Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew - Volume 2 By Jeff A. Benner
After learning the Hebrew alphabet, it's time to learn Hebrew grammar, morphology and syntax. This book provides the basics to Hebrew grammar, word construction and syntax, or sentence structure. In addition, it examines each Hebrew word in the Ten Commandments and breaks down the roots, prefixes and suffixes of each word. This book will be a valuable tool for anyone interested in learning how to read the Hebrew Bible in its original language. (114 pages)
“The best "Hebrew" for learning Biblical Hebrew that I have bought.”
-- Nan
“This book along with volume 1 is a must have in learning to read Biblcal Hebrew.”
-- Shawn McDowell

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Total Reviews: 16 ( 4.8 ) See all reviews
Ignotus - "A little knowleedge is a great help" Learn to read Biblical Hebrew. Volume 2 I found very rewarding. The Author takes Biblical texts and explains very clearly the Hebrew Text. He gives detail explanations. I found it all very good. I really enjoyed reading the Book. The chosen Texts are very good and I would say very topical. To read the Book profitably. one needs to have some knowledge of Hebrew Vocabulary and Hebrew Grammar- not over much, but s certain basic knowledge is needed to really profit from the Book. The Author is a born Teacher- he has the gift. I recommend the Book whole heartedly and I hope that many young learners take this opportunity to improve their knowledge and love of the Hebrew Language. Buy the book, buit read and study it many times. That is the only way to absorb what you have just been taught. Highly recommended.
Nan - Best Encouraging Book for Learning Hebrew Verbs The best "Hebrew" for learning Biblical Hebrew that I have bought. After learning some nouns and a few other parts of speech, I needed something to encourage me as I learned to "conjugate" verbs, etc. This book was just what I needed. It "encourages" as I work through Biblical selections in translation with different verbs. Excellent, simple, and meaningful explanations just at the right place. I love it !!!!
K. A. Beaver - This is the best Lean Hebrew I have used so far Get through vol 1 and the learning gets harder, but this is the best Lean Hebrew I have used so far.
J.B. - Great for the Beginner Great work and simple to comprehend even for the novice a beginners best friend! This work will truly get the reader on track to learning the law in its original context without the confusion of modern translations!
Shawn - Read Biblical Hebrew This book along with volume 1 is a must have in learning to read Biblcal Hebrew. Mr. Benner makes it easier to learn with the charts that he come up with.
