Topics Definition of Modern Hebrew Words 
By Jeff A. Benner
The Hebrew word for a restaurant is מסעדה (mis-a-dah). This feminine noun is derived from the Biblical Hebrew verb סעד (S.Ah.D, Strong's #5582), which means to "to hold up," "to be a support or aid for strength or rest." This verb is sometimes used in the sense of providing strength (support) from food.
And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts (KJV, Genesis 18:5)
A noun מסעדה is formed out of the verb סעד by adding the letter ה to the end of the root, which is a common means of creating a feminine noun, and the letter מ to the beginning of the root, which is a common means of creating a noun meaning "the place of [the meaning of the root-support]."
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