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Lesson 3: Nun & Hey

By Jeff A. Benner


נ The "nun" is pronounced "n" as in no.

ן The "final nun" is the form of the letter used when at the end of a word. The pronunciation does not change.

ה The "hey" is pronounced "h" as in hello. Usually, a word ending with the letter "hey" is a feminine word. This letter is also used as a prefix to words meaning "the" (the definite article).

  1. The English verb "to be" and its various tenses such as "am", "is" and "are" do not exist in Hebrew and need to be added in the translation.

  2. English has two indefinite articles, "a" and "an" which also do not exist in Hebrew and must be added in the translation.

  3. The vocabulary word below "ba'ah" is the feminine form of the masculine verb "ba'" (came) which was introduced in lesson 1.

  4. The final syllable of most Hebrew words is accented by pronouncing the final Consonant-Vowel-Consonant as a syllable. For instance, the word for "I", in the vocabulary list below, is pronounced "a-niy" rather than an-iy.

הָ הִ הֵ נָ נֵ נֵי בֵּן בָּה הַב .1 Audio
הַן הֵן נָה נִה נֵה נָב מָה מִן .2 Audio
הִי נָא נֵי הִיא נִיא נָבָה בָּנָה .3 Audio

I אָנִי .1 Audio
Where אֵי .2 Audio
Son בֵּן .3 Audio
She הִיא .4 Audio
Prophet (Masc. Noun) נָבִיא .5 Audio
Came (Fem. Verb) בָּאָה .6 Audio
What מַה or מָה .7 Audio
The הַ or הָ .8 Audio

Where is my father? אֵי אָבִי .1 Audio
I am a father. אָנִי אָב .2 Audio
Who is she? מִי הִיא .3 Audio
The prophet came. הָנָבִיא בָּא .4 Audio
What is a prophet? מָה נָבִיא .5 Audio
My son came. בֵּנִי בָּא .6 Audio

Go to Lesson #4

Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and Language

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