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Topics Hebrew Roots & Words


By Jeff A. Benner

(Ghabh) Thick / Cloud

Pictograph: The pictograph is a picture of a twisted rope with the extended meaning of darkness. The is a picture of a tent representing what is inside. Combined these mean "darkness inside".
Definition: Heavily compacted, such as a cloud, forest or thicket, and is filled with darkness.
Strong's #: 5645

(Ghiy) Ruin / Ruins

Pictograph: The pictograph is a twisted rope. The is a picture of a hand meaning work. Combined these mean "twisted work".
Definition: A pile of ruins
Strong's #: 5856

(Ghar) Dark / City

Pictograph: The pictograph is a picture of a rope with the extended meaning of darkness. The is a picture of a man. Combined these mean "dark man" or an enemy.
Definition: Enemy
Strong's #: 6145

(Ghat) Twist / Rope

Pictograph: The pictograph is a picture of a twisted rope. The is a picture of a mark. Combined these mean "twisted mark".
Definition: Crookedness
Strong's #: n/a

Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and Language

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