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Topics Definition of Modern Hebrew Words


By Jeff A. Benner

Carbonated flavoured beverages are called different things in different areas. Where I grew up in California, we called it a “soft drink.” When I lived in Pennsylvania it was “soda” and in Mississippi, where I live now, it is called “coke” (no matter the flavor). In Israel it is called משקה מוגז (mash’qeh mugaz). The word משקה (mash’qeh) means “beverage” or “drink” and is derived from the verb שקה (Sh.Q.H, Strong’s #8248) meaning “to drink.” The word מוגז (mugaz) is a Modern Hebrew word meaning “sparkling” or “carbonated.” Combined, these words mean “sparkling beverage” or “carbonated beverage.”

A popular “carbonated beverage” is Coka-Cola.” In Hebrew, this brand name is written as קוֹקָה קוֹלָה, which is transliterated as “qoqah qolah.”

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