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Uncovering the Language, Culture and Philosophy of the Bible

Learn to read the Bible through the eyes and minds of those who lived through it and wrote about it from their Ancient Hebrew perspective.

My name is Jeff A. Benner and my wife Denise and I want to thank you for visiting our website, a passion of ours for over 20 years.

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Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and Language

“Your books are fantastic, and I cited them when I completed my dissertation.”
-- Michael A Trinkman D.Th.

“The material you present is excellent, top notch, and yet very accessible to any interested lay person.”
-- The Rev. Dr. Chad Foster
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What's New at AHRC?

Matthew 6:24 | What is Mammon?Matthew 6:24 | What is Mammon? (Article)
The Mechanical Translation of this verse and an investigation into the meaning of the word mammon.

TheThe New Testament and Judaism (Article)
The New Testament was written by Jews in a Jewish culture. When the New Testament is read from a jewish perspective, new understandings arise.

1010 surprising facts about Jesus we’ve had wrong all these years (Article)
There is much more to Jesus than we have been taught.

InterpretingInterpreting the events of Act 2 from a Jewish perspective (Article)
When Acts 2 is interpreted from a Jewish perspective, the true meaning behind the events described in the first few verses of this chapter are revealed.

AA New Heart: Covenant relationship with God (Article)
God has made an everlasting covenant with all men that exists throughout all time.

ExodusExodus 20:10-11 | What and When is the Sabbath? (Article)
There are differing views on what the Sabbath is and when it is to be celebrated. Interpreting the Sabbath through the eyes of the Ancient Hebrews will assist in understanding this day from a Biblical perspective.

eFlashCardseFlashCards (Website)
Flash cards can greatly help with the memorization of the Hebrew alphabet and language.

Benner's Translation of the TorahBenner's Translation of the Torah (Book)
Jeff A. Benner's translation of the Torah from his ground-breaking work, The Torah: A Mechanical Translation.

Benner's Commentary on the TorahBenner's Commentary on the Torah (Book)
Jeff A. Benner's commentary on selected verses, names, topics expounding on the linguistics and cultural background of the Hebrew people.

Popular Articles

IntroductionIntroduction to Ancient Hebrew (Article)
An introduction to the ancient Hebrew alphabet, the Hebrew language and their philosophy.

TheThe Untold Story of Cain and Abel (Article)
We have all heard the story of Cain and Abel. But a careful reading of the Hebrew reveals some interesting insights.

HebrewHebrew Alphabet Chart (Chart)
A detailed chart showing the different stages of the Hebrew alphabet from ancient to modern times.

HowHow many came out of the exodus of Egypt (Article)
From the text it would appear that the nation of Israel served at least 400 years in captivity in Egypt. But Exodus 6 and 1 Chronicles 6 come trading this.

TheThe Aaronic Blessing from a Hebrew Perspective (Article)
When we interpret the Aaronic Blessing from their cultural perspective the passage comes to life in a way never seen before.

TheThe meaning of Grace from a Hebrew perspective (Article)
Most theologians will define "grace" as "unmerited favor." But we must be careful not to interject a theological bias into the text.

Popular Videos

SabbathSabbath in Ancient Hebrew (Video)
Each letter in the Hebrew alphabet was originally a picture with meaning. In this video we will examine the letters in the Hebrew word shabbat.

AncientAncient Hebrew Inscriptions (Video)
Examples of ancient Hebrew writings that have been discovered, which show the early pictographic script, Paleo-Hebrew and the Aramaic script.

TheThe Connection Between Language and Culture (Video)
In every culture, past and present, the language is closely connected to the culture of the people.

TheThe Pronunciation of the name YHWH (Video)
Examining the rules of pronunciation and grammar as it applies to the name YHWH.

TheThe Image of God (Video)
Uncovering the meaning behind the image of God and what it means to take his name in vain.

TheThe Horns of Moses (Video)
According to Exodus 7:1 YHWH made Moses God to Pharoah. In Hebrew thought a god is one who has "power" and "authority."

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Comments from Pastors and Teachers

I've been a teacher of Hebraic thought for around 25 years. I discovered your work around 3 years ago and I wanted to let you know that it is really helpful in my work. I teach my students from restored Name Hebrew/English translation that I have compiled and edited over the years. I'm looking forward to the soon coming Mechanical Translation of the Torah. Your books are fantastic, and I cited them when I completed my dissertation. Thanks again for the time and effort that you have put into the AHRC.
-- Michael A Trinkman D.Th.

Shalom! I just wanted to commend you for the work you do and for your website. I first learned Hebrew as a seminarian at Concordia Seminary (a Lutheran seminary in St. Louis), however, it was not until I became good friends with an orthodox rabbi that I truly learned Hebrew. Only then, did I begin to understand Hebraic thought vs. Western/Hellenistic thought, etc. The material you present is excellent, top notch, and yet very accessible to any interested lay person. I have promoted your work to my congregation and a few have bought some of your books.
-- The Rev. Dr. Chad Foster

Though we have never met, you have become a wonderful friend in my life... You research, writings and CD's have helped me tremendously... I am a pastor going on 23 years of ministry and have loved the Greek and Hebrew language of scripture for some time, but... about two years ago I came across your ministry and it has totally blessed me... I own most everything you have written or recorded...Thank you so much.
--Dr. John L. Mastrogiovanni, Senior Pastor

[Jeff Benner's] Revised Mechanical Translation is an awesome translation that is faithful for any biblical or entry level bible student.
-- Eric Morgado B.A., M.A., Department of biblical And Semitic Studies and Ancient languages

Thanks so much for your help. Your books, website, newsletter and emails have had a big impact on me and my sermons!
-- Pastor Dave Lyman

I want to personally thank you for all your research. While attending a baptist seminary my first exposure to Hebrew was a one-year required class that at best taught me the aleph-bet and some translation techniques, while at worst, presented a dry, sterile course that lacked the breadth and depth I wanted from this beautiful language. I find your website and links refreshing, enlightening, and thought-provoking. It has rekindled my love for the original text and weened me from relying on the Greek text for my new testament studies.
-- Stephan Shardy, PhD

I received my Ph.D. from Hebrew Union College--JIR, Cincinnati, June 7, 1968, in Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Literature and I find your work extremely well done. It's unfortunate no one before now has shown the interest and commitment that you have! Your work reminds us that we forget the concreteness of the Hebrew/Aramaic languages and we continue to try to project our abstract mind--set upon this powerful and down to earth language!
-- William M. Davis, PhD

I want to thank you for the tremendously insightful newsletter you send out from the Ancient Hebrew Research Center. My understanding and appreciation of the Old Testament original text continues to grow as a result of your work. You have greatly enriched my personal study and also my teaching.
--Rev. Dr. Patricia David; Vice President for Religious Studies; Georgetown Wesleyan University of the Americas

I am a PhD student at George Wythe College and their language of choice for the school is Hebrew. Your website is very useful in learning Hebrew and I am going to pass this on to my fellow students who like me have been struggling with Hebrew. Keep it up!
--Forrest Brown

Your books and website have been and continue to be a great resource for understanding the Scripture. I recommend your site to all our students.
-- Casey Leach, North American Theological Society