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Topics Hebrew Roots & Words


By Jeff A. Benner

(ba) Come / Void

Pictograph: ?
Definition: The filling of an empty space.
Strong's #: n/a

(bad) Separate / Stick

Pictograph: The pictograph is a representation of a tent. The is a picture of the tent door. These two pictographs represent "the door of the tent".
Definition: The father of the tent often sat alone at the door of the tent. Here he could receive shade from the sun, watch over his household and watch the road for approaching strangers. (see Genesis 18:1,2)
Strong's #: 905, 906

(bahh) Slaughter / Knife

Pictograph: ?
Definition: The killing of an animal for slaughter by inserting the point of the knife into throat to sever the artery.
Strong's #: n/a

(bal) Mix / Fodder

Pictograph: ?
Definition: A flowing of any substance.
Strong's #: 1077

(ben) Build / Tent panel

Pictograph: The pictograph is a picture of the tent. The is a picture of a sprouting seed and represents continuity as the seed continues the next generation. The combined meaning of these letters mean "the continuing of the house".
Definition: The tent was constructed of woven goat hair. Over time the sun bleaches and weakens the goat hair necessitating their continual replacement. Each year the women make a new panel, approximately 3 feet wide and the length of the tent. The old panel is removed (being recycled into a wall or floor) and the new strip is added to the tent. Since the tent is only replaced one small piece at a time the tent essentially lasts forever.
Strong's #: 1121

(bar) Feed / Grain

Pictograph: The pictograph is a picture of a tent but also represents the family which resides inside the tent. The is a picture of a head. Combined these have the meaning of "family of heads".
Definition: The plant families of grains such as wheat and barley have a cluster of seeds at the top of the stalk called "heads". These grains were used for food for both man and livestock.
Strong's #: 1250

(bet) Lodge / House

Pictograph: The pictograph is the tent or house. The is two crossed sticks meaning a mark or sign.
Definition: The family mark is the name of the patriarch of the family (such as "the house of Jacob"). The primary function of the tent is to provide a protection and a sleeping area at night.
Strong's #: n/a

Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and Language

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