Topics Edenics 
Edenics: Origins of language
By Isaac Mozeson
"I will restore to the peoples a pure language, that they may call upon the name of the Lord to serve him with one consent." - Zephaniah 3:9
If the link between the ear and the sense of balance is a relatively recent medical discovery, why is it that the ancient Hebrew language has the same linguistic root for both words? Science fiction, or science fact? Is Hebrew the first human language?
Only Hebrew language dynamics with its built-in synonym and antonym system explains why LeaF and FoLio (LF=FL) mean the same, or why a person who knows Hebrew well can fully understand English, Basque or Swahili.
The majesty of Hebrew is only faintly visible in its offspring. Yet, some continue to maintain that most words are random, meaningless symbols which evolved from your basic caveman grunting.
Hebrew, with its right brain/left brain neurological keyboard demonstrates that Greek and Latin are merely grandparents, while Hebrew is the common ancestor, the original computing language of our biological random access memory, which was scrambled during the output stage by the Master Prog rammer (Tower of Babel story in Genesis).
Don't worry if you have never heard a word in Hebrew or read anything on language, you will soon find out that you have never heard a word that wasn't Hebrew.
While the spelling of biblical words is highly significant, much meaning is lost to those who ignore the sound-alike letter substitution -- one aspect of the divine music that remains unattainable to those who rely solely on available translations. One special aspect of biblical craft remains lost in translation to Greek, Latin, or English.
The language disk in our brain is formatted for language. A unique neurological disturbance may be involved in a phenomenon which allows patients with multiple personalities and people who "speak in tongues" a mysterious facility with unlearned languages.
To uncover the true miracle of language and understanding, we must go on an archeological dig. We must remove the sands of millenia and put away the dictionaries with their quaint myths of standaraized spelling and pronunciation.
The Hebrew etymon breaks the cherished icons of the high priests of voodoo linguistics and secular humanism -- as exemplified in the polygensis theory of language origin, that languages evolved independently. Why do peoples with divergent grammars, the Maya, the Chinese, the Persians and the Greco-Romans, have variations of the Bible's Tower of Babel account or The Flood? Hebrew's extensively related synonyms and antonyms, along with its modular, reversible two-letter roots, represents a profound system of language that resembles the organicism of natural science rather than the product of human development.
Through the primal Hebrew root hidden behind every English word, a whole new world of order and meaning unfolds.
I shall be providing for this column samples of words from many languages, not just English (where I have 23,000 examples), to reveal their ultimate origin in the language of our first ancestors, Adam and Eve. I call this original language Edenic, combining Proto-Semitic roots defined in Biblical Hebrew and other Semitic languages. Besides the usual skepticism from Eurocentrics, more intelligent opponents correctly cite that many coincidences result from there being so few different sounds in the human mouth. True, one may say there only seven basic letters, since all vowels, lip letters (plosives b,f, p, v, w), gutturals (hard c, g, h, j, k, q, x), tooth letters (dentals d, t), liquids (l,r), nasals (m,n) The trouble with this mathematical objection to my findings (say, linking SKUNK to TSaKHaN, stinker) is that there are a billion billion things/meanings in the universe and I am not linking SKUNK to a word that means giraffe, cupboard, them or heavy.
I want to land a major blow before going several rounds and taking you through lists of common or exotic words and introducing you to their long-lost ancestors (lost since the big bang at Babel, though language corruption continues today, ask anyone in the inner city.) A great deal of work has been done tracing the thousand of languages back to only a dozen superfamilies. For example, Stanford professor JosephH. Greenberg proved that there were only three major American Indian languages, and that the hundreds of "languages" counted in 1985 were merely dialects. Greenberg's work involved comparative vocabulary, like my own. He was furiously attacked by historical linguists until genetic studies with DNA (similar to the work that proved all homo sapiens derive from one initial "Eve") precisely corroborated his findings both on Native American and African languages.
