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(1000 Most Common Hebrew Words in the Hebrew Bible) By Jeff A. Benner
קְטֹרֶת qe-to-ret Incense Usually made of several spices and or fruits, etc. To emit a fragrance. Used at the altar as a sweet savor. Strong's Number: 7004 AHLB קלל qa-lal Belittle (verb) To regard or portray as less impressive or important; to be light in weight; to curse or despise in the sense of making light. Strong's Number: 7043 AHLB קְלָלָה qe-la-lah Annoyance The act of disturbing or irritating. Something that is light in stature; considered worthless as compared with something of much greater value or importance. Strong's Number: 7045 AHLB קנא qa-na Be Zealous (verb) To be filled with eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something. Strong's Number: 7065 AHLB קִנְאָה qeen-ah Zealousy A protective or suspicious nature. Strong's Number: 7068 AHLB קנה qa-nah Purchase (verb) To acquire ownership or occupation through an exchange. Strong's Number: 7069 AHLB קָנֶה qa-neh Stalk The main stem and support of a plant. Strong's Number: 7070 AHLB קֵץ qeyts Conclusion To come to an end. The end of a time period or place or the end of something. The border of a country as its edges. Strong's Number: 7093 AHLB קָצֶה qa-tseh Extremity The most distant end of something; the corner or edge. Strong's Number: 7097 AHLB קָצָה qa-tsah Extremity The most distant end of something; the corner or edge. Strong's Number: 7098 AHLB קָצִיר qa-tseer Harvest The season for gathering agricultural crops. Time when the plants are severed from their roots to be used for seed or food. Strong's Number: 7105 AHLB קצף qa-tsaph Snap (verb) To make a sudden closing; to break suddenly with a sharp sound; to splinter a piece of wood; to lash out in anger as a splintering. Strong's Number: 7107 AHLB קֶצֶף qe-tseph Splinter The sharp flying objects from a snapped piece of wood. Also wrath as flying splinters. Strong's Number: 7110 AHLB קצר qa-tsar Sever (verb) To cut short or small; to harvest in the sense of severing the crop from its stalk; to be impatient in the sense of patience being severed. Strong's Number: 7114 AHLB קרא qa-ra Call Out (verb) To raise one's voice or speak to someone loudly and with urgency; to give, a name; to meet in the sense of being called to a meeting; to have an encounter by chance; to read in the sense of calling out words. Strong's Number: 7121 AHLB קרה qa-rah Meet (verb) To come into the presence of; to go to meet another; to have a chance encounter. Strong's Number: 7125 AHLB קרב qa-rav Come Near (verb) To come close by or near to. Strong's Number: 7126 AHLB קֶרֶב qe-rev Within In the sense of being close or in the interior of. An approaching. Strong's Number: 7130 AHLB קֹרְבָּן kor-ban Offering Something given to another in devotion. Strong's Number: 7133 AHLB קָרוֹב qa-rov Near Close to; at or within a short distance from. Also, a kin, as a near relative. Strong's Number: 7138 AHLB קִרְיָה qeer-yah City A large populace of people; a town or village. Strong's Number: 7151 AHLB קֶרֶן qe-ren Horn One of a pair of bony processes that arise from the head of many animals and used as a wind instrument. The horns of an animal or a musical instrument in the shape of a horn. Strong's Number: 7161 AHLB קרע qa-ra Tear (verb) To rip into pieces. Strong's Number: 7167 AHLB קֶרֶשׁ qe-resh Board A plank of wood often used to wall off an area or restrict access. Strong's Number: 7175 AHLB קשׁב qa-shav Heed (verb) To hear and pay attention. Strong's Number: 7181 AHLB קשׁה qa-shah Be Hard (verb) To be difficult; not easily penetrated; not easily yielding to pressure. Strong's Number: 7185 AHLB קָשֶׁה qa-sheh Hard Not easily penetrated; resistant to stress; firm; lacking in responsiveness. Strong's Number: 7186 AHLB קשׁר qa-shar Tie (verb) To fasten, attach, or close by means of a string or cord; to tie around; to conspire in the sense of tying up. Strong's Number: 7194 AHLB קֶשֶׁת qe-shet Bow A weapon made from a stiff branch to shoots arrows. A bow-shaped object such as a rainbow. Strong's Number: 7198 AHLB ראה ra-ah See (verb) To take notice; to perceive something or someone; to see visions. The niphal (passive) form means "appear" and the hiphil (causative) form means "show." Strong's Number: 7200 AHLB רֹאשׁ rosh Head The top of the body. A person in authority or role of leader. The top, beginning or first of something. Strong's Number: 7218 AHLB רִאשׁוֹן ree-shon First The head of a time or position. Strong's Number: 7223 AHLB רֵאשִׁית rey-sheet Summit The head, top or beginning of a place, such as a river or mountain, or