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(1000 Most Common Hebrew Words in the Hebrew Bible) By Jeff A. Benner מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר שׁ שׂ ת שׂבע sa-va Be Satisfied (verb) To be filled full or to overflowing; to have a complete amount. Strong's Number: 7646 AHLB שָׂדֶה sa-deh Field An open land area free of trees and buildings. A level plot of ground. Strong's Number: 7704 AHLB שֶׂה seh Ram A member of a flock of sheep or goats. Strong's Number: 7716 AHLB שׂחק sa-hhaq Laugh (verb) To laugh in play, sport or scorn. Strong's Number: 7832 AHLB שָׂטָן sa-tan Opponent One who is on the opposing side of an action or thought; an adversary. Strong's Number: 7854 AHLB שׂכל sa-khal Calculate (verb) To determine by mathematical deduction or practical judgment; to comprehend and carefully consider a path or course of action. Strong's Number: 7919 AHLB שָׂכָר sa-khar Wage The reward or price paid for one's labor. Strong's Number: 7939 AHLB שְׂמוֹאל se-mol Left Hand The left hand, side or direction. Strong's Number: 8040 AHLB שׂמח sa-mahh Rejoice (verb) To be happy, glad. Strong's Number: 8055 AHLB שִׂמְחָה seem-hhah Joy A state of felicity or happiness. Strong's Number: 8057 AHLB שִׂמְלָה seem-lah Apparel Something that clothes or adorns. As forming to the image of the body. Strong's Number: 8071 AHLB שׂנא sa-na Hate (verb) Intense hostility and aversion, usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury; extreme dislike or antipathy. Strong's Number: 8130 AHLB שָׂעִיר sa-eer Goat Related to the sheep but of lighter build and with backwardly arching horns, a short tail, and usually straight hair. Strong's Number: 8163 AHLB שֵׂעָר sey-ar Hair The covering of filaments on a human head or the body of an animal. Strong's Number: 8181 AHLB שְׂעֹרָה se-o-rah Barley A crop used as food, and for determining the month of Aviv. Strong's Number: 8184 AHLB שָׂפָה sa-phah Lip The rim or edge of the mouth or other opening. Language, as spoken from the lips. Strong's Number: 8193 AHLB שַׂק saq Sack A bag of cloth or skins for carrying foods or objects. Strong's Number: 8242 AHLB שַׂר sar Noble Possessing outstanding qualities or properties. Of high birth or exalted rank. One who has authority. May also mean "heavy" from the weight of responsibility on one in authority. Strong's Number: 8269 AHLB שָׂרִיד sa-reed Remnant What is left behind. Strong's Number: 8300 AHLB שׂרף sa-raph Cremate (verb) To reduce a dead body, or other object, to ashes by burning. Strong's Number: 8313 AHLB |