Topics Hebrew Roots & Words 
By Jeff A. Benner

(pah) Blow / Mouth
Pictograph: The pictograph is a picture of the mouth.
Definition: A mouth is the edge of anything such as the place of the beard, a sword, a region. The edge or border, is often referring to all that is within the borders, the whole country.
Strong's #: 6310

(pal) Fall / Judge
Pictograph: The pictograph is a picture of mouth, the is a picture of a shepherd staff representing authority. Combined these mean "speak to authority".
Definition: A coming to one in authority falling down on the face to intercede on ones own behalf or for another.
Strong's #: n/a

(pan) Turn / Face
Pictograph: ?
Definition: The turning of the face.
Strong's #: 6434

(par) Tread / Bull
Pictograph: The pictograph is a picture of an open mouth, the is a picture of a head. Combined these mean "open the head".
Definition: The heads of grains are scattered on the threshing floor, a smooth, hard and level surface. An ox is lead around the floor crushing the heads, opening them to reveal the seed inside. Also the fruit of trees that harvested.
Strong's #: 6499

(pash) Spread / Excess
Pictograph: ?
Definition: A wide spreading out.
Strong's #: 6580
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