Total Reviews: 38
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Lyn - A valuable resource for those who have not studied Hebrew but would like a deeper word understanding beyond a concordance.
It is a valuable resource for those who have not studied Hebrew but would still like a deeper understanding of the words beyond a concordance. Excellent reference! Jeff Benner brings more than just word definitions, he opens up a wealth of understanding into the ancient cultural identity of each word. He indeed releases the ''life meaning" these words were meant to express. I have sent many of these to friends who struggle with a western mindset in evaluating Scripture. Ultimately, the Holy Spirit unveils the Bible and teaches us but it doesn't hurt at all to start on the right playing field of simply understanding the Hebraic concept of key words. One of my favorite examples: "COMMAND : An English definition of a command or commandment is "to direct authority" or "to give orders" as a general does to his troops... "the more Hebraic definition is "to direct," a concrete concept meaning "to show or point out a path." God is not a general barking orders but a guide. He is our guide and His 'mitsvah' is His direction to us to lead us on His path as can be seen in several passages from Psalm 119."Regardless of what Bible translation you use, this will benefit all.
Susan Steen - exciting
This book is very interesting and was what I have been looking for. Mr Benner takes certain Hebrew words and breaks their meanings down, the Hebrew letters, spelling in Hebrew.. I don't know Hebrew so this is just right for a beginner like me.
Sincerely - The beginning of a whole new walk with God by understanding the language He originally spoke to us in.
This book is awesome. I have been shocked to see how the plethora of translations that followed the original hebrew, have mis-lead us in believing in wrong ideas - because it is near impossibly to translate precisely from one language to another without having a "Lost in Translation" problem. It opens up the bible in a whole new way of understanding scriptures because Ancient Hebrew is concrete, as Greek is abstract and most translations are translated from the Greek. Just wish there were more volumes - but can find much information on Jeff Benners website: Ancient Hebrew Research Center. Will buy any and all volumes that proceed this. Highly recommend!
Jbluenull - Awesome book!
Studying Hebrew - ancient and modern - with Jeff Benner is a wonderful thing! He brings so much to the table and this book is one of them. Just understanding what the Torah meant in the mindset of YAHWEH rather than modern, western man is fabulous. We all need to mature in our faith and this is the foundational place to start.
James R. Holder - Where My Interest in Correct Hebrew Translations Started
The problems encountered with MOST English translation of the Old Testament is the poor understanding of the way the world was seen and described by the Hebrew writers. Jeff Benner Has provided the start of changing this major fault in the English translations of the Old Testament. Aka, use the Hebrew not the Greek (Septuagint) when an English version of the Old Testament is made.
J.L. Populist - Deeper Meanings In Hebrew.
Mr. Benner demonstrates that some things are lost in translation when reading the English versions of Scripture. Words in Hebrew often have a much different meaning than the Greek or English convey. He uses pictographic script to clarify word meanings. His word-study on "Kidneys" brought new life to Psalms 26:2 (Examine me, O YHWH, and prove me; try my kidneys and my mind." The meaning behind the Hebrew word for kidneys- "kilyah" cleared up some confusion I had with that verse. It makes no sense in English, but in Hebrew thought it makes complete sense once I learned that kidneys "are the seat of emotion" in Hebrew thought. Mr. Benner showed that there are multiple instances where words are mistranslated in modern Scriptures. Some of the notable words were: Shalom-Face-Horizon-Olam-Kilyah. While small in size, this book really does bring to life some seemingly obscure verses. I recommend this book and look forward to future volumes.