a time, such as an event. The point at which something starts; origin, source. Strong's Number: 7225 AHLB רַב rav Abundant Great plenty or supply of numbers (many) or strength (great). One who is abundant in authority such as a master or teacher. Also, an archer as one abundant with arrows. Strong's Number: 7227 AHLB רֹב rov Abundance An ample quantity of number (many) or plentiful supply of strength (great). Strong's Number: 7230 AHLB רבה ra-vah Increase (verb) To become progressively greater; to multiply by the production of young; to be abundant of number, strength or authority. Strong's Number: 7235 AHLB רְבִיעִי re-vee-ee Fourth An ordinal number. Strong's Number: 7243 AHLB רבץ ra-vats Stretch Out (verb) To lie or stretch out as to rest; to crouch down to hide for an ambush. Strong's Number: 7257 AHLB רגז ra-gaz Shake (verb) To tremble in fear or anger. Strong's Number: 7264 AHLB רֶגֶל re-gel Foot The terminal part of the leg upon which the human, animal or object stands. Strong's Number: 7272 AHLB רדה ra-dah Rule (verb) To exert control, direction, or influence over, especially by curbing or restraining; to spread out through a land through authority or by walking among the subjects. Strong's Number: 7287 AHLB רדף ra-daph Pursue (verb) To follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, or defeat; to pursue in chase or persecution. Strong's Number: 7291 AHLB רוּחַ ru-ahh Wind A natural movement of air; breath. The breath of man, animal or God. The character. A space in between. Strong's Number: 7307 AHLB רום rum Raise (verb) To lift something up. Strong's Number: 7311 AHLB רוע ru-a Shout (verb) To shout an alarm of war or for great rejoicing. Strong's Number: 7321 AHLB רוץ ruts Run (verb) To go faster than a walk. Strong's Number: 7323 AHLB רְחוֹב re-hhov Street A thoroughfare, especially in a city, town or village. Strong's Number: 7339 AHLB רֹחַב ro-hhav Width Largeness of extent or scope. From the width of a road. Strong's Number: 7341 AHLB רָחוֹק ra-hhoq Distance Separation in space or time. A distant place or time. Strong's Number: 7350 AHLB רחם ra-hham Have Compassion (verb) To have a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. Strong's Number: 7355 AHLB רַחַם re-hhem Bowels The large intestines as encompassed about by the torso. Compassion as coming from the bowels. Strong's Number: 7356 AHLB רחץ ra-hhats Bathe (verb) To cleanse by being immersed in, or washing with, water. Strong's Number: 7364 AHLB רחק ra-hhaq Be Far (verb) To be distant, a long way off. Strong's Number: 7368 AHLB ריב reev Dispute (verb) To engage in argument; to dispute or chide another in harassment or trial. Strong's Number: 7378 AHLB רִיב reev Dispute Bitter, sometimes violent conflict or dissension. Strong's Number: 7379 AHLB רֵיחַ rey-ahh Aroma A distinctive pervasive and usually pleasant or savory smell or odor. Strong's Number: 7381 AHLB רכב ra-khav Ride (verb) To sit and travel in any conveyance; to sit astride an animal, wagon or chariot. Strong's Number: 7392 AHLB רֶכֶב re-khev Vehicle A wheeled transport such as a wagon or chariot used for transportation. Also, the top millstone as a wheel that rides on top of the lower millstone. Strong's Number: 7393 AHLB רְכוּשׁ re-khush Goods Something that has economic utility or satisfies an economic want; personal property having intrinsic value but usually excluding money, securities and negotiable instruments. Strong's Number: 7399 AHLB רִמוֹן ree-mon Pomegranate A sweet deep red fruit prolific with seeds. A symbol of compassion and love. Strong's Number: 7416 AHLB רִנָּה ree-nah Shouting A loud exclamation of triumph or joy. Strong's Number: 7440 AHLB רנן ra-nan Shout Aloud (verb) To cry out loudly in triumph or joy. Strong's Number: 7442 AHLB רָע ra Dysfunctional Impaired or abnormal action other than that for which a person or thing is intended. Something that does not function within its intended purpose. Strong's Number: 7451 AHLB רֵעַ rey-a Companion One that accompanies another. As a close companion. Strong's Number: 7453 AHLB רָעָב ra-av Hunger A craving or urgent need for food. Strong's Number: 7458 AHLB רעה ra-ah Feed (verb) To give food to; to provide feed or pasture to the flock. Commonly used in the participle form meaning a feeder or shepherd. Strong's Number: 7462 AHLB רעע ra-a Be Dysfunctional (verb) Impaired or abnormal filling of purpose; to act wrongly by injuring or doing an evil action. Strong's Number: 7489 AHLB רעשׁ ra-ash Quake (verb) To violently shake. Strong's Number: 7493 AHLB רפא ra-pha Heal (verb) To restore to health or wholeness. Strong's Number: 7495 AHLB |