Topics Definition of Hebrew Names 
By Jeff A. Benner
A very common name today yet a very old Hebrew name which can be found in Numbers 13:13. The Hebrew pronunciation is me-khah-eyl (The "kh" is pronounced hard like the "ch" in the name Bach) and is composed of three parts. The first is the word mee meaning "who". The second is the khah meaning "like." The third is the word eyl literally meaning one of power or authority but commonly translated as "God". When put together these mean "Who is like God?"
This same question is asked in Psalm 113:5.
Who is like Yahweh our God, the one who dwells on high?
The name Miykha'el is a short form of the phrase above "Who is like Yahweh our God" which is miy khamokha yahweh eloheynu.
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