New Testament Greek to Hebrew Dictionary By Jeff A. Benner
Recent archeological and linguistic evidence reveals that the Jews of the New Testament era spoke Hebrew, not Greek. With this revelation, we can conclude that the teachings of the New Testament were first conveyed in Hebrew, which means that the New Testament must be understood from a Hebraic perspective and not a Greek one. The first step in this process is to translate the Greek words of the New Testament into Hebrew, a process that is easier than many may think. All that is required is a Strong's Concordance and this dictionary, which includes the five hundred most frequent Greek words of the New Testament. (130 pages)
“I recommend this to everyone who wants to go deeper in understanding the WORD of YHWH.”
-- liesha huffstetler
“Has all the important words you need.. Worth the buy for sure and very helpful.”
-- D. Washam

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ConnPoco - Fairly helpful tool I took Greek and have yet to tackle Hebrew. In the meantime, this is an interesting approach to understanding Scripture. Meanings can get lost in translation, so it is interesting to see what the Greeks used for Hebrew terms and concepts. When I read the New Testament, having been raised in Torah, there are things that I realize that I don't hear from pulpits. That's because of the emphasis on the New vs the so-called Old Testament. There are concepts often missed by Greek only thinkers, when attempting to interpret or explain New Testament events or thoughts. For example: the woman trying to touch the hem of Jesus' garment. Tell the truth: don't you imagine a lady crawling on the ground trying to catch up to Jesus to get at the bottom of his robe or cloak? In fact, she is reaching for the wings or tassels of His prayer shawl. (ref. Malachi 4:2 )
richard friedel - Well done is a functional resource to use. This book lists the five hundred most frequent Greek words of the New Testament and provides their Hebrew translations and Hebraic definitions, with all Greek and Hebrew words cross-referenced with Strong's numbers.
liesha huffstetler - LOVE IT this book is the absolute best and I want all the books this author has- I recommend this to everyone who wants to go deeper in understanding the WORD of YHWH
Brian Gueringer - A good look into a jewish mind. I got this book because of my on going study on the deity of Christ. I have been collecting different definitons of the word "god"(theos,elohim). The word as defined in this book does not show that the word means "god almighty or the trinity". The book gives you a nice snapshot of the meanings of words. I think it is important to note that they were Hebrew writers either preaching or being recorded in Greek. The fact would still remain that they had Jewish minds and would have not been making Greek points; but ones that were Jewish in origin. I have found this book a good tool to see more into the Jewish mind. The weak points of this book would be the way it is set up. It is laid out in the Greek alpha order. There is no index at the back of the book if you just want to look up a word if you are in the concordance. Other than that it is a great book that will give you an incite into the Jewish mind!!!
