Benner's Commentary on the Torah By Jeff A. Benner
Mr. Benner shares his over 20 years of research and studies of the Torah. This work explains the linguistic and cultural background of many verses, topics, names and words in the Torah. When the Torah is understood from the perspective of an Ancient Hebrew, rather from a Modern Westerner, the text comes to life and new revelations are discovered throughout the text. (368 pages)
“All I can say is WOW! This is a must-have for anyone who seriously desires to understand the Hebraic-ness of the Torah.”
-- Jenna Caruthers

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Jenna Caruthers - Absolutely a MUST-Have All I can say is WOW! This is a must-have for anyone who seriously desires to understand the Hebraic-ness of the Torah. The single most crucial point in the book is this: Torah isn't meant to be overlaid with your beliefs--even your most favorite ones or even your most "invisible" ones, meaning ones that are so widely held as to be commonplace and beyond reconsideration--in arriving at an interpretation. Your beliefs have to come from the right understanding of what's there IN IT. I immediately thought of Peter's "no private interpretation." You need to be willing to jettison the accepted promulgated ideas and reach deeper. This book can be read straight through or used to reference in your portion study or independent topical research. It is very humbly presented by Mr. Jeff Benner as "This is what I know as of now and I'm sharing it with you." He gives so much linguistic and cultural context. The Hebrew is well-explained and easy to understand. This material is especially valuable to me as a Messianic fine artist endeavoring to create artworks in keeping with the imagery of the "real" Torah.
