Topics Ancient Hebrew Words
Ancient Hebrew Words: Assembly and Voice
By Jeff A. Benner
Name: Lamed
Transliteration: L
Picture: A Shepherds Staff
Meaning: The staff was used to direct a sheep toward the correct direction, or the curved end could be used to pull the sheep toward him. At times it was also used to chastise a disobedient sheep. With the staff in his hand, the shepherd would lead his sheep to pastures, water and the fold in the evening.
Definition: Authority
Name: Quph
Transliteration: Q
Picture: A rising and setting sun
Meaning: When the sun sets, the light is gathered to the sun. When the sun rises the darkness is gathered at the opposite horizon of the sun. This rising and setting of the sun is also seen as a circling of the earth.
Definition: The circling sun which causes the gathering of light and darkness.
Parent Root
Transliteration: QaL
Picture: Gathering to the staff
Meaning: A swift gathering of the sheep to the shepherd's staff. When the Shepherd calls the sheep, which are scattered around the field, come running to him.
Definition: Gathering
Child Root
These words YHWH (the Lord) spoke to all your "qahal" (a gathering flock) from in the midst of the fiery cloud on the mountain and the cloudy darkness, with a great "qowl" (the voice of the shepherd). (Duet 5.22-24)
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