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Topics Definition of Hebrew Names


By Jeff A. Benner

And she called his name Joseph; and said, The LORD shall add to me another son. (KJV, Genesis 30:24)

In the verse above is the Hebrew verb יסף (Y-S-P, Strong's #3254) meaning "to add." The participle form of a verb is created by adding the vowels "o" and "e" between the three letters of the verb root. So, the participle form of יסף (Y-S-P, Strong's #3254) is יוסף (yoseph). A participle is usually translated by adding the suffix "ing" to the meaning of the root. So, while יסף (Y-S-P, Strong's #3254) means "add," the participle form יוסף (yoseph) means "adding." This participle form is the name יוסף (yoseph, Strong's #3130), which of course means, adding.

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