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Topics The Psalms

The Psalms: A Mechanical Translation (Video)

By Jeff A. Benner

If you are not familiar with my Mechanical Translation, let me explain it using Psalm 1, which I have already completed. This is the Mechanical Translation, where each Hebrew word, prefix and suffix is translated the same way all the time. This is the first Hebrew word, ashrey, and wherever this word appears, I translate it as "Happy." The second word is ha'ish, which includes the prefix "ha" meaning "the" and the noun "ish" meaning "man." This is the Revised Mechanical Translation where I re-arrange the words so that the verse will read easier for the English reader. I am hosting my Psalms Blog on Patreon where I will post updates on my progress, share examples of the translation, ask your opinions on different aspects of the translation and most importantly, share with you what I am learning and also hear from you what you are learning. To get started, go to my Patreon Page and click on "follow." This way you will be notified of all new public posts. Or you can click on "Become a Patron" and for a small monthly subscription, you will get the benefit of additional posts and special benefits. Whichever way you decide to participate, if you so choose, I look forward to seeing you over there.

Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and Language

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