lodging and entertaining travelers. A place for spending the night. [Strong's #: 4411]
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PLAGUE: An epidemic disease causing high mortality. An epidemic or other sore or illness as a touch from God. [Strong's #: 5061]
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PLANT (Verb): To put or set into the ground for growth; to establish plants in the sense of setting into place in the soil. [Strong's #: 5193]
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PLEAD (Verb): To entreat or appeal earnestly; to fall to the ground to plead a cause to one in authority; prevent a judgment. [Strong's #: 6419]
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PLEASANT: Having qualities that tend to give pleasure. An object of desire. [Strong's #: 2532]
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PLEASE: A pleading or request for action from another. [Strong's #: 577, 4994]
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PLEASURE: A state of gratification. [Strong's #: 5730]
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PLENTY: A full or more than adequate supply. What is full, satisfied or abundant. [Strong's #: 7647, 7649]
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PLOT (Verb): To devise a plan of action, usually with evil intent. [Strong's #: 2161]
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PLOWING: Breaking up the ground in order to plant a crop. The time of plowing. [Strong's #: 2758]
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PLUCK.AWAY (Verb): To take off something or someone by force through picking off, robbing or plundering. [Strong's #: 1497]
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PLUCK.UP (Verb): To pull or dig out the roots. [Strong's #: 6131, 6132]
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PLUNDER (Verb): To commit robbery or looting. [Strong's #: 962]
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POPLAR: A tree with white bark. [Strong's #: 3839]
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PORTION: An individual's part or share of something. The portions dispersed out. [Strong's #: 2506]
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POSSESS (Verb): To come into possession of or receive especially as a right or divine portion; o receive from an ancestor at his death; to take possession, either by seizing or through inheritance; Dispossess (when written in the hiphil [causative] form). [Strong's #: 3423]
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POSSIBLY: Being within the limits of ability, capacity, or realization. A possible outcome. To desire what you are without in the sense of joining. [Strong's #: 194]
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POST: The place at which a soldier is stationed. As standing tall and firm. A garrison. [Strong's #: 5333]
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POSTERITY: The offspring of a progenitor to the furthest generation. Continuation through the next generation. [Strong's #: 5220]
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POUCH: A group of things fastened together for convenient handling. Something that is bound up tightly. [Strong's #: 6872]
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POUR (Verb): To cause to flow in a stream; to give full expression to. [Strong's #: 5258, 5259, 5260]
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POUR.DOWN (Verb): To send a liquid from a container into another container or onto a person or object; to pour molten metal into a cast. [Strong's #: 3251, 3332]
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POUR.OUT (Verb): To let flow a liquid, often the blood of an animal in sacrifice or a man. [Strong's #: 8210]
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POURING: A liquid poured out as an offering or the pouring of a molten metal to form images. [Strong's #: 5261, 5262]
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POWDER: Matter in a fine particulate state. An abundant amount of powdery substance as dust or ash. [Strong's #: 6083]
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POWER: Possession of control, authority, or influence over others; physical might. The power or might of one who rules or teaches. One who yokes with another. Often applies to rulers or a god. Often used in the plural form literally meaning "mighty ones," but often used in a singular sense to mean "The Mighty One." [Strong's #: 426, 430, 433]
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PRECIPITATE (Verb): To rain or snow. [Strong's #: 4305]
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PREDICT (Verb): [NOTE: Dictionary entry needs attention] ?. [Strong's #: 5172]
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PREGNANCY: The quality of containing unborn young within the body. From the mound of the belly. [Strong's #: 2032]
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PREGNANT: Containing unborn young within the body. [Strong's #: 2030]
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PREPARE (Verb): To put in proper condition or readiness; Be ready (when written in the niphil [passive] form); Estblish (when written in the piel [intensive] form). [Strong's #: 3559]
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PRESENT: A gift given to another in respect as if on bended knee. Also, a pool of water as a place where one kneels down to drink from. [Strong's #: 1293, 1295]
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PRESS (Verb): Pressure or pushing action. [Strong's #: 7818]
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PRESS.HARD (Verb): To push or urge another into an action. [Strong's #: 6484]
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PREY: An animal taken as food by a predator. The meat that is torn by the predator. [Strong's #: 2964, 2965]
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PRISON: A place of confinement. [Strong's #: 5470]
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PRISONER: One who is bound or confined. [Strong's #: 615, 616]
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PRODUCE: Agricultural products, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. The harvested product of a crop. [Strong's #: 6529]
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PRODUCTION: Total output of a commodity or an industry. An increase of produce, usually of fruit. [Strong's #: 8393]
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PROFIT: A valuable return; to derive benefit. The taking of money or something of value through force in the sense of cutting. [Strong's #: 1215]
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PROLONG (Verb): To lengthen or delay. [Strong's #: 748, 749]
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PROPHET: One who utters the words or instructions of Elohiym that are received through a vision or dream. [Strong's #: 5029, 5030]
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PROSPER (Verb): To succeed; to move forward in distance, position or in thriving. [Strong's #: 6743, 6744]
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PROSTITUTION: As paid with food. [Strong's #: 2183]
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PROVENDER: Dry food for domestic animals. A gathering of food. [Strong's #: 4554]
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PROVIDE (Verb): To give what is due; to grant or allow permission; Bring, come. [Strong's #: 3051, 3052]
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PROVIDE.FOOD (Verb): Supply nourishment. [Strong's #: 3938]
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PROVIDE.PROTECTION (Verb): To rescue or give help to another, to treat as valuable; Beseech (when written in the hitpa'el [reflexive] form) ( Psalm 6:2, Psalm 30:10, Psalm 41:10, Psalm 57:1, Psalm 86:16 shows this verb is paralleled with the ideas of healing, help, being lifted up, finding refuge, strength and salvation and rescue. ). [Strong's #: 2589, 2603, 2604]
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PROVISIONS: A stock of needed materials. The produce of the hunt. Also, used for "food" in general. [Strong's #: 6720]
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PURCHASE (Verb): To acquire ownership or occupation through an exchange. [Strong's #: 7066, 7069]
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PURSUE (Verb): To follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, or defeat; to pursue in chase or persecution. [Strong's #: 7291]
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