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![]() ![]() ![]() The Flat Earth Theory: Fact or Fiction?By Jeff A. Benner
In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who have come to the conclusion that the earth is flat and not a globe. I conducted a survey to get an idea of the percentage of people who visit my website who believe in the flat earth and the results were suprising. 76% of those surveyed believe the earth was a sphere, 23% believe the earth is flat and 1% was undecided. Almost one-quarter of the people who visit this website are convinced the earth is flat.
The Circle of the Earth It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in; (RSV, Isaiah 40:22)
When interpreting scripture, it is very important to interpret it from an Ancient Hebrew perspective and not from our own modern Western viewpoint. As an example, let's look at the last part of this verse which states: "and spreads [the heavens] like a tent to dwell in." The Ancient Hebrews lived a nomadic lifestyle, dwelling in goat hair tents. The fibers of the goat hair allowed pinholes of light to pass through the tent and from inside the tent the roof looked similar to the night sky. So, when the Ancient Hebrews looked at the night sky, they didn't perceive the stars as giant balls of gas billions of miles away as we do; they saw the night sky as God's tent over them.
The Sun Stands Still And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. (RSV, Joshua 10:13) According to modern science, the earth revolves around the sun, and, therefore, the sun cannot "stand still." So, this verse is used to support the Flat Earth Theory, because in this theory the earth is stationary and the sun moves around the earth. ![]() But again, it is important to understand this passage from the perspective of the Ancient Hebrews, who simply saw the sun pass from one horizon to the other each day. And God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, (RSV, Genesis 1:14 ) This verse, along with many other verses in the Bible, has been used to create the following Flat Earth model of the heavens and earth. ![]()
As I have demonstrated, the Ancient Hebrews do not perceive the world in the same way that we do and we can also see that their style of writing is very different from our own as well.
One of the major differences between the Ancient Hebrew Eastern thought and our Modern Western thought, is perspective. We externalize our perspectives, while the Hebrews internalized them. When we describe something, we do so from an outside perspective. I would describe the computer I am typing this on as an instrument placed on the table that has keys, screen, etc. The Hebrews would internalize this description---I type my letters with it.
The Heavens and the Earth in Genesis 1 Our misunderstanding of the poetry of Genesis Chapter 1 can easily be demonstrated by comparing the verse above with Genesis 1:4. In Genesis 1:14 it states that God created the lights (the sun and moon) to "separate the day from the night." How is this possible if God already separated the light from the darkness in Genesis 1:4? The answer lies in the style of writing. This chapter is not written as an historical account, but rather as a If we compare the first three days of creation with the last three days of creation, we discover that the author has divided the six days into two separate blocks. The first block of three days describes the act of separating the heavens and the earth, while the second block of three days describes the act of filling the heavens and the earth.
Day 1 is about the separating of the light and darkness, and day 4, its parallel, is about the filling of the light and darkness with the sun, moon and stars. Day 2 is about the separating of the water and the sky, and day 5 is about the filling of the water with fish and the sky with birds. Day 3 is about the separating of the land from the water, and day 6 is about the filling of the land with plants and animals. The first chapter of Genesis, and the rest of the Bible for that matter, must be interpreted according to the Ancient Hebrews' style of writing (poetry and block logic) and not from our own modern style of writing (prose and step logic).
Was the text of the Bible dictated by God to man? If this is the case, then the terminology used in the Bible for the earth would cause one to conclude that the Earth is indeed something other than a large ball floating in space. However, an alternate view could be that God was using terminology familiar to the Hebrew people and was not teaching them about the shape of the Earth. If this latter view is correct, then we can take a lesson from this; the shape of the Earth is not important to our walk with God. On the other hand, if we believe that the Bible was written by man about his relationship with God, then we can understand that this terminology is being used due to the Ancient Hebrews ignorance of the shape of the Earth.
In recent years the number of people holding to the Flat Earth Theory is staggering and the number grows more and more each day. To get an idea of how popular this theory is, if you put "Flat Earth" in Google you will be told that there are almost a half a billion web pages that mention "Flat Earth." ![]()
In order for this many people to accept this theory, there must be some evidence to support it. Some of the evidence presented by the Flat Earthers is, to put it bluntly, ridiculous. For example, some claim that if the earth were a spinning globe, then if you jump up you should land in another spot as the earth moves under your feet, but this is as ridiculous as thinking that if you were standing inside a moving train and jump, you would land in another spot as the train moves under your feet. But there is other evidence presented by Flat Earthers that cannot be dismissed as easily. What I will be presenting here is the observable evidence that I have found that seems to support the Flat Earth Theory.