In Merritt Ruhlen's 1994 book, The Origin of Language (Wiley, NY) there is a chart (page 103) of the best preserved/reconstructed words from a dozen of the planet's language families. I will attempt to demonstrate that Edenic words provide the clearest origin for these terms, and should not merely be classified as one branch of the Afro-Asiatic family -- which includes Semitic. Letters A, B, and C refer to the African language families called Khosian, Nilo-Saharan and Niger-Kordofanian. D, being Afro-Asiatic and including Hebrew, is the only family where a Semitic source should fit. Language family E is Kartevilian and F is Dravidian (India). G is Eurasiatic (includes Latinate, Germanic and Slavic), H is Dene-Caucasian (includes Chinese). Further from Europe is I (Austric), J (Indo-Pacific), K (Australian) and L (Amerind). In one example, only families B and F do not have an M-vowel or M-N word for "what?" Four of the groups have MA for "what?" In other words Hebrew Ma (what) is the most popular form of "what?" on the planet. Four other families have an M-N term, like the manna of Exodus 16:15 "for they said to one another 'What is it?'" M-N "what?" terms exist in Amorite and Old Arabic; Aramaic has a similar word meaning "who?" The above example may have disappointed you for not having an English term offering the shock of the familiar. It disappointed me, because the Edenic fit too easily, as if dispersed mankind clearly remembered the word from Eden rather than used Edenic roots to form a new word slightly "confused" (BiLBaiL since being BaLLed up in the linguistic mixing BowL of Babel) version.
The next example is all about BiLBaiL (confusion). Eight of the twelve language families have a B-L (P-L or B-R) word for "two," since two infers the ambiguous, confusing challenge of multiple alternatives. (As opposed to one; more than two is already a quantity, not a dilemma.) Two, twain, twin, German zwei or Latin duo are familiar, but they do get reconstructed to the most common Euriasiatic "two" - which is ALA. The Edenic sources for these familiar "two" words include TeoM (twin) and Du- (two, a Hebrew prefix from Aramaic). Besides BaLaL (to mix up), there is BaLooL (blended), the BL root suffixed to IRBaiL (to mix, cause to whirl, confuse) or the words for casting lots: HiPeeL PuR (Esther 3:7). Now you know why REVOLVING BALLS or pelotas (Spanish), blended BALLET movements, choosing by BULLET or BALLOT is as much a BL/BR term of confusion as is the incoherent BABBLE of BARBARIANS (as heard by Latin speakers). You probably don't know that two is mbili in Swahili, and so you'd still like to see a primordial Eurasiatic term that you could recognize in English.
The next Eurasiatic word in Ruhlen's chart of the oldest and most common words in every corner of Earth is "ak(w)a" (water) - which you will recognize in words like AQUATIC. The first time lower water appears in Genesis (1:9) it is [Ye]KaVoo haMaYiM (the waters gather). A MiKVA is a pool of water because water finds its level, and the two-letter root KV or QV means a line or measuring line. People waiting on a British QUE (line), living near the EQUATOR or waiting to live with EQUALITY aspire to the linear quality of Edenic water. Seven of the twelve language families have some form of Kuf-Vav term for water. The reconstructed terms for water in those groups that do not use the Edenic root for AQUA- words, prefer other Edenic roots, like those found in MaYiM (water), NaHaR (river) and RaToV (wet). If you could taste WET, WATER and VODKA in the Resh-Tet (R/WR-T/D) of this last Edenic word than you should be helping with the research.
The remaining examples are of less interest to those who want to hear Edenic echoes in English. To fly through them, the world's dominant Dental-Guttural term for "one" or "finger" (seen in DIGIT) is KhaD (the Aramaic one, like EKHaD, one, which should be read backwards), the world's most popular word for "arm" links up to KaNeH (source of CANE and used for the arm of a lampstand), the top (and related to SUMMIT) "hair" term is traceable to ZeMeR (wool, animal hair), "smell" words are scented from the S-M root of Edenic words for spices and incense, and, lastly, one has to pluck the PR root of the Edenic bird (ZiPPOR is the source of SPARROW), the flea, the butterfly and the word for departing, fleeing and scattering to catch the PR term of flight that most world languages share. Many decades before this immense research was available, linguists knew that words like MAMA, PAPA and SACK were nearly universal. Rather than turning to their biblical EMA or ABBA (mom and pop), the anti-Semiticists put their heads in a SaQ (sack), cried "coincidence" or concocted theories.
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