Topics Definition of Modern Hebrew Words 
By Jeff A. Benner
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The Modern Hebrew word for fruit is the word פרי (periy, Strong's #6529) and is, as is the case with many Modern Hebrew words, has its origins in Biblical Hebrew.
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. (KJV, Gen 1:11)
Fruits native to Israel use the same word found in Biblical Hebrew for Modern Hebrew. Below are a few examples.
- תפוח (tapu’ahh, Strong's #8598): Apple
- רימון (rimon, Strong's #8598): Pomegranate
- תאנה (te’eynah, Strong's #8598): Fig
- זית (zayit, Strong's #8598): Olive
- ענב (eynav, Strong's #8598): Grape
Fruits that are not native to Israel have no Biblical Hebrew origin, so Hebrew has adopted their names from other cultures. Below are a few Hebrew words for different fruits that you might recognize.
- בננה (pronounced bananah)
- קיווי (pronounced qiwi)
- מלון (pronounced melon)
- לימון (pronounced limon)
- אבוקדו (pronounced avoqado)
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