Topics Poetry in the Hebrew Bible&
Poetical Translation of Genesis Chapter One
By Jeff A. Benner
Filling the Void
1&In the beginning the Mighty One filled the skies and the land 2&because the world existed devoid and void. A chaotic void was over the face of the deep then the creative breath of the Mighty One hovered over the face of the water.
The Making of Light (Order out of Chaos)
3&The Mighty One said "let order exist" and order came into existence. 4&The Mighty One saw that the order was beautiful. The Mighty One made a separation between the order and the chaos. 5&The Mighty One called the order day and the chaos night. There was an evening and there was a morning, a unified day.
The Making of the Waters and the Skies
6&The Mighty One said "there will be a sheet between the water to separate the waters". 7&Then the Mighty One placed the sheet separating the waters under the sheet from the waters over the sheet and it was established. 8&The Mighty One called the sheet, skies. There was an evening and there was a morning, a second day.
The Making of the Land
9&The Mighty One said "the waters under the skies will gather toward one place" and dry ground appeared and it was established. 10&and the Mighty One called the dry ground, land and the collection waters he called, seas. The Mighty One saw that it was beautiful. 11&The Mighty One said "the land will sprout grass sprouts and seed fruit seeds, each to its own kind whose seed is in them all over the land" and it was established. 12&The land brought out grass sprouts and sowing seeds each to its own kind and fruit trees whose seeds are in them, each to their own kind. The Mighty One saw that it was beautiful. 13&There was an evening and there was a morning, a third day.
The Filling of the Light
14&The Mighty One said "bodies of light will exist in the sheet of the skies to separate between the day and the night and they will exist for signs and appointments, for days and years. 15&They will exist for lights in the sheet of the skies to give light over the land, and it was established". 16&The Mighty One made the two large bodies of light. The large body of light to rule the day and the small body of light luminary to rule the night and the stars. 17&and the Mighty One placed them in the sheet of the skies to give light over the land 18& to rule the day and the night and to separate the order and the chaos. The Mighty One saw that it was beautiful. 19&There was an evening and there was a morning, a fourth day.
The Filling of the Water and Skies
20&The Mighty One said "the waters will swarm with living swarms and flyers will fly over the land and over the face of the sheet of the skies". 21&The Mighty One filled the great monsters and all the living things, the crawling ones that swarm in the waters, each to their own kind and all the flyers with wings each to their own kind. The Mighty One saw that it was beautiful. 22&The Mighty One knelt before at them to say "they will yield and increase and fill the waters in the seas and the flyers will increase on the land. 23&There was an evening and there was a morning, a fifth day.
The Filling of the Land
24&and the Mighty One said "the land bring forth the living souls, each to her own kind, creatures and crawlers and the living ones of the land; each to her own kind, and it was established. 25&The Mighty One made the living ones of the land, each to their own kind and the creatures, to their own kind and all the crawlers of the ground to their own kind. The Mighty One saw that it was beautiful. 26&The Mighty One said "we will make man in our shadow, like our shape and they will subdue the fish of the sea and he flyers of the skies and the creatures and all the land and all the crawlers crawling over the land. 27&The Mighty One filled the man with his shadow; in the shadow of the Mighty One he filled him, male and female he filled them. 28&and the Mighty One knelt before them and the Mighty One said to them "they will yield and increase and fill the land and subjugate it and they will subdue the fish of the sea and the flyers of the skies and all the lives of the crawlers over the land" 29&The Mighty One said "look, I give you all the grass sowing seeds that is over the face of the whole land and all the trees which have fruit sowing seeds, these exist are for you as food. 30&All the living ones of the land and the flyers of the skies and the crawling ones over the land which have a living soul in them have all the green grass for food and it was established. 31&The Mighty One saw that all he had made and behold, it is very beautiful. There was an evening and there was a morning, a sixth day.
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