![]() "In a second experiment Dr. Rowbotham placed seven flags along the edge of the water each one mile distant from the next with their tops positioned 5 feet above the surface and stood with his telescope behind the first. If the Earth was a globe 25,000 miles in circumference, each successive flag would have to decline a definite and determined amount below the last. The first and second flags establish the line of sight, then the third should fall 8 inches below the second, the fourth flag 32 inches below, the fifth 6 feet, the sixth 10 feet 8 inches, and the seventh flag should be a clear 16 feet 8 inches below the line of sight! Even if the Earth was a globe of a hundred thousand miles, an amount of easily measurable curvature should and would still be evident in this experiment. But the reality is not a single inch of curvature was detected and the flags all lined up perfectly as consistent with a flat plane." (The Flat Earth Conspiracy, By Eric Dubay, 2014) ![]()
I have to admit that these experiments are intriguing and similar experiments, performed to this day (such as can be seen in this YouTube Video as an example), show the same results. However, according to mathematicians, there is much more to this experiment than meets the eye. Their explanations (such as we see in this YouTube Video), which involve geometry, trigonometry and calculus, go far beyond my comprehension, so I am unable to refute or confirm these Flat Earth claims.
Another interesting piece of evidence submitted by Flat Earthers is the flight path of international flights. When we look at the flight paths of commercial airlines we see, what appears to be, some connecting flights that seem to be far out of the way, such as this one below. ![]() However, when these flight paths are placed on a flat earth map we find something very interesting; the flight path is in an almost straight line. ![]()
I personally do not know why the flight paths are the way they are. It could be an economic issue, as connecting flights might be determined based on the number of passengers available at each airport and not the most direct route. Or the spherical geometry, an area of field that I am not very well versed in, of a globe dictates the flight path. In any case I am not qualified to answer why the flight paths are the way they are.
"The plan that NASA has is to build a rocket called SLS... and it will be able to launch the Orion Capsule with humans onboard... to destinations beyond Earth orbit. Right now, we only can fly in Earth orbit, that's the farthest we can go. And this new system we are building is going to allow us go beyond, and hopefully take humans into the Solar System to explore. So the Moon, Mars, asteroids, there are lot of destinations we could go." The reason for Astronaut Hadfield's comment above is because of the Van Allen Belt, a band of dangerous radiation that surrounds the earth. NASA Engineer Kelly Smith explained the problems with passing through the Van Allen Belt and that "we must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space." Another NASA official has said; "We've been trying to grind out all of the lessons that will eventually let us go to the moon."
![]() Flat Earthers will frequently mention that every image of the earth from space is photoshopped and they use this evidence, not so much to prove that the earth is flat, but to prove that NASA and the government is lying and covering up the true shape of the Earth. However, what most of these people are not aware of, is that the satellites orbiting the earth do so from a very low earth orbit. Because of this they are unable to get one picture of the whole earth. Instead they take multiple pictures with the satellites and then use a program like Photoshop to put all of the pictures together to create one image of the earth. The Quartz News website has an excellent article, Behold: NASA's first image of the whole Earth in decades, which explains this process of photoshopping, but also includes the first picture of the entire earth in 43 years.
While doing my investigation into the Flat Earth Theory, I have discovered some evidence that I cannot explain, such as I have noted in Part 2 of this article. But I am not a scientist and just because I cannot explain them, it doesn't mean they are fact. On the other hand, there is evidence that I have seen that contradicts the Flat Earth Theory, which causes me accept the globe earth model over the flat earth model.
![]() I have thoroughly scoured the many articles and videos that support a flat earth, but most of them do not address this issue and ignore it. Those few that do address the issue, simply state that they believe there is a third "invisible" object in the sky that causes the eclipses, but they provide no evidence for this third object. ![]()
There are other "eclipses" as well that are difficult to explain with the Flat Earth Model. I remember seeing Mercury transiting in front of the sun one early morning in May 2003. In May 2004 the International Space Station eclipsed the planet Jupiter. Where I was located at the time, we just missed the eclipse and watched the International Space Station pass just to the right of Jupiter.
On the flat earth model, it is possible for everyone in the "northern" hemisphere to see the same stars, but it would be impossible for everyone in the "southern" hemisphere to see the same stars. Just as people in North America, Europe and China see the same stars, people in Australia see the same stars as those in South America and Africa, which would be impossible on the Flat Earth